Hello there!
Thank-you for the amazing discussion on negative comments this morning! I loved, loved, loved this piece of advice from Ashley K’s mom:
“Pay close attention to the things that make your blood boil. Get your heart racing. Makes you want to prove people wrong. For it’s those things that you’re MOST passionate about – and that you should always pursue!”
Isn’t that so true?!
My mid-morning snack was a raw and gluten-free Glo Bar. Just a few more tweaks! I have been consulting an amazing raw foodist for help with all of my questions. Gena has been a huge help. :)
Eric and I are already fighting over the dwindling supply…

I didn’t think he would go for a raw Glo Bar, but Eric is crazy over these!
Lunch started with an old friend…well, half of an old friend (the bigger half mauhauha)
plus one of my favourite tomato sauces…

Mixed with about 1.5 cups of re-heated quinoa!
I love making a huge batch of grains on Sunday and then using them for leftovers during the week. Very easy throw together lunches.

I love polka dots on dishware. Actually I just love polka dots in general.
Then it was time to train my new employee.
Meet Kristin, everyone!
I first met Kristin at an OSG meet-up in Toronto. Kristin is currently training at a culinary school in Toronto to become a chef… and let me tell you she is a master in the kitchen!
I was a bit worried about how I would do today with my first training, but I found that it was pretty easy. I mean, I do do this every single day after all. ;)
If there is one thing I did know going into this process it was that I want Glo Bakery to be a FUN environment for my employees. I don’t want people to dread coming here to work. I want people to be inspired, motivated, and excited about the future of the business! Basically, I want this work environment to be anything BUT what I experienced in previous workplaces…dull, boring, sterile, and uptight…
Life is short, let’s have some fun!
With this goal in mind, I started off my first official training day with a beautiful walk outside with Kristin. Why be stuck indoors when you can get some fresh air, reduce stress, and have a nice chat? (I used to love when my teachers would let us have class outdoors!).
The day flew by and ended with Kristin and I learning how to jump start a car (don’t ask!). ;)
After Kristin left, I had a quick bite to eat with Eric and got back to work as I still had several orders to do up. It has been a LONG day and after I hit publish on this post, I will be working until about 11pm. Can’t wait for sleeeeeeep.
Today’s question- What do you do for a living? Is your workplace a fun environment?
Sweet dreams…
Congrats on your first employee! What an accomplishment!
I’ve been a fan for awhile, and a raw foodie. I was so excited to hear about you adding a raw bar to your repertoire!
Can’t wait to try it!
Love the idea of adding avocado and tomato sauce to quinoa – I am sometimes stumped at what to serve it with!
Angela – I love your approach to running your business and to now being an employer! If only there were more employers out there like you!!!
I’m happy the training was successful :)
I worked as a coach at a sports camp. It depended on who I was working with if it was fun. One week people were majorly stressed out and the next the people I was were super laid back and fun! It all depends on the people you surround yourself with.
Sadly my work environment is not a fun one. Sadly it is very much like being out on the school yard in high school. And I am in social work. Sadly the field is full of women and a few great men. And where I am the women are noting short of catty. I find out Monday however after 3 months of anxiety if I am going to be laid off. I secretly hope I get laid off as I will take that a my hand being forced to choose change.
To find out about potential upcoming changes, follow me on my blog.
I appreciate your attitude about the work environment of your bakery. It’s refreshing. I work at a law firm, but am not a lawyer. It’s like “The Devil Wears Prada.” I dread work every day. Luckily, it’s only temporary…
You sound like an awesom eboss!
thats exciting!
I serve coffee to a bunch of jerks, and a few nice people. Trying so hard to get out, and I will. Going to be a Holistic Nutritionist as soon as i get done schooling. So excited!
I never expected you would provide anything but the sunniest, healthiest, most enjoyable work environment!
Congratulations to you and Kristen…love her blog too!
I work at home, for myself (so I guess my boss is pretty good to me LOL). It does get kind of lonely sometimes though!
oh yikes…i’m a customer service rep for a great company. my job is NOT fun (not even a little bit) but i love the company and my co-workers, which makes it MUCH better than it could be! sounds like your job is a blast though :)
I’ve been lucky to work/intern at places that have been very supportive. Maybe not always fun, but definitely supportive which has been great.
PS: I’m jealous of Kristin! I hope she has a blast :)
PPS: I love polka dots too!
I wish I could work for you ;)
It’s totally off topic but I was just in Toronto for the last month (from Australia) and I ordered a box of 20 Glo Bars that I LOVED!
Anyway, I was in High Park with my daughter and the cutest squirrel came up looking for food. The only thing I had with me was a cranberry Glo Bar. I thought it might be a bit sweet for him but I knew it was healthy so we broke little bits off and fed him. So cute! I can send you a photo if you want.
I was in love with the squirrels – I wish we had them here.
Im a receptionist/office manager in an office where I am the only girl. We sell to a 95% male industry, and I would hate my job if my bosses werent so great. There is a lot of laughter, and a lot of joking around all day long. Thats whats kept me there.
I LOVE that you started with a walk. What a wonderful start to a work day.
I manage an office – there are 9 women. It’s fun but stressful and sometimes we drive each other crazy. Sometimes our clients drive us crazy. We’re friends but don’t hang out together that much outside of work b/c we spend so much time together as it is. Though the actual work isn’t that challenging to me, I’ve worked far worse places!
I work for a bankruptcy attorney which I know probably sounds really dry and boring!
However, my boss keeps things really fun. He takes us out for Happy Hour, gives us bonuses on weeks where we do well, and lets us off early on Fridays but pays us like we’ve worked until 5.
There’s a lot to be said for a good boss in relation to how much you enjoy your job!!!
I teach grade 7/8 and it is SO much fun! I have a great class, and 13 and 14 year olds are pretty funny sometimes :-)
Working for you sounds great though!!!!!! A nice leisurely walk on the first day!!! Count me in!
I am a freelance photographer so I don’t have a workplace per se, I have lots of different workplaces! Sometimes it’s fun other times not so much, it just really depends on the kind of job + the people I’m shooting. :)
I would totally love to work with you! :)
I’m a civil servant so it’s not exactly FUN stuff (and anyone in Ireland who’s not a civil servant hates civil servants right now because we have jobs that are – more or less – safe) but there’s nearly always a bit of banter in my office so that’s fun :) My office are big on throwing “tea parties” (well they just go out and buy fizzy drinks and junk food!) if anyone moves section or has a birthday or wins a fiver on the lotto (OK slight exaggeration but they love their godamn tea parties!). The parties are nearly as cringey and awkward as the ones in The Office!!
Your office definitely sounds like fun, congratulations to Kristin, and you of course!
I am a PA to the CEO of an events company specializing in fashion shows. So, yeah, the company is fun and I would have a lot of stories to tell, it’s just that the PA job is not for me anymore, I don’t love it, I am even starting to hate it. Soooo I have started changing careers, one step at a time. I have only found out recently what, more importantly, who I want to be.
Oh, and I finally found my chia seeds, I can start experimenting with them now, first on the list: vegan overnight oats!