Boy, it sure feels good to be able to talk to you guys again! This morning was hard! ;) You didn’t really think I could go the whole day without talking did you?
Time to recap the day’s eats and events…
Breakfast: 8am
Green Monster (Banana, water, chia, kale, liquid garlic, coconut oil)
Mid-morning snack: 11am
Glo-nola (about 1 cup)

Around lunch time, I decided that I couldn’t delay my 10 mile run any longer! I was supposed to go first thing this morning, but I put it off. I messaged Caitlin on Gmail chat and issued a PLEA to her:
Me: Please tell me WHY I want to go on a 10 mile run!!!!
Caitlin: Because you’re awesome. and double digits are a unique brand of torture.
Me: haha yes they are. You do realize I’ve only run 10 miles once in my life? lol.
Caitlin: If you want to do your bucket list, you better start running. Please tell me you’re going outside.
Me: You are right…damnit!
Caitlin: The sooner you leave, the sooner you come back
Talk about boot camp instructor! haha. I needed that kick in the butt. I owe this run to Caitlin today!
This is what I packed for my run:
- Small water bottle
- Clementine in a baggie
- Homemade Energy gel

The run:
- Location: Murder hill route + area
- Distance: 10 miles
- Duration: 1 hour 43 mins. 38 secs.
- Pace: 10:24 min/mile
- Max heart rate: 171 bpm
- Avg heart rate: 154 bpm
This run was LONG and I felt absolutely amazing to finish it! It’s only the second time I have run 10 miles in my life. The run was pretty grueling because of all the huge hills. My energy was quite low for most of miles 5-10. After mile 4.5 it is ALL uphill. A slow, steady climb up the mountain. Going there I feel great and then once I turn around I am reminded of the brutal climb ahead of me!
I used the snacks as motivation to make the time go by quicker.
I told myself:
- At mile 4, I could stop and have 4 Clementine slices + water
- At mile 5, more water + walking
- At mile 6.25, 1/2 of my homemade energy gel, water
- At mile 7.50, the other half of my energy gel, water
- At mile 8.50, the rest of my Clementine slices, water
Somehow this got me through it. I was reading something in my marathon book last night and the quote said something like this:
“I like to split up my marathon into how many water stations are left. After my 1st water station, I tell myself ‘only 11 water stations to go.’”
I think that is a fun mental trick and it really works to break it up! I will definitely be using this technique during my half on the 27th. Only 2 more long runs until my half!
When I got home I realized that I only had 1 hour or so to prepare, pack, invoice, and ship out my orders of the day (they have to go out by 4pm). So I was in a mad rush!!! Because one of the packages was for VegNews Magazine, in the US, it took extra time because I had to do all of the customs paper work. I made it out of the house at 3:45pm and got there just in time! Because I was in such a rush, I didn’t have time to eat until 4pm. As you may know I always try to eat food immediately after getting back from my long run, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. Such is life!
Here was my very late lunch: 4pm
I had an awesome recovery lunch though!
1 can Health Valley Lentil soup (favourite kind by HV), 3 T soy yogurt, curry powder, 3 T bean dip, 1/2 cup salsa, 8 Dar-vida crackers
The yogurt was sooooo good in this soup! It made it super creamy. I had a little bit with each bite.

This soup provided me with 16 grams of protein (thank you lentils) and the bean dip and crackers provided me with another 12 grams.

So good to mix these together.

This total lunch provided me with 34 grams of protein. Muscles in repair! Woot woot!
After lunch, I wanted to pull a George Costanza and sleep under my desk. Long runs make me so tired. But I had lots of invoicing and other work to do so I kept at it!
Not long after lunch I had this wonderful snack:
Afternoon snack: 5:30pm
Yellow Delicious organic apple with organic smooth peanut butter
This just might be one of my all time favourite snacks (I feel like I say this A LOT, lol).

For dinner, I was REALLY tempted to call Eric and ask him to pick up Subway on the way home. I debated it for about 5 minutes and then I told myself, ‘Ange, just get in the kitchen and make something quick. You will save $15 bucks!’
It worked. :)
I whipped up something quick yet delicious with leftover chickpeas and brown rice.
Sweet & Sour Brown Rice and Chickpea Faux Casserole
- 2 cups cooked brown rice
- 1 cup cooked chickpeas
- 3 T Sweet & Sour Sauce (I used Mr Spice Organic)
- 2 T salsa
- 1 t paprika
Directions: Mix together, heat in microwave and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds!

Serves 2 (or 1 person who just ran 10 miles!)
Oh this was gooood.

With some cherry tomatoes on their last legs.
and a high protein/high fibre pita for scooping.

Ok, I am seriously ready for a nap now! lol. I am stuffed and content, but sleepy. I have this Glo Bar on reserve should I need a snack later tonight.
EDIT: I ate this bar @ 9pm (obviously!!)
Oh and for the record, last night I did end up having the orange and also 1/3 cup Glo-nola. ;)

Have a wonderful night everyone!!

Congrats on the 10 miler!! That’s awesome!
Your pictures are so beautiful with the new camera! Great present Mr. Glo :)
Nice job on the run! Friends like Caitlin are the best! Sometimes we need that little extra kick in the ass!
Keep Up the Great Work Ange! You’re such an inspiration.
FYI: I love HV No Salt Added Soups too! They had them on sale last time I was at WFM and I purchased a few along with the No Salt added vegetarian chili. I haven’t tried this one before so we’ll how it goes =]
Quick question for Angela or anyone who may know? On the Glo Bakery site under shipping info says shipping to mostly anywhere in the US, but the order online section says shipping to the US not available yet. Is it possible to have Glo Bakery products shipped to the US at this time?
Thanks so much!
Sorry for the confusion! I am not shipping to the US at this time, but will be in a few weeks or so. ~A
Great! Can’t wat :)
You always arrange your food so beautifully. I wish I had the patience.
I ran 10 miles today too, although I didn’t have as great of food during or afterward!
How do you make homemade gel or is that a secret recipe?
Congrats on your 10 miles!! I love your photos!
Are you going to hire any helpers when Glo Bakery starts shipping to the US? It seems like your demand will be high! :)
Possibly! I’ll have to see how I can manage!
Whooohooooo for the 10 mile run! Impressive! I just did my longest run to day (9.4K) and it felt great!
Congrats on getting out for your run :)
I did the water station trick on my half too.
I also did the “Steve is meeting me at mile 10” trick and it motivated me to get there. Then I just had 3 more miles, which were grueling, but the thought of being done was motivation enough to finish!
Hey there beautiful!! Congrats on the 10 mile run!! I definitely couldn’t do that!! Walking easily, running no way!! ;)
Your dinner looks sooooo delicouse!! I imediately put it on my meal-to-do list!! And I can’t wait to try it! :D
I love your method for getting the ten miles done! I think I always put pressure on myself to run straight through (not that I’ve run even close to ten miles in the last couple of years!) and I love being reminded it’s okay to stop, drink, walk. Or stop, drop, and roll, if you’re on fire.
You are such a busy bee! I seriously think about all the hard work you do on days when I’m feeling sorry for myself for being so busy. You’re an inspiration!
Awesome job on the run!!!
I loved your Wordless Wednesday post…with a camera that takes pictures like that, you can afford a wordless post!! :)
But I’m also glad to have your words back ;)
Can I just say that I die a little bit inside everytime I see your Glo-nola and realize I can’t eat it off the computer? It looks SooSoooSooo good!
And congrats on the 10-miler! You’re such an inspiration!
AWESOME job on the 10-mile run Ms. Angela! the worst part for me is getting ready and leaving. once i start, i usually feel great!
love all the eats :)
That looks delicious!
I need to find those high protein pitas around here.They look really good…I listen to the Hannah Montana soundtrack(yes,I’m 32:-) ) when I go out for my walk/sprints.I love how when I get to a certain song I know I’m halfway or on the homestretch.hehe…
okay, that meal looks great (chickpeas)! And I like reading about how you fuel your runs. I bought a “fuel belt” for water, so we’ll see if that helps me on my 7 miler this weekend.
Ange have you tried roasted chickpeas yet? I can’t remember but seeing your dinner from last night reminded me of them and how great they are!! If you haven’t yet you need to try them!! :D