Good morning!
Wow did I have a horrible sleep last night! My body did not want to go to sleep an extra hour early and I tossed and turned all night. My alarm was set for 6, but I didn’t get out of bed until 7:30…so I feel like I am running behind yet again today! The good news is today is a rest day for exercise, so I sort of have an ‘extra’ hour in my day today. ;)
I finally got around to trying out HIIT yesterday after many of you raved about it and told me I should try it out.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

[Note: Picture is from last summer]
What is HIIT?
- It is exercise that involves intense bursts of exercise (e.g., sprinting) followed by moderate intensity exercise (e.g., jogging) repeated in an interval format.
How To Do HIIT:
- “A HIIT session consists of a warm up period of exercise, followed by six to ten repetitions of high intensity exercise, separated by medium intensity exercise, and ending with a period of cool down exercise. The high intensity exercise should be done at near maximum intensity. The medium exercise should be about 50% intensity. The number of repetitions and length of each depends on the exercise. The goal is to do at least six cycles and go for about 15-20 minutes.” [Source]
Potential Benefits of HIIT:
- A great way to maximize a workout that is limited on time!
- Increase Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) for the following 24 hours post-exercise
- Might improve VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption) more effectively as compared to traditional long aerobic workouts. [Source 1 & 2]
A few different types of HIIT:
For all of you HIIT pros, feel free to add your own info in the comments. I just did a quick read up on it and have a lot more to learn about it!
Yesterday I decided to try the 60-second HIIT advanced level workout. I typically train at an intense level during my normal workouts, so I thought I would be able to handle the 60-60 second split.
My HIIT Workout:
For my intense 60 second interval, I chose 8 mph, even though I probably could have done 9 mph. I decided to play it safe and see how it went. I can always build up over time.
Warm-up: 10 minute walking at incline 2%
- 6 mph (10 min/mile) for 60 seconds, at incline 2%
- 8 mph (7:30 min/mile) for 60 seconds, at incline 2%
- Repeat, repeat, etc.
- Number of sets: 14
- Total time of HIIT: 28 mins.
Cool down: 5 mins. walking
My thoughts:
- This HIIT workout made my tempo runs look like a walk in the park!!! It was crazy intense and I loved it.
- I love that you can tailor HIIT for your own needs. I think it could be applied to a variety of exercises like cycling, swimming, or gym equipment like the Stairmaster.
- I stopped for two quick water breaks around 8 minutes and 20 minutes. You will need water in a crazy way during this workout.
- I zoned out and forgot about everything else.
- I sweat a TON, much more in 28 minutes than I do for some runs that are an hour or more! Make sure to drink lots of water and have a post-workout snack within about 30-60 minutes of the HIIT.
Overall verdict:
I can’t believe I haven’t been doing this!!! I have done intervals before, but nothing as effective as this. I was blown away by how tough this was and by how amazing I felt afterwards. Total runner’s high. I will definitely be experimenting with HIIT on a weekly basis.
Thank you to those of you who suggested I try HIIT out! I will be forever grateful. :mrgreen:
Do you ever include intervals in your training? Have you ever tried HIIT, if so, what did you think?
- Need motivation to drink more water? Check out Project Hydrate.
- March 15th-20th is Health Tip Week on OSG! Stay tuned all week for the most valuable tips, tricks, and lessons that I have learned along my road to health! :)

Stay tuned…
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ~Alan Kay
my bf made me a HIIT plan once before a long time ago, haven’t done it since
So nice to meet you!! I found your blog today while I was doing a search for lululemon, lol. I can’t believe how much we have in common! the more I read through your archives the more I saw. I have bengal cat as well. I an also a lulu addict. I love to run and recently became a vegan.
Can’t wait to read more of your blog!!
Hi Angela! Regarding HIIT, “true” HIIT means that you are working at *peak* intensity during the high intensity intervals — meaning that you’re sprinting as though you’re being chased by a bear. For that reason, “true” HIIT should NEVER be done on a treadmill, because you’re very likely to fall off and hurt yourself. Once it warms up, HIIT is best done outdoors :)
I actually got in the best shape of my life a year ago by building up my HIIT workouts. I began by running a mile and then running 10 sets of 60 second intervals with walks in between. By 4 months later I was running 40 minutes of 60 on 60 off at 4.5 2% incline a between 7.5-8 at the same incline.
I want to get that back! Working at it again for the summertime :)
My hubby is a runner and hadn’t heard of this … I just told him about it and he is going to try it!
I LOVE IT!!!!! I can only suggest programming a really great playlist for it. It’s amazing what you’re capable of when you push!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Angela! I’ve been reading OSG for a while now and just wanted to say hello!
The place in the picture from summer looks like a beautiful place to run!
I’m really looking forward to Health Tip Week. :)
I tried the HIIT thing last night after reading your post. Hmmm. The treadmills at the gym have an interval program that is 2 minutes/2 minutes. Sooo I learned last night that 2 minutes at 7.5 mph is TOUGH. ahhhh. I made it through 20 minutes then had to walk for a bit. Definitely going to try the HIIT again (mainly because I like typing HIIT).
I’m guilty of not going to the gym regularly (though I’m trying to change that!) but when I do go, I love doing HIIT. It’s a great way to challenge yourself and get a great workout in and save time as well.
I love HIIT. I have several techniques that I love.
Here are a few:
start a your level 6 on a 1-10 scale, 1 being EASY and 10 being you are giving it 100%.
Level 6 one min
Level 7 one min
Level 8 one min
Level 9 one min
Level 10 one min
go back to six and work your way back up to 10. After you have done this four times, hit your level 10 for two minutes at the end.
Level 6 one min
level 7 one min
Level 8 one min
Level 9 one min
Level 10 one min
Level 9 one min
level 8 one min
level 7 one min
Level 6 one min and then work your way back up and down for as many times as you’d like.
The last kind of HIIT that I love is called Guerillas. This is where you give it your all 100% for 20-30 seconds and then rest for 10 and then back on it for 20-30 seconds and then rest again for 10. You can rotate types of exercises or stay all on one machine…this is KILLER. You can get a HARD CORE intense butt kicking workout in less than 15-20 minutes!
I almost only ever do HIIT! My favourite is 15 minutes of 1 minute sprints (ie as fast as I can possibly go) followed by 2 minutes recovery (ie walking). It’s a fun way to finish of a weight lifting workout with a little bit of heart-pumping cardio :)
I’m fortunate to live in a tiny coastal town, so get to enjoy my intervals training on the beach. Most Sundays you will find me busily dodging the seagulls, while dreaming of the hot shower awaiting me ;-)
Do you have any good playlists or music suggestions for HIIT? I find that a good beat really keeps me going! Thanks!
Loved your workout. I find that interval training is especially effective. My favorites include doing hill repeats using the jog down hill back to the start as the “cool down” period in between each set. It’s a great way to burn calories and strength. The workout that you posted here is awesome as well because so many of us hit the gym to do strength training followed by cardio. Thanks for posting this :)
Great post. HIIT seem to be the way forward. As a convert to HIIT I have seen and felt the benefits already. I’ve also read good evidence that you’re less likely to over eat in compensation after HIIT rather than after cardio which is good news! I think the key thing as in life is a little of everything, mix up some cardio with some HIIT for the greatest benefits to mind and body. HIIT programs are great, but your right they need to be done only when the users have an appropriate level of fitness to start with. Great post. Some really good advice.