Good morning!
Wow I must say it was so nice not having to get up and do that commute this morning! :) Whohoo!
Last night Eric and I were stripping wall paper. Eric actually did it all day while I cooked and did the food prep- we are quite the team I tell ya! We rented a steamer from Home Depot and it made the process so so so much easier.
Here is the living room:

After stripping:

We are not sure what colours we are going to paint this room yet.
We are putting in hardwood floor at some point in the next several months. We would also like to try to keep the beautiful ornate detailing on the ceiling (Erics mom hand painted that herself!!!), but we may change the pink (as indicated by the arrows) detail to a different colour.

Any ideas for paint colours???
We also started on the family room last night. The green wallpaper has WOOD in it so it is a real biotch to strip! Apparently this is my job this week. ;)

Bakery Announcement
I have decided on the name for my bakery! After lots of thought, I think I am going to go with
Glo Bakery
If all works out, I will have this up and running in the next few months! There are still lots of ideas to be worked out. I made my first product for sale yesterday and even made a cute label for it:

Stay tuned today to see what it is!
Coming up today:
How to save big money by making your own hummus
My first bakery product revealed
An Afternoon Powersnack
and more!
Don’t forget the Valentine’s Day Contest closes TONIGHT at 8pm EST! We don’t have many entries so your chances of winning are looking pretty good! :)
I’m off to go make a green monster!!!
Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
~Margaret Mead (love her!)
Question of the day: How would you like to make your mark on the world?
Paint colors = something neutral.
Can’t wait to see the product!!
Looks good!! Seems you are making a lot of progress!
haha I’m in love with your post title!!! Steaming wallpaper sucks soo much, but it looks like y’all are getting it done!
Can’t wait for all the fun you’ve got planned today, I’m really enjoying the power snacks! :)
I think that if I could just show and convince one person who is going through what I’ve been through that it IS possible to recover and be happy, then that would be enough of a mark for me :)
Love the name of the bakery! I am not jealous of having to strip that wallpaper! Looks like a ton of work!
I stumbled onto your blog while looking for “Kale juice” recipes and found your recipe for the Goddess drink posted a few weeks ago. Love your blog. As far as paint colors, I used “Haven” from Sherwin Williams in my dining room, the main picture on my blog. At first I thought it was too light as I wanted something darker, but it has really grown on me.
Great bakery name! I can’t wait to see the first sweet :)
Have you posted about what you’re going to do now that you’ve left your job? Are you going to be blogging/bakery-ing full time? Sorry if I missed a post, I try to keep up!
Yaaaaay bakery! :o) Good for you for taking a leap of faith!!!
Also, I’ve decided to run home and enter the contest. I have to do it then ’cause the boy will be home then and I can give him the results. Hopefully I’ll get home in time (I’m in Mountain Standard Time).
Ooops that was supposed to be a face that looked like this :)
Your house is gorgeous! Good luck with that green wall paper.
Good luck with the house generations and the bakery. You’re one ambitious girl :)
I wish to make my mark on the world from the experience I’ve gained traveling. I hope to share my knowledge with all I can to stomp out ignorance and promote not just tolerance but acceptance of the lovely diversity in today’s world. This is where the wonderful world of journalism comes in!
I hope to make my mark on the world by living a full, healthy life and showing other people that you can be healthy and happy. I also want to make my mark on the world by showing that money never necessarily equates happiness. I want to make my family and friends happy and leave a legacy of love.
that crown molding is gorgeous! congrats on taking the first steps for your bakery.
I love the bakery name! I will buy from you for sure as soon as you get up and running!
That’s a whole lotta wallpaper to get off those walls. I had no clue they even made wall paper with wood in it! Good luck with all of that. I would just go with some sort of neutral colours, because then it will always go with your changing decor.
love the bakery name :) can’t wait to see what your first product is!!!
Stripping wallpaper is the pits! Good luck to that! There is nothing better than doing the work yourself and looking back at the great job you did. Knowing that is was your hard work that did it.
The bakery idea is brilliant!!!!
ohh nice pictures , great done , take look on mine maybe you will find it interesstin,