Nothing is more relaxing than driving through the countryside after a busy week in the city! Eric and I love visiting cities on vacation, but we both agree we will never live in one again. Too much love for the countryside, rolling hills, and peace and quiet.
Let me rewind back to this morning!
We walked to breakfast, which turned into brunch when we discovered they were out of oatmeal at Kramer’s!
I munched on an apple on the walk there to curb my post-run hunger:

I ordered a 1oz. Wheatgrass shot to start…

Eric got his beloved Sundried Goodness of Green sandwich!

I tried the Falafel wrap.

Oh MAN this was some good falafel!!! So spicy and crispy. Perfection.

Along with onion, tomato, lettuce, and salsa (a sub for the non-vegan dressing). Yum, yum, and yum!

If you are ever at Kramer’s I highly recommend the falafel!
And a banana for dessert:

Back at the hotel, we packed healthy snacks for our flight home.
I packed an apple, Liberate Glo Bar, Mary’s Sticks + Twigs (from swag bag) and a side of LOVE! ;)

I was not a fan of these sticks and Twigs! I ate them anyways as I was hungry but I would not buy them again. Quite bland. Maybe their other flavours are better?

A great nutritional profile though…much better than the pretzels they were handing out on the plane! You can’t argue with 5 grams of protein, 5 grams of fibre and all natural whole grains.


I finally finished Eat Pray Love. Now I can see the movie!!! I hope it is good, but I’m not sure the movie can live up to the movie in my own mind. ;) Has anyone seen it?

We supplemented our snacks with a salad from Sprigs Fresh Salads in the Midway airport.

I got a build your own: Romaine, chickpeas x 2, tomato, cucumber, and green pepper.

I was so excited when I saw that they had chickpeas because I knew they would keep me full while traveling.

Our flight was hassle free and early to boot. No complaints with Southwest at all. We landed in Buffalo and had to find our car and hit the road for home. The border crossing this time going into Canada was super fast. It is so much easier to get into Canada than the US! Luckily they did not confiscate my food. ;)
Although we were good at preparing for lunch, it didn’t occur to us that we would be driving through dinner in rush hour traffic. Whoops. We didn’t have the healthiest dinner tonight, but at least we didn’t starve!
We shared this bag of almonds from the swag bag…

And then this happened. I’m sure you can see where this went…

Yes, I dipped dark chocolate into White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter and I’m not ashamed.
Belly ache ensued.
Swung by our CSA pickup on the way home…perfect timing! Now we have a fridge full of healthy goodies to start off the week right.

MELONS!!!!!!!! This is a first!

Corn on the cob. Very happy about this. My little BBQ Masta will have a field day with those.

Home sweet home!

We had really quick toast and cereal dinners when we got home around 8pm. We were hungry, but not overly so.
I had toasted Ezekiel bread with hummus and tomato paste:

And Nature’s Path Spelt Cereal with Almond Milk.

And that’s a wrap!
I think a successful vacation is one that leaves you appreciating your normal, daily life. They are great while they last, but I have never been on a vacation where I did not think ‘I am so happy to be home’ when it was all said and done. There is no place like home. One thing is for sure, I am so excited to be able to cook my own food again. While I did have some amazing eats while away, I truly miss preparing meals in the kitchen. Vegan Overnight Oats are the first thing on my list!
I have anxious thoughts swirling through my mind about getting caught up on 1 week’s worth of Bakery orders, but I won’t worry about the future.
Right now, I have the rest of the evening to enjoy.
I know what you mean. Vacations are lovely, but being excited to come home is when you know you’ve truly found a place you love :).
Thanks for the fun and food tour of my fair city! Your vacation made me appreciate my home a bit more… especially Kramer’s. I shouldn’t take that place for granted!
Welcome home and good luck with all the catch-up. The first day back to work after a vacation is probably my least favorite part of getting away…
It’s true, it definitely feels great to get back home!
welcome home, love! i just LOVE knowing there’s a bunch of healthy goodies stocked in my fridge. BEST feeling ever! i swear, it’s the little things :)
Do you know what the leafy green things are this week? I have no idea! (not the bagged ones, the loose ones beside the corn in the picture!)
I loved “Eat Pray Love” (the book). I read it at a time in my life when I was going through some hard things. It helped a lot. I haven’t seen the movie yet!
Eat Pray Love is one of my favorite reads if not my absolute favorite. My own story has many similarities. I hosted a day retreat for my girlfriends last weekend in honor of the movie release. We went to a vinyasa class in the morning (pray), made real Neapolitan pizza (eat) and drank Bali-inspired cocktails over a book discussion (love). We all went to see the movie together that evening and I had very high hopes. Very few movies live up to the books that inspire them. But this one did. We all loved it. It was a beautiful day :)
Ok, just something funny….did you position that banana there on purpose?? :) just thought I would throw something in there that no one else had.
Glad you had a great trip :)
Glad you made it home safe!
Wish I could have spent more time hanging out with you at HLS. Too many bloggers, too little time I guess;) Next year!
I totally agree about coming home after vacation. I am always happy to be back. I also totally agree about the Mary’s twigs – I had the curry flavor, and I was not a fan at all.
Lastly, you’ve gotta check out my glo bar story if you get a chance:) http://chiaseedme.com/?p=2085
I really agree with your statement: “I think a successful vacation is one that leaves you appreciating your normal, daily life.” So true for me, too!
I really enjoyed the movie (Eat Pray Love)
It reminded me to always follow your heart, life is to short!
Totally agree! You know the vacation was successful and the perfect length if you’re ready and happy to be home at the end :)
Hi Angela! I am so happy that I got to meet you at the HLS! :)
I actually have a question about Ezekiel bread. I recently bought a loaf but I don’t know if I should leave it in the freezer and take out one slice at a time, or defrost the whole thing. What do you do? I’m afraid that if I defrost the whole loaf it will go bad before I can use it. Are you able to toast the bread while it is still frozen?
loved reading all of your HLS updates :)
I have the curry flavored mary’s twigs..they are pretty good! I also went to see eat pray love for my birthday…it made me tear up at parts :) I think all women should go see it!