Remember the blueberries I was talking about this morning? Well, that is what a lot of blueberries does to a green monster! It creates a crazy gel-like substance that I had to eat with a spoon this afternoon. A bit gross!
There weren’t any chia seeds in this so I know it’s not from that.
I felt like I was conducting a mad science experiment.
Tonight, I also made 10 batches of green monsters! I am preparing to say goodbye to my food processor and blender tomorrow morning as I am sending them back to Kitchen Aid (defective). I will be without them for about 10 days or longer. Ouch!
So, like any other GM obsessed person, I had to stock up!
You are looking at 10 days supply- or 1 day if I should go on a crazy GM spree (it’s tempting).
I think I am going to bring the two shakers with me to Leah’s wedding so I can have one each morning. :) Our hotel room has a fridge, so I will put them in that when we arrive and just use the mini cooler to transport them during the 2.5 hour drive.

I can’t believe I haven’t done this before!
It took me under 25 minutes to make 10 of these GM’s and that included steaming the greens.

I stuck with the same recipe for most of it:
- Spinach
- Dandelion
- Amazing Grass Wheat Grass
- Banana
- Garlic
- Chia seeds
And for the last 3, I added Amazing Grass Chocolate Meal Infusion.
If you are tight on time, I highly suggest making a whole week’s worth in advance! It saves so much time and cleaning! I think I am going to do this on a regular basis.
Now let’s just hope my new appliances arrive quickly!!!
I’ve gotta get back to my crazy baking spree. There are sugar cookies all over my kitchen.
Tomorrow is Eric’s birthday (he took the day off work), so stay tuned for all the birthday fun! We’re actually going out for dinner- first time in MONTHS we have gone out to eat.

PS- Just found out that I am supposed to give Eric a paper gift (traditionally anyways) for our 1st wedding anniversary on August 31st. IDEAS, please???!!! lol.
i suggest you give him a list of 100 reasons why you love him. And don’t add stuff like “you’re hair” make it real. list all the special thing that make HIM the one!
Ground chia seeds turn my GM into a solid, jiggly terror. Never had that problem with blueberries!
Ooo I love birthdays!! I even get excited for strangers’ birthdays! I’m so weird!
I would do some origami!
wow! i am sure i have not even made anything that scary in organic lab! humm paper gift- collage, scrapbook, art work that you made of his fav instruments/ song lyrics, origami??!?!!? lol paper gifts are tough. However I am sure you will find the prefect gift :)
MMM! That’s a really good idea especially for me as a college student! Some of my classes are at 7am!
I still have no idea for a paper gift and our anniversary is September 13th! eeek! I do like tricia’s idea of the list of 101 things I love about him!
do photos count as paper? i went to a photographer and got a really cute 1950s style pin-up done of myself for the dude.
Tickets to a concert or sporting event!!
Ooh, tickets are a good idea! I was going to say a book.
Gift certificates are usually paper…
whoa lady thats alot of green monsterrrrs lol. How will they hold up in the fridge? ok you think??
I had put left overs int he fridge this morning and drank it this eve..it was all seperated and half brown..nasty! I still drank it like a champ! LOL Have funnnn out for din dins :) Enjoy it..you deserve it!
are you concerned about the shelf life of the green monsters? when i was researching juicers, one of the things a lot of sources stressed was that with any juicer (usually centrifugal) that aerates the juice, it has to be consumed almost immediately because the extra oxygen helps the nutritional value start to break down faster. blending introduces a ton of air to the fruits and veggies in the smoothie which is why ive always stayed away from making them ahead of time.
haha, I clicked on that link to the traditional gifts, and one that the site suggested was a trip to Egypt, home of PAPYRUS. Um, that’s a little ridiculous…
I think a ticket to something that he likes would be a good idea :)
LMAO your Green Monster is scary! It’s like at Dairy Queen, when they flip your shake upside down so you can see how thick it is.
Also, I don’t really know anything about Green Monsters.. will they last that long just in the fridge? You don’t have to freeze them? Won’t they ferment or something?
Haha, while I was typing my response, Jocelyn and Lindsay were wondering the same thing!
I learned about Chia seeds from you, and went out and bought some today! I’m going to put them in my green monster tomorrow a.m., thanks for such a great site, I’ve been learning so much from it!
woah! maybe some kinda newspaper gift? my husband is a news geek.
No idea about the shelf life of GM’s….I guess I could freeze some of it, but I have no room in my freezer atm.
Thanks for the gift ideas!!
oh my goodness. that is why my green monster gets very sludgy. blueberries. especially if you make it ahead of time with blueberries, it just gets thicker ast time goes on. craziness.
No wonder my monsters seem thicker than normal….for my first anniversary, I made a poem/guessing game with picture clues on paper, each in a separate envelope. The final envelope were tickets for a cruise to Alaska!