On October 31, 2008, I was just a girl grasping for hope.
I was struggling with disordered eating that still lingered despite my best efforts to beat it. I felt like I had made a lot of progress, but there was still a missing piece to my puzzle.
I fought a daily battle of self-acceptance, depressive thoughts, and anxiety. Despite the smile on the outside, most days I felt like I was crumbling on the inside. I was simply going through the motions of life and the days were passing me by. Indeed, I was truly thankful for so many wonderful people in my life, but the one thing I couldn’t be thankful for was myself.
I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to get to that place of self-acceptance or happiness, but I decided the first step was going to be writing about it.
And so it all began with a simple Boo on Halloween day!
I have always loved writing because it comes to me easier than expressing my thoughts out loud. It is just me and a keyboard or piece of paper talking to someone out there and thinking things through. Writing is a way for my inner voice to be heard when often it is silenced by all the thoughts swirling through my mind. Writing gives each thought a chance, each thought a moment to be heard and I often clear my mind or work things out as I write.
I guess this is why I was never meant to be a researcher. While I did spend most of my time writing in grad school, my writing was very very formal, scientific, and sterile in many ways. I felt suffocated when I wrote a research paper and I always felt like I couldn’t express my true self. In a paper, there was little room for jokes, sarcasm, stories, or occasional curse words (trust me, I could have used them many times!). It was all too structured.
I wanted to set my thoughts free.
Starting this blog was a way for me to have a creative outlet at a time when my creativity felt stifled in many areas of my life. OSG was the one place where I felt like I could express myself fully. I would simply write about what I wanted to write about, just like in my Creative Writing class in high school that I loved so much. My teacher had us make Creative Writing journals in high school and we could write whatever we wanted to in them. Personal stories, clippings, drawings, poems, deep thoughts, jokes, and anything that we wanted to share. I absolutely loved this journal and I would talk about my struggles with disordered eating, my love for delicious healthy food, animals, exercise, running, the desire for happiness, and whatever else I wanted to talk about.
Over the past two years, I have found that missing piece of self-love. Even on the days when I can’t find it and I am having a bad day, I know that it isn’t far away and it will come back to me. I have met amazing people along the way and I have been touched by the support and kindness of others.
Today, I write because I am truly thankful for these past two years, for sharing my life with you, the ups and the downs, and the discussions, inspiring words, and support. My hope for the blog going forward is to give back as much gratitude, love, and inspiration as I get from writing each day.
Thank you for letting me come into your lives each day and also, for allowing me to come into yours.
As a small token of my appreciation, I am going to do some giveaways!
1) Draw for $25 Glo Bakery gift certificates to be given out to 5 random people
2) Draw for a homemade batch of cookies, Glo bars, or muffins (any from my recipes page!) shipped to your doorstep.
3) Grand prize draw for $100 Glo Bakery gift certificate to one random winner
If you’d like a chance to be entered in the giveaway, please leave a comment below telling me anything about your own passions, journey, or perhaps something you have grown to love about yourself. Contest closes Monday Nov 8th.
I’m off to the kitchen to shoot my video for Challenge #7! Hopefully there aren’t as many flops as last night. ;) Happy Halloween!
Happy blog birthday OSG!
I’d love to be entered. I finally to the plunge and am going about my passion for writing. It is FABULOUS.
Happy Birthday OSG! You have inspired so many with your thoughtful words, enthusiam and passion. Cheers to many more years of sharing your gift!
Happy Birthday OSG!
I can’t believe I’ve been reading your blog for almost 2 years! What a great addition to my life it has been :)
You and your blog have inspired me to start living a healthier life and in turn increased my self-love a ton in the past 2 years!
Thanks Angela and OSG! You rock!
I have grown a lot in the past 2 years! I’ve learned to love myself so much and I truly know what I am capable of. I’ve learned to be happy and to fight to do what I love. I’m still journeying through life one day at a time, but life is great and I love to be positive!
I have been following your blog since the beginning and I think you are an amazing and creative girl. I feel your happy spirit and, even though I am now almost 50, I can relate to your journey of self acceptance. From the struggles of disordered eating in my teens, to getting it all under control in my 20’s and 30’s as I was raising my family, I’ve been surprised to struggle a bit again in my 40’s (darn those hormones!!). My passion now is hiking and being in nature and appreciating what my body can do – more than how it looks. I wish I could say that I don’t get bummed out when the scale is up 5 lbs but that is life and life is a journey and I am enjoying the ride!
Happy blogiversary, Angela!! One thing I love abut myself is my passion for helping others. I LOVE my job as a school social worker helping kids! It’s tough but rewarding and it makes me feel good about what I do every day :)
Happy 2 Year! I’ve used my passion for running to learn more about my body and how it can be strong and how I should appreciate it!
Hi Angela,
Happy Blog-Birthday to Oh She Glows. I am glad you turned to blogging – your posts are always inspiring & chock full of all kinds of awesome recipes & photographs. You are awesome!
I am loving the exercise time I am giving my body these days – I may be busy with school & three part time jobs, but I have been budgeting time for cardio and strength training and am now running 14-18 miles per week & strength training 2 times a week!
Wish many more “birthdays” to OSG!
Happy birthday to your blog :)
This is encouraging to read…I just started my own blog, and it’s more of a means of a creative outlet than anything. I love writing, but I’ve always struggled with it, if that makes sense. It feels really freeing to just write whatever i want. plus it’s great practice :)
Hi Angela! I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and I love your take on life, body image and food. You work so hard on your recipes and your passion for healthy living really shines through your blog. Since reading your blog I have come to love jogging. Not all the time, but there are more good runs than bad runs lately! Happy Birthday OSG…Keep up the amazing posts!
Good luck on the vid! After moving across Canada with my hubby, I’m learning to make new friends and and start doing new things! it’s very freeing!
Congrats on the 2 years! Your blog is by far one of my favorites. I do love all the recipes, but what brings me back the most is your realness and the love you show for others. It cannot be denied. You are beautiful and a true inspiration. I feel like I can relate so much to your journey. I too battled depression and binging and many of the same struggles. Working hard to love myself and taking a path of self-discovery played a big role in overcoming them. I didn’t start my blog until after that time in my life, but to this day it serves as an outlet for me and continues that growth. I grow even more from reading things from fabulous people like yourself as well. Thank you for everything, Angela!
a contest? how exciting!
I am learning to stand on my own and have the strength to face life when things get tough. When some aspect of my life is falling apart it tends to make everything else fall apart, and I’m learning that unhappiness in one part of my life doesnt have to mean complete unhappiness.
Something I love is songwriting. I love it. It helps me SO much.
Thank you so much for your blog. You inspire me everyday:)
What a great post! There are so many women and girls out there who can be inspired by your story! Thank you so much for sharing.
This year I’ve developed a growing passion for cooking! I made a change last December to eat healthier to lose weight. That goal has spun into a passion of cooking healthy foods and feeding my body the good food it deserves! It has opened up a whole new world to me. I love it!
Happy b-day to your blog! Seems like a lot of us have our blogiversaries around this time of year :) Something I love about myself is that I started eating healthfully and exercising all on my own. I’m one of the only people in my family who really cares about my health. So, it was tough making my own decisions about food . . . or hearing my relatives say stuff like “well, SOMEday when you give up all of this athlete stuff . . . ” Anyway, it saddens me, and even though I can’t make, for example, my parents work out or eat vegan foods . . . I can try my damn hardest to get them at least interested. And I’ll keep on trying as long as I can! And I love being a part of the healthy living blog community. That’s one of my biggest passions. Love your site so much. Keep those posts coming!
Happy Blogiversary!!! I’ve loved following you and your journey through this wonderful blog.
I have grown to love myself as I am over the years, to put health first and to realize that there is so much more to happiness and beauty than I thought there was. It’s been a wild ride but I’m happy to be where I am now!!
happy second year! i love making your recipes and seeing what you are up to! =]
Happy blogoversary! What a gift you’ve given yourself, and all of us!
What I love most right now is that at the age of 45 I realize I am still a work in progress and that there isn’t anything I can’t do, if I set my mind to it. Since turning 40 I’ve become a marathoner, a triathlete, a vegan, and switched careers. Imagine what might happen in the next five, 10, 15 years? Can’t wait to find out!
aw congrats! it is so nice to see you have come full circle. I struggle with balance in my life but I am getting better. When I have lots of exams, I just STOP going to the gym and eating healthy. I am striving to be able to be more consistent and have less of an all or nothing attitude. Thanks for all your fabulous post, they are so enjoyable to read .
Happy birthday OSG!! And thank you Angela for making me actually want to try vegan food :)
Happy Birthday/Anniversary! My passion had been running but I’ve been injured for 4 weeks now and having a subsequent identity crisis (lots of tears) so I’m looking forward to rediscovering my passion for swimming these next few weeks!