Laaaate night last night! We didn’t get to bed until after 2am. Luckily I was able to sleep in until 9am though. I did manage to have some water before bed so I wasn’t too dehydrated this morning.
I started off my morning with a wonderful chat with OSGMOM! Wish I could be with them today (they live in Western Canada). We are celebrating with Eric’s family later this week. They will be staying for a day or two and my MIL’s brother will be visiting from Ireland! Can’t wait.
Many of you have been asking me where I have been getting these fabulous quotes lately, and I couldn’t tell you until my mom opened her gifts!
I got her Oprah’s Guide to Discovering Your Best Life. We both have a huge love for Oprah and my mom is always talking about her magazine! This book is filled with the best articles and tips from the magazine over the years.
I also got her the O Words That Matter book put together by the Editors of O Magazine! And THIS is where I have been finding these amazing quotes over the past week! I love the book so much I bought myself a copy. It is so inspiring. Highly recommended!

For breakfast, I made this lovely Green Monster. I was going to make pancakes, but I realized that I had some spinach on its’ last legs!
Amazing Chocolate Green Monster
- 3 cups spinach
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 frozen banana
- 1/2 scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Amazing Meal
- 1 tsp cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- ice, ice, baby
Directions: Throw ingredients into a blender and blend your little heart out!

Feeling good & green.
Leave me three things you LOVE about your mom in the comment section below!
I’ll go first:
1) She always encourages my dreams and supports me.
2) She has a great sense of humour and likes to laugh.
3) She has a beautiful smile and sparking eyes.
Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. ~Author Unknown
Moms are the best and your’s looks awesome! Happy Mother’s Day!
hehe first let me say i love the little comic. btw ur mom looks YOUNG! what great genetics!!! sdorable <3 xoxo
Your mom glows as much as you! Happy Mom Day, OSG!
Three things I love about my mom:
1) She always encourages my dreams and supports me ( :P )
2) She has a great sense of humour and likes to laugh (eheh)
3) She knows me better than anyone else in the world and knows what I’m thinking 99% of the time!
Lovely gifts you got your mom! :)
Have a good day Angela!
That cartoon made me smile.
1) My mom always puts her children and husband first. Always.
2) My mom is honest with me and never sugar-coats anything.
3) My mom is a wonderful cook!
Happy Mother’s Day! You and your mom are both gorgeous people! I can definitely see where your good looks came from ;)
That book sounds really good!!! I love love quotes.. I have tons saved on my computer and hanging up around my room!
My mom has been a rock for me throughout this past year and going through all I’ve had to with my injury. She’s gone with me to doctor after doctor and sought after the best care she could possibly find. Even though it’s not over yet, I couldn’t have made it even this far without her!
1. My mum is one of the most kind and compassionate people I know. Her last job before retiring was counselling women who had just been diagnosed with breast cancer – she is amazing!
2. She has always supported us, even when we’ve made crazy life decisions and accepted the partners we have chosen and made them feel welcome.
3. She can cook and she made sure that we had the knowledge and skillset to make healthy choices for ourselves when we stepped out on our own. I realize more and more each day how valuable that is.
1. My mom is a super strong woman.
2. She has great advice and always points me in the right direction, even if it’s not what I want to hear.
3. She is an amazingly, giving friend.
Have a great Sunday!
1. she loves food just as much as i do and she sparked my interest to become an RD
2. she always, always, ALWAYS encourages me and supports me- no matter what (i don’t think i would have survived my first year of college without her)
3. her love for her 3 kids is completely unconditional
1. She supports me in everything I do no matter what
2. She is the best shopping companion ;-)
3. She raised me on her own and did a pretty good job I think!
1) she’s an amazing doctor, saving people every day
2) she has been through so much pain and troubles, but continues to stand strong and take care of me
3) she always has the perfect comfort and wisdom words for me
Love my mommy :)
Those books look great- I love good quotes!
Three things I love about my mom!
1. She’s super supportive of me, with anything I do!
2. She’s so fun to hang out with, we always laugh so much :)
3. She has great fashion sense!
1. My mom can always make everything OK.
2. She is my best friend.
3. She is the world’s best grammie.
1. My Mom is always there for me when I most need support in my life.
2. She is my best friend. (High-five to those who have this in common!)
3. She can put a smile on my face no matter what kind of mood I’m in.
Happy Mother’s Day!
That is so awesome that you have a good relationship with your mom.
The green monster looks fantastic! I love adding unsweetened cocoa powder to mine.
LOVE the new layout! Beautiful!
Three things I love about my Mom?
1. Regardless of the stupid stuff I may have done throughout my life, she’s ALWAYS been there for me.
2. She’s the most generous person I know. She’s constantly crafting things for charity, bringing over coolers of things she bought for me and my boyfriend that she’s seen that we like, always lending a helping hand no matter what the situation.
3. She took a sabbatical from work for 6 months to take care of my (now deceased) Grandmother when she first got ill and she wasn’t even her own Mother. She was also smart enough to realize the medication my Grandmother was taking was making her even more ill and quite honestly saved her life for a few more years.
Happy Mother’s Day to OSGMOM and you, Ange (Sketchie counts as a kid! I got cards from my furbears this morning, lol) My mom passed away 23 years ago so it’s been a long time since I had her by my side on Mother’s Day. 3 of my favourite memories with her: slow dancing to Patsy Cline in the living room when I was 5ish, bedtime stories, and baking at Christmas with her. My ma was superwoman – her career was demanding and she gave it her all, but it never took away from the love and devotion she showed to my brother and I. I feel lucky to have had the time I did with her, and I know she’s never far from me every day <3
1. She is PHENOMENAL with kids. I’m surprised she isn’t a 1st grade teacher
2. My mom also has the best social skills and conflict-resolving skills I have ever seen.
3. She let us grow up barely setting any boundaries, but somehow all of us kids always came home at a decent time, never smoked, and never drank in high school.
1. She still cries EVERY single time we have to leave eachother [been living in diff. states for years now]
2. She is one of the hardest working people, most generous, caring, ETC. people I know.
3. She has stuck by my side through every part of my life and always supports the decisions I make.
<3<3<3 her!!!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there! I’m enjoying reading through Words that Matter and thought I’d share this verse for all the Moms out there today and to the children who put a smile on our face “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom” Marcel Proust, novelist