Good morning!
2 days ladies and gents!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Ok, I am a bit hyper this morning. Why you ask?
I just made the most delicious smoothier ever. yes. yes. yes! And I drank it so fast I feel a wee bit sick now. lol.
But before I get to the super healing smoothie, let me first show you a couple of things:
This arrived in the mail yesterday:

I said to Eric, “Sweet look what came!!!!”
And then it hit me. I’m still injured :( This magazine arrival made me very sad! It is currently shoved in a desk drawer until further notice. *sniff
And now for the home renos that Eric and I are doing!!!
Peeling wallpaper!!! LOL. The most unfun thing in the world!

Look how focused I am! hehe



Unfortunately because this wall paper was GLUED on, this one section took us hours :( We need to rent a steamer me thinks!
The entry way: This pic was taken after we peeled the wallpaper/border:

The colours we are thinking of painting:

yay neutrals!!!
Now for the amazing smoothie:
Berries ‘n Banana Green Power Smoothie

The loot:
- 2 leaves of organic kale
- handful of organic baby spinach
- 1 Tbsp flax
- 1 handful strawberries (frozen)
- just less than 1/4 cup organic blueberries (frozen)
- 3 sprigs of parsley
- 1 medium ripened banana
- 1 cup unsweetened Almond breeze

This smoothie has approx 280-300 calories. And TONS of vitamins and minerals!!!
This was my favourite smoothie yet and is going straight to my recipe page!
See you later for another afternoon power snack recipe!
Keep those entries coming in for the valentine’s Day recipe contest- I have only received 3 so far!! And remember there is a prize for Canadians and US+other so your chances of winning are even better!!!
PS- Stay tuned tomorrow for my feature guest post on Go Healthy Go Fit!
Ciao :D
“If you are going through hell, keep going.”
Congrats on the new home, it’s going to be gorgeous!
Try mixing liquid fabric softener (any kind is fine) with the same amount of warm water in a squirt bottle. Helps a LOT in removing wallpaper!
Or try spraying Green Monster on it!
Sorry about the sadness from getting the magazine.
Wallpaper is a big pain, been there…done that…
That is almost the exact smoothie I drink everyday. I add water instead of Almond milk though & have never put parsley in mine, Is there a reason for the parsley, not sure I know much about the nutrition in parsley. conditions 551