Good morning!
I am happy to see there are a lot of NCIS fans out there. ;)
I have been a busy bee this morning trying to get some bakery orders out.
Around 8am, I took a break for a delicious and filling breakfast made up of cherry banana soft serve and chocolate protein vegan overnight oats. Yum.
The flower wanted some too!

Last night I did some packing for our Paris trip…naturally, I started with the foodie products. ;)
I always bring Amazing Grass Wheatgrass powder (top baggie) and samples whenever possible.

I use coconut oil on my skin before bed, so I thought this Artisana sample would be a great travel supply. :) I am also bringing a big bag of Glo Bars that my mom, sister, and I can all share and pop into our purses for a quick on-the-go snack. I also think I might bring some samples of nut butter too. They would make great snacks to pair with apples! When we arrive, we are hoping to find a local market where we can pick up some fruit to keep in our hotel room.
Do you bring foodie items with you when you travel? Do you ever bring anything that others think is ‘strange’ or ‘unusual’?
I always bring few foodie things with me when traveling.. Esp when I have to fly and rely on airport food. Never know when you’ll need a snack and not be able to find one! Right ?
I always bring food with me. I have a packing list that I use to make sure I don’t forget anything. The healthier I get the more food items get added to it. Here’s my food list: oatmeal, chia seeds, individual almond milks, trail mix (can use that in the oatmeal or for a snack), granola, bars (Ms. May, Larabars, Clif), wheatgrass packets & my shaker, bowl with lid to make overnight oats in my room, Amazing Grass Superfood packets or protein powder, individual nut butter packets, dried fruit (in the winter)…..and the list goes on. I mainly pack breakfast items. I can find a salad for lunch/dinner just about any place. Breakfast seems to be more difficult especially when you stay at one of those places that have a continental breakfast. For some reason they typically think donuts and cereal with cows milk is all there is for breakfast.
Yes, coconut oil is great for the skin, that is why you Oh So GLOW Angela! You do have lovely skin my friend. :)
I do bring snacks when I travel: bars, nuts, and maybe a good box of cereal. :) The airport is usually not ideal so I like to save some $$ and have a good snack from home ready. I am going to Maui soon and I look forward to all the amazing fresh fruit. I am so happy for your trip coming up! Wow, I am dying to go and it is so cool you are going with your mom and sister.
Most of our vacations include some sort of fitness–like hiking or cycling. So in that case we bring healthy snacks like protein bars, etc.
I brought Clif Bars for my trip to DC this summer (I had a feeling I’d be confronted with a lot of McDonald’s lunches and I was right!) I also brought my own goodies for the plane instead of the mini packs of ritz and goldfish.
Great ideas! When my husband and I were in Paris last year we actually got a lot of food at the grocery store right next to our hotel. Water was $6 a bottle on the street, so we bought a 12 pack and carried it around. We would get sandwhich stuff and pack picnics to eat while we were out. The food they had was so amazing, nothing like we had here. My favorite memory is eating a ham & brie sandwhich under an overhang of the Lourve watching it rain.
I usually pack Glo Bars when I travel :P. In fact I am about to place an order for my trip to Chicago in Nov!
I never travel without Jason’s PB or Almond Butter packets or Larabars. Just can’t be without ’em or I go into withdrawal.
I’m p;retty sure I could fill an entire suitcase full of food when I travel! :)
I usually pack some protein power, packets of nut butter, apple or banana, oats and a few bars when travelling. I like to make a dinner/lunch out of this when in the airport or ont he plane to avoid buying airport food. I probably wouldn’t bring all this to Paris…maybe a few bars to stash in my purse and some nut butter packets. When I visited Paris, I found that I never needed a snack as we ate far too much during our 3 meals per day! We usually ate out at a cafe or restaurant for lunch and dinner. Breakfast, we usually went to a little bakery near the hotel for coffee and a pastry, then stopped at the local corner market for some fruit to go with our pastry and caffiene, it was divine:) It seemed like there was always a little market with fresh produce on every other corner…very convienent.
I always bring food items with me when I travel! Vitatops, luna bars, pieces of fruit, etc. I even make sure to have a healthy snack in my purse when I run errands. You can never be too prepared :)
I bring foodie items for the travel but not so much while I’m there. It depends on where the vacation is and what activities are involved though.
I am a GF high raw vegan. My entire outlook on food is a total 180 from most people it seems; so I am always considered the weird one. But that’s ok :)
I actually travel with snacks that are premade like bars or things that I can eat in a pinch that are non perishable but mostly, I don’t go too overboard with snacks and things when I travel. I just grab the nearest piece of fresh raw produce, that’s the best to me!
But I never leave home without my stevia. Gotta have it…haha!
Have a great week, Angela!
Coconut oil for your face….no wonder you glow:) I bring some sort of bars and raw almonds when I travel. Can’t wait to hear about your trip!
I usually travel with little bags of pre-mixed oats, vanilla whey protein, cinnamon and stevia. I’ve been given a few odd looks in hotels when I bring my own oats, but they’re so much better than just the plain kind (which aren’t always available). One of my go-to road trip snacks is baby carrots, and that always gets odd looks from my driving companions too!
I am afraid to put coconut oil on my face for some reason… it doesn’t make you break out? Do you have extra dry skin or something? Do tell!
I have tried using coconut oil as well, as it is supposed to very good for dry, sensitive skin. It was ok for a couple of days, but then started irritating my skin and actually seemed to DRY it out. I have super sensitive skin, so I guess I was just allergic to it. I would have loved to be able to use it, as it is so natural and leaves a lovely, faint scent on your skin. Noelle – if you have relatively ‘normal’ skin, I’d give it a try! ;)
You have such beautiful skin, Angela – and very healthy looking! :)
Thank you!
It works for me…I think it does cause the occasional pimpple, but I feel like it is worth it to be using something natural. And yes I do find it makes me skin glow. I exfoliate with Ives before bed then use the coconut oil. very easy too
oops meant ‘my’
I almost always bring food with me when I travel! There are always Larabars and raw almonds stashed in my purse, as well a tin of dark chocolate, and in my suitcase I usually bring a bottle of liquid stevia and a baggy of spirulina for my green smoothies!
Whenever we travel, which is usually by car, I always make sure I pack mini-lunches. A couple Cliff bars, two juices for the hubby, water for me, two sandwiches, and then a little something sweet usually Dark chocolate. I prefer to not stop at a restaurant while en route to our destination. I much prefer saving the money and using it towards our food money for when we are at our destination. We love NCIS!! The dynamics between Gibbs and Tony crack me up. And oh Abby is awesome! I love how out of all of them she is the most affectionate and sweetest, but looks like tough gal with her goth get up :)
you are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!
the husb and i went to italy in may
and since i am GF and wasn’t
sure how many options there
would be for me,
i brought a CASE of
pb lara bars. they were
life savers! that and the gelato ; )
you are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!
the husb and i went to italy in may
and since i am GF and wasn’t
sure how many options there
would be for me,
i brought a CASE of
pb lara bars. they were
life savers! that and the gelato ; )
I brought a whole lunchbox full of Luna, Clif and Odwalla bars to Hungary when I was there for a month this summer :-) I also bring fruit for the actual days of travel.
Have an amazing trip! What a great opportunity to be able to go to Paris with your Mom and sister :-)