Hello :)
Remember last Saturday, when I had high hopes for my day off and the day ended up being kind of a dud? Well, today surely made up for it!
The stars must have aligned perfectly in the sky, because my day was Perfect with a capitol P.
After my amazing breakfast, I hit the treadmill for my planned ‘long’ Saturday run.
- Mile 1 = 6 mph, incline 3%
- Mile 2 = 6.1 mph, incline 3%
- Mile 3 = 6.2 mph, incline 3%
I took a quick water break in between each mile. Immediately after the run I did the Booty Camp Fitness Booty Booster, which is 14 minutes of just GLUTE exercises. It is intense! I used to hate working out my butt, but I want to do it all the time now.
After the Booty was a burnin’, I did 13 poses for runners. Felt good to stretch the tight limbs out.
I updated my Spring Training Plan, including some notes of how I felt after my first week.
Then I had a wonderful Epsom salt soak, a purifying face mask, and I even painted my toes (bright pink with light pink polka-dots). It was a ‘spa on a budget’ as I call it. :mrgreen:
By this time, I was starving for lunch! Eric asked me to make the Ezekiel vegan pizzas for lunch.
I made Eric the same one I made for myself the other day and then I decided to change mine up a bit. I made my sauce using salsa and nutritional yeast. It wasn’t good like I hoped, so I spruced up my pizza with my favourite BBQ sauce:

It was perfecto!

I had a huge salad, as filler:

and a NEW (to me) apple:

Ever had a Pinata apple? It was a very crisp apple and looked a lot like a Gala. The taste was a bit off at first bite, but I enjoyed it the more I ate it.
After lunch I did an insane amount of laundry, baked some pumpkin biscuits (and ate an insane amount!), and then Eric and I left for my favourite place in the world…

I got some exciting things:

- Coconut oil
- Dr. Mist deodorant (I was told it’s the best-selling natural deodorant at Whole Foods)
- Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste
I have been wanting to try all natural toothpaste and deodorant for a long time now. I think the toothpaste will be fine, but I am worried about the deodorant not being as effective. I am going to try it during my next workout and see how it goes. The lady at Whole Foods also told me that you can put it on and it lasts for 3 days (!?!?!) what the heck? I am very skeptical…
Project Natural Glow Product reviews coming shortly!

- Organic Sucanat
- Doctor Kracker flatbreads (‘treat of the week’)
- Bananas
- Cabbage

- Kale (purple and green)
- Vitality sprouts

We couldn’t decide what to do next. Then on the spur of the moment, Eric offered to teach me how to drive standard (stick!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been wanting to learn forever now and was totally up for it, although very nervous!!!
He took us to an empty parking lot…
and we switched seats and the rest is history!
It was HILARIOUS. We could not stop laughing because I was stalling, the car was jolting forward, and I was screaming. Quite the sight. Once I accidently shifted into 5th gear instead of third and the car was not happy…I had a momentary freak out because I didn’t know what was going wrong, and then Eric noticed it was in 5th! Don’t worry his car is old and worn out, so we weren’t too worried about doing much harm to it…
Despite the initial kinks, I was driving pretty smooth and changing into 2nd and 3rd gear after just 15 minutes or so. After about an hour of driving, we headed home, both quite proud of the first lesson.
I can’t wait for the next lesson. I can totally see why people say driving standard is more fun! I am quite scared of learning hills though…and you know, being around other cars (eek). Baby steps…
Do you drive and if so, what do you drive: automatic or standard- or both? What do you prefer?

My boyfriend tried to teach me to drive standard over the summer. His car is his baby… I was scared I’d break it!
Dr. Mist gets good reviews on makeupalley!
I drive both but prefer stick….
Angela, driving a stick is very easy once you learn how to balance the clutch and the accelorator. Once you’ve got the correct balance it’s just a matter of learning the sound of the engine and when you need to make a gear shift. I’ve never driven an automatic. I learnt how to drive a manual (stick) when I was on my learners I cannot see myself driving auto it just comes naturally. The biggest hurdle to get our is gear 1 and the correct balance.
Ha! I totally remember how bumpy it was when I learned to drive a stick! My dad insisted I learn how on the manual, but it was really hard! I was so jealous of my friends who learned on automatics. But once you learn, it’s really not too bad! I feel like I know more about the car, too, from learning how shifting works!
I still drive a manual, but it’s a pain, because none of my friends (or husband) can ever drive my car! I feel like the only one who knows how to! :)
Learning stick is a great thing! I learned on one, and I’ve actually only driven an automatic three times in my life, and once was driver’s ed! We only buy stick shifts…they get better gas mileage, actually:).
Hills are not so great, but a good “trick” while you’re learning is to set the parking brake and then start to take off. Once you feel the car pull, you can let off the emergency brake and you’ll feel safer.
Don’t do that for too long, though…you’ll jack up your emergency brake;)…
Oh, to be 16 again … the things I would have done differently.
I have a Ford F150 and a VW Beetle. I love driving a stick (the bug) on the highway but it can be a pain to drive in the city in heavy traffic. Once you get the hang of it you don’t really even think about shifting anymore. I think the trick is to get used to the clutch. Have fun!
I bought my first car a little over a year ago and it’s a stick! At first I was super worried but I love it now! I got my first stick shift lessons though like 4 years ago and it was horrible. Every time I took it out it would end in me screaming and crying. I remember one time I stalled out leaving a stop light and stalled out like three times in a row and ended up in the middle of the intersection with the light turning red before I was even able to get going again! Thankfully no one was honking at me or anything! haha
It actually feels weird now whenever I try to drive an automatic! I feel myself reaching for the non existent shifter all the time! lol.
Hills still kind of scare me but just learn how to use your emergency brake on big hills and you’ll be fine!
I can drive both.
I prefer a stick in yucky weather, and they are funner to drive.
But I prefer an automatic for commuting. Stop & go traffic in a manual wearing 4″ heels = not fun.
Ahahaha, I remember learning shift – I pretty much had the same exact experience!
i was lookin at those pinata apples today at Superstore, i wasn’t sure what they would taste like, but since you said they werent gross i might have to try them sometime
I drive a manual – just can’t manage the stick! The husband tried to teach me and I even took a professional course, but I have no clue now. Of course, now all of our vehicles are manuals … it would stress me out too much to have it any other way!
Never heard of the Pinata apple! I recently got into Honeycrisps and now I’m sad that they’re not available anymore.
Good luck with the deodorant and toothpaste! I’ve tried natural deodorant before and it’s just not the same …
I drive both! I have a few sports cars that are sports to the extreme, so they only come as manual. Learning to drive manual was a pain at first, though.
I’m definitely trying the vegan pizza, though!
Do you live far away from Whole Foods? I have a house so close to that Whole Foods (at least I’m pretty sure it’s the same one). It’s in the same place as Shoppers and Blockbuster and Starbucks, am I right?
I’ll try the Pinata apple!
Haha!.. I feel you. I spent the day with my mother. She just recently moved to a farm and has massive gardens.. (Currants, blackberries, strawberries, peppers, cauliflower, onions, tomatos, etc… you name it she has it) It was soo much fun to pick spinach right from the garden and eat it.
Anyway, I drove stick for the first time that day too.. I did the exact same things! Stalled, wrong gear, yelped, killed the engine, and spun gravel. It was an experience!! After awhile, I got the hang of it and I’m sure you did too :)