Happy Friday afternoon! :)
Man, it is warm outside today! Almost 16C and SUNNY! The snow is going, going, almost gone. :D I have been waiting months for this. I heard on the news yesterday that the cold weather is supposed to be over now and it should be getting nicer and nicer from here on out. That’s what I want to hear! Don’t forget this week we turn the clocks ahead…that means an extra hour of daylight at the end of our days.
I am currently blogging outdoors on the deck– sans jacket!

Awwwww…… :D
I had a delicious lunch around 1:30pm today…
A leftover Sweet Potato Pinto Patty in a tomato bun + a dallop of Solgurt:

With a large carrot, chopped and sprinkled with Sun Dried Tomato and Herb seasoning.
Dessert was a banana, sliced and sprinkled with cinnamon (cinnamon helps control blood sugars, thus preventing cravings):

I ate this lunch fast, and my mouth wanted to still keep going after I was finished. I had some tea and decided to call my stomach’s bluff. Sure enough, in 10 mins. the ‘hunger’ disappeared.
Wedding Dress Plan: Again, I skipped the traditional whole wheat bun @ 200 calories and opted for the tomato slices. This saved me about 180 calories at lunch. Slowly but surely these changes are adding up, but at the same time I don’t feel like I am missing out. Interestingly enough, I find that I am being MORE creative with my food choices as a result!
I think this is the key to weight loss– making healthier substitutions for your favourite foods. Coincidentally, this is also the theme of my up and coming Glo Bakery! Stay tuned this weekend for a healthy spaghetti with over 60% less calories!
I did 12 mins of ‘Yoga for Pain Relief’ over at www.yogatoday.com! It was good, but like LeahI skip over the beginning breathing stuff. I still have not trained my mind to be patient enough yet. I skipped to minute 13 and went til about 25 min. mark. There were some good stretches and poses in there! I loved the grasshopper! lol.
What I have discovered with yoga, is that I start to get very bored when the instructor carries on the same pose for a long time, or keeps going back to it over and over. Does anyone else experience this?
I find I stick to yoga best when they keep mixing up the poses and switching things up. Then I am not thinking about when I am going to be done! If anyone has some good video suggestions for instructors that constantly change it up, I would be interested in learning about them!
I am going to get ready for the gym now! I will be watching The Doctors while I am there…hopefully it is a good one!
Angela’s Friday Challenge:
Do you have a habit of looking in the bathroom mirror, either at work, home, or a public place, and say negative thoughts to yourself? Do you often say things like….’Oh gosh I look terrible!’ or ‘My hair is a disaster’ or ‘I look tired today’…? I find myself doing this from time to time and it is time to break the negative talk to ourselves!
My challenge to you today- and this weekend- is to smile at yourself, genuinely, every time you look in a mirror. As you smile tell yourself something positive (either outloud or in your head)….
Something like…’Hey hot mama, looking fine today!’ ‘Gorgeous blouse!’ or simply ‘I am working every day to create a healthier ME’
Now go do it and report back how it went! I am going to do it myself. :)
See you tonight for my new food scale and FAQ‘s! I will also be revealing when my new website will Launch this weekend.
excellent challenge! It’s taken me awhile with yoga to get where I enjoy it and there are still only certain types I really like..mostly vinyasa.
I gave you a shout out today with a post about my first green monster attempt!
Hey Angela,
I used to struggle to get into my yoga practice. That all changed when I went to a class with a great instructor. It makes all the difference. I think yoga is hard to really get into with just dvd’s or audio downloads. Those are great after you are already on the right track and into the yoga groove. Find a studio near you and I bet you it will change your whole yoga-life. Hehe.
Hey — about the mirror. I figured out the trick to this negative comment thing over the last couple years. Figure out something you always like about yourself. For me, its my nice flat stomach. So, if I feel a little negative, I take a look at what I like. . . and, well, negativity gone! Why get annoyed if you can get happy?