Happy Start of the WEEKEND to all!
Tonight I’m going to do a dinner post…but not just any dinner post….a HIS + HERS dinner post. :)
Tonight, you will see how I modify my portions so I, ahem, don’t eat like a man…and gain all of my weight back!
As many of us know, when we are in relationships, it is oh so easy to gain weight! We get comfortable, he gets comfortable, and suddenly a sundae the size of your coffee table sounds like a good idea.
Eric and I have been in these ruts before. I think everyone has. It is very possible to fall off the wagon– sometimes for weeks at a time- before the health bug clicks and leads you back to the road to health.
Like everything in life, sometimes a healthy lifestyle comes in cycles.
No one said it would be easy. If you have read my Road To Health series, you know that I have shared my struggles over the years.
I recently had a struggle with my groin injury. I was off exercise for 2 months and struggled with tight pants, low moods, and despair. There were times when I thought that I would never be able to get back on track, but here I am, slowly but surely, easing my way back.
And so can you. I know many of you are struggling right this very moment– I’ve read your emails- and I know how much it hurts. These bumps, or as I call them, potholes, in the road to health, are a fact of life. They teach us lessons that sometimes don’t become apparent for a while. I think it is important to ask yourself what you are learning from the experience. There is always a silver lining.
During my injury, I learned how much I take my health for granted. I learned that without it, I have nothing. Therefore, I must listen to my body at all times. If it says jump, I ask how high (lol, joking). I have realized how truly amazing and smart my body is. It warns me when there is danger before I get in too deep. Before that 3 mile run, I had pain. And I chose to run anyways. Oopsie. When I ignore these warning signals, there will usually be trouble. I have learned patience, inner strength, and mental satisfaction. I said many times that I exercised my brain when I was injured! I really did. I used this website as a way to ‘work out’ my feelings and to work my brain. I also dove head first into my Glo Bakery business and researched my little fingers to the bone. This kept me going during a hard time. I think finding something to keep you going when you are having a hard time is a key factor in getting through it.
Spaghetti: His Vs. Hers
Here is how I avoid the Eating-like-Your-Man weight gain trap!
Tonight I was out of St Ives. Veggie Ground Round which is what I usually put in spaghetti sauce- for both of us. So I had to improvise tonight.
Eric got M+M Meats Meatballs in his spaghetti sauce (left), while I made myself a healthier and all veggie sauce (right):
My Sauce (right):
- 3 Tbsp Tomato Paste (no sodium added)
- 1/2 avocado
- 1/3 cup spaghetti Sauce
I’ve said it before and I will say it again- this sauce rocks!!!
His + Hers- A Side by Side Comparison:
Obviously mine is on the left and his on the right. Note that Eric’s side is a piece of toast with Olive Oil Margarine, while my side are carrots. I get more volume for less calories. Score.

Also note that Eric has 2-3 servings of whole wheat pasta, while I have a single serving (approx- I don’t measure things!) of Quinoa.
Eric’s sauce has about 9 meatballs or so. He also dumped about 1/2 cup of Light Parmesan on his sauce. lol.
Guess who had room for dessert?

It’s all about balance, right?
These cookies taste awesome!
Green Monster Finger Nails:
This is probably not what you want to see, but I had to share. Like I said, my nails have been growing like bad weeds since I have been drinking my green monsters!

It’s SO LONG!!!!!!!
I have to clip my nails so much more now.
PS- I love this nail polish that I bought before my wedding photoshoot! It is ‘O.P.I.’ and it is called “Hopelessly In Love”- how fitting, eh? ;) I wanted something that would give the illusion of a manicure. I also did this on my toes. It turned out that the spa package that Eric got for me didn’t include mani + pedi and they wanted to charge me $60 extra, so I decided to do it myself! In the pic above I just have 1 coat on, but it looks best with 2.
Today I raked leaves for my workout!
Considering my arms were burning after 2 mins. it is a miracle I lasted as long as I did! lol.
HRM Stats:
- 1 hour 15 mins.
- Max Heart Rate: 123 bpm
- Avg Heart Rate: 100 bpm
- Feel the burn: 251 kcals (sure felt like more!)
Even though my heart rate was lower than other cardio workouts, I got a way better ‘strength’ workout today! I know my muscles will be burning extra calories for up to 24 hours to repair themselves. Yay for strength building!
In pictures:
Pick Up Stix:
I collected broken sticks all over the yard. I basically made a huge nest for some animals. hehe.
Sketchie looking out from in (I felt so bad for him!):

He sits in the windowsill for hours a day watching the birds at the feeder. LOL!!!
I raked for about 1 hour out of the 1 hour and 15 mins. I created about 8 huge heaps of leaves.

I’m not even close to being done either! LOL
Me with Sticks:

I finished with some yoga (not really):

All and all it was a nice change of pace! I was getting in a great workout AND I was being productive!
I’m off to work on the Glo Bakery website!! No wedding pics yet, I expect they will come late tonight or tomorrow.
PS- That is funny that so many of you liked that beige flower halter from Bebe!!! I should have listened to my gut, I guess eh?
Have a great night everyone! :)
Tonight’s Question: Are your boyfriend’s/husband’s/brother’s portions much larger than your own? Do you ever wish you could eat as much and not gain weight?

Great post, Angela! : )
Yes, my husband’s portions are always larger than mine (he eats a lot! lol) and I always wish I could eat as much as him and not gain weight … but that is never the case unfortunately!
Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!
I could never eat as much as my hubby, nor would i want to! An example of how he eats; last night he took a good 3-4 servings of shepherd’s pie in his lunch to eat at work (aft shift). When he got home at 11:30, he made a HUGE meatball sub. Ugh! I’m in awe of how he can sleep with all that sitting in his gut. Gross! :)
It’s so true. I started becoming vegan when I met my husband aaand I gained weight, which is counter to what you think would happen, but it did. And I’m pretty sure it’s because he’d make fun of me for eating so little and then I’d try to keep up with him and eat more. And like 10 pounds later… here I am. haha But now I’m constantly making sure I eat what I can– not become overly stuffed and ignore his jokes. :) Great post.
My boyfriend eats tons and doesn’t gain any weight! It’s pretty frustrating at times because I absolutely eating and wish I could eat the same portions as he does.
My husband does eat bigger portions than me but one difference between he and I is that he’s not much of a snacker. Plus he has amazing will power! He can open a bag of candy or chips, etc. eat a certain number of pieces and put it back. And not hear it calling his name late at night, haha. I’m pretty happy with the volume I eat, so I don’t really get jealous, I just find it interesting.
My husband is an athlete (53 yo) and he can put down the food…but he is 5’7″, 148 lbs, so he burns it off. I definitely eat less than him, but there are times it would be nice to refill the plate and eat more…but like some others said, I think of how I’ll feel afterwards (totally stuffed and uncomfortable, and I really dislike that feeling)…the times I have eaten more than I should I remind myself why I feel better when I don’t over eat…pasta is truly my weakness, I usually serve myself a small portion the first time so I can allow myself seconds (it’s psychological!)…that’s the one food I have a hard time limiting myself to one portion of (especially with homemade pasta sauce!)…have considered using spaghetti squash just so I can eat more! :-)