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Oh she glows is a health, fitness, beauty, and fashion blog created for women who want to lead full, fab, happy, and healthy lives.
I am a huge fan of food blogs- Smitten Kitchen, Good Things Catered, Kath Eats, as well as fitness blogs- Fit sugar, See Bride Run (food/fitness blog), fashion blogs- Who What Wear Daily, Fab Sugar, and beauty blogs- Makeup Alley, Bella Sugar– just to name a few! I have always wanted to create my own blog, but I can’t be bothered to create a blog that only focuses on one of my passions. Trust me, you don’t want to see me photograph every morsel I put into my mouth. No seriously. You don’t.
However, what I can do is give you a sample of all of my interests each day- health, fitness, nutrition, fashion, beauty, baking, and even a little celebrity gossip (do I have any ONTD, or Just Jared– aholics out there?) on the side! I have created a blog that unites all of my interests into one place!
In this blog you will find how out I lead a healthy lifestyle day-in and day-out. I will rate my favourite beauty buys, tell you the fashion and accessories I am craving for, let you know how I workout, and what I fuel my body with. No day will look the same, no post will look the same. Capiche?! :)
Fun facts about me:
Name: Angela
This is a picture of me on my Medeterranian honeymoon this past September 2008.
Age: 25
Location: Toronto, Canada
Exercise: 45 mins. cardio daily
Preferred drinks: Lemon water, Peppermint tea, and the occasional Tequila shot
Vice: Sweets
Cut out and never looked back: Artificial sweeteners (all), caffeine
For fun: Baking, photography, running, fashion, nutrition/fitness, celebrity gossip (killing brain cells daily), reading
Hates: Sushi, Mayonaise, Carbonated drinks
Loves: Cucumbers, Spelt, big salads, guacomole, fresh baked desserts (my specialty!), lasagna, apples, stirfrys
Career: Researcher
Post-Highschool University Degrees: 2
Pet: crazy Bengal cat, Sketchie 66,000 hits can’t be wrong.
Favourite TV shows: The Office, ANTM
Married: To the love of my life Eric, on August 31, 2008 :D
Angela, finding your blog is nothing short of a Blessing for me!!! I want to make at least seven different recipes right now!!! But before I start I noticed you read ONTD as well as JJ and I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard of Lainey Lui? She’s a Canadian gossip with her own blog and she’s pretty great. What started as an email to two friends 8 or 9 years ago has grown to a website with over one million readers. You’ve probably heard of her but just in case you haven’t I wanted to let you know.
Besides her own site she also recently gave a TED Talk, called “The Sociology of Gossip”
about gossip and it’s critical place within modern pop culture. You can hear it here:
Celebrity gossip aside, thank you for sharing all your hard work, beautiful photography, mouth-watering recipes and zen-styled inspiration with the rest of us. You’re a very talented woman!!!
Oh my god Angela. Wow. That video is amazing. I’m crying right now. Just you in your STUNNING and CLASSY dress with that huge, this is the best day of my life, smile on your face was enough to make me cry like a baby. I can’t even express how beautiful you looked. Wow. That video is incredible.
Absolutely beautiful and so elegant.