I must have been really excited to share this post with you yesterday because while I was in the early stages of writing the post, I decided to hit publish instead of save draft. It was really no big deal and I quickly marked the post as private and it disappeared from my blog. Whew. Well, 10 minutes later, I saw the unfinished post pop up in Google Reader! Cue mini freak out. My apologies if you saw a post pop up without an actual recipe. What a tease! Not knowing what to do, I tried to overwrite the post with “ummmm ahhhh sorry, I will be back tomorrow with the post!” message, so you may have witnessed that hilarity instead.
Moral of the story: Do NOT trust me with a computer when I’m on cold meds…ever.

Moving on.
I don’t have much patience when it comes to many things – organization of any kind, taxes, traffic, slow computers, waiting for food to cool…and apparently, writing blog posts. Finicky desserts are high on the list too. Trust me, I have no idea how I ever made these cookies a few years ago. Who was that girl? Luckily, I’m high in persistence and determination (read: stubborn as heck), which is why I stuck with these Kit Kat knock-offs despite my dwindling attention span. After making a third trial this morning, I finally decided on a recipe to share with you.
And I never want to see another Kit Kat bar again.
That is, until the next chocolate craving hits. If you don’t mind spreading several layers of melted chocolate onto thin, easy-to-break wafers and freezing it all several times, then this dessert is for you. If you tend to get distracted by shiny objects like I do, consider yourself warned.
Orange tin-foil candy wrappers are just so pretty…
Now, it’s been years since I’ve had a Kit Kat bar, but from what I remember there are 2 layers – wafers and chocolate. Whoop-dee-doo. I wanted to spruce things up a little so I made homemade coconut whipped cream blended with cocoa powder and maple syrup. Why not?

And of course, melted chocolate. I also added a thick peanut butter layer because it obviously goes amazing with chocolate. I found the tort wafers at Bulk Barn (about the size of a sheet of paper – 5 per package). If anyone else knows where to purchase tort wafers, please leave a comment below!
Speaking of patience, here are step-by-step photos with captions for all the visual learners out there. If you click on the first picture you can click through the entire (enlarged) slideshow all at once. The full recipe is linked at the bottom of the post.
The leftover chocolate whipped cream made the perfect dipping cream for the kit kat bars!

Did I mention this is not a health food?
Note to self: When you leave a huge plastic spider in the kitchen sink, you WILL scream at the sight of it several times throughout the day.
In the end, I’m quite happy with how these turned out. Due to the fussy nature of the bars, I’d probably rather make my Homemade Rolo recipe because 1) it’s much faster, 2) these bars are messy to make, and 3) I like the taste of the date caramel better.
Just my two cents. :) Maybe some of you crafty bakers can make a hybrid of the two?

Homemade Vegan "Kit Kat" Bars

about 25 small pieces
Prep time
Cook time
0 minutes
Total time
I purchased my tort wafers from Bulk Barn.
Make sure you use good-tasting chocolate because the chocolate will make or break these bars
- 3 Tort Wafers (11.5" x 9 1/4" sheets), cut in half
- 2.75-3 cups non-dairy chocolate chips, divided (approx 450 grams)
- 2 tsp coconut oil, divided
- 3-4 tbsp peanut butter
- 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled overnight in fridge
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 2 tbsp pure maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- Chill full-fat coconut milk can overnight in the fridge. Grab 3 tort wafer sheets (11.5 inches x 9 1/4 inches) and slice in half to create 6 halves.
- In a small pot, melt 1.5 cups chocolate chips with 1 tsp coconut oil over low heat. When 2/3 of the chips are melted, remove from heat and stir until all chips are melted.
- Place a wafer half on top of a board lined with parchment paper. Spread 2 tbsp melted chocolate over 1 wafer. I found a spatula helpful for spreading. Place another wafer (#2) on top of melted chocolate and press down firmly. Add heavy object(s) on top and freeze for 5 minutes to set.
- Remove from freezer and spread 3-4 tbsp peanut butter on top. Add another wafer (#3) on top of peanut butter and press down firmly.
- Spread 2 tbsp melted chocolate on top and cover with 4th wafer. Press down firmly and cover again with heavy object(s). Freeze for 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, make the chocolate whipped cream (for step by step photos, see this tutorial). Flip coconut milk can upside down and open lid. Pour off excess liquid (you can save for smoothies). Scoop out the remaining coconut cream and place into a bowl. Beat with electric beaters until smooth. Now sift in cocoa powder and add maple syrup and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Reheat melted chocolate over very low heat if necessary.
- Remove stacked wafers from freezer and spread on about 3 tbsp of whipped cream until smooth, being sure to coat all edges.
- Grab the final (5th) wafer and spread on 2 tbsp melted chocolate. Flip wafer (so chocolate side is facing on top of whipped cream) and press onto the whipped cream, firmly. Add more heavy objects on top and freeze for 15 minutes.
- Meanwhile, melt another 1.25-1.5 cups of chocolate chips with another 1 tsp coconut oil on low heat.
- Remove stacked wafers from freezer and score with a knife before slicing through. I sliced about 12-13 rows and then sliced those in half to make 24-26 small pieces.
- Dunk each piece into melted chocolate until fully coated. Use a knife to remove excess chocolate and place on parchment paper. Repeat for the rest. Freeze for 15 minutes or until set. Store in fridge. Use leftover whipped cream as a dip for the bars.
Note: On the tort wafers I used there was a smoother side and a not as smooth side (with deeper squares). I prefer to use the smooth side to spread on the chocolate/filling because you don't have to use as much to coat.
I’m hoping to get rid of this awful cold as soon as possible. I’m drinking green things and oodles of tea, eating homemade soup, and trying to keep Sketchie from eating a bag of fresh rolls that are for a photoshoot later today (don’t ask…).
Have a great weekend!
Oh my gosh your Kit Kat Bars look amazing!! Your spider is kind of freaking me out!! :)
Ang! Wow, you are your Halloween Recipes are totally amazing. Thanks for such great ideas. You pics are just fantatic too! Have a great weekend as well. :)
Kudos – I would never have the patience for such meticulous work. I am quite sure the result was delicious however.
Duuude… wow.
I’m speechless. Just wow.
And, I’ve been caught doing the whole publish instead of save draft thing before. The darn buttons confuse me ALL the time!
SO SO SO amazing! You have no done both of my favorite candies-Rollo’s AND Kit-Kat’s. WOW!
You seem to make all those trick or treat things! Great!
Well, this looks good! But I never really liked the original candy bar, so I guess I won’t try this one. ;)
Wow, I’m impressed! These look divine.
These are terrific. I don’t mind the fussy. Fussy make me feel like I accomplished something big.
Oh my gosh this is how you become the most popular house on halloween!
I am so so so excited for these and the rolos! On another note: a friend of mine once put a sticker of a spider on their downstairs bathroom toilet seat for halloween, but ended up leaving it there all year. I still jump a little bit every time I go use that bathroom! Even if it’s multiple times throughout one night, I still jump lol
haha that would so be me!
I make that same chocolate coconut whipping cream as a dipping sauce for fruit! Posted it a couple weeks back and it is truly decadent right?! I used dark cocoa and it’s truly amazing and soooo much better than traditional whipping cream. I was never a fan of kit kat bars, more of a butterfinger girl, but yours look really good. I bet you were worn out from all those trials. I know how that feels! My kitchen is a war zone all the time, haha! All the photos definitely help it not to seem too difficult.
This should get an award for the most ambitious recipe ever! Kudos :)
these look great! I wish I had the patience to make them haha
Wow!!! These look soooooooooooooooo amazing, I’m drooling hahaha!
I will be making them soon, but I have a question about your snack-size baked oatmeal: aren’t you turning some of the omega 3 fats in the flax seeds into omega 6 fats when you bake them in the oven, or is that untrue? I was just wondering, thanks!
I’m not sure, but if you are concerned about this you can certainly bake the squares at a lower temperature for a longer amount of time. Enjoy!
Hi! I’ve been following you for a while. Love your blog and your recipes. I just made your pumpkin pie brownies last night for my sister-in-law’s birthday as a “test” for Thanksgiving. HUGE hit! Kit Kats were always my favorite candy & adding PB?!? Whoa!! Two questions: 1. Do you think almond butter would work? And 2. Is it okay if I share the pumpkin pie brownies on my blog (http://myveganture.wordpress.com/) referencing you, of course. P.S. I also made your twice baked bar nuts for my Hubby, he loves them! Thanks!
Yes I think almond butter would work too. Feel free to reference the recipe on your blog, by the way! So happy you enjoyed it.
I live in constant fear of accidentally hitting “publish” instead of “save as draft”!!!! You are so funny though, and obviously it wasn’t a big deal!! :)
These look amazing, I am loving all the Halloween recipes so far!! Kit Kats are my faves, and I wish I could just reach in and grab these!!
Whilst visiting my parents earlier today, I showed them sneak previews of my favourite blogs, yours being one of them. My mother, a complete anti-vegan, anti-MY-lifestyle, expressed with excitement “Oh! Kit Kats!” So you intrigued my mother. Good job. :D
whohoo impressed the mom! ;)
These look amazing! Kit Kats were definitely my fave once upon a time.
I haven’t seen the individual sheets of wafer anywhere. I was thinking for a less labor intensive knockoff, you could just dip those rectangular vanilla wafer cookies in chocolate. I’m almost certain they don’t contain any animal products in the ingredients.
Oh my goodness, these looks aaaahmazing :) I don’t know where I would find wafer though, but would love to try it :)
All of these candy treats are too much! But they look so good.