I realized that preparing for a Farmer’s market, is a bit like preparing for a race…
1) Lay out everything the night before!
2) Get about 4 hours of sleep.
3) Make a filling breakfast
Strawberry Carob Vegan Overnight Oats
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1.5 cups almond milk
- 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 2 tbsp carob powder (gives it the sweet taste)
- 1 diced banana
- 5-6 small strawberries, chopped
Directions: Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and then add wet and whisk. Place in fridge overnight. Serve with more strawberries.
Diced banana….
Chop, chop!
After whisking everything like a crazy woman.
More strawberries because I kept eating the VOO. :biggrin:
Then into the fridge overnight or in the fridge for about 45-60 mins. You choose! Note- you do not heat the VOO in the morning.
5am on a Saturday doesn’t get any better than this…
I couldn’t get over how HOT it is outside today- even super early this morning. It is supposed to hit 30C today so hopefully we don’t melt at the market!
I had a layer of strawberries on the bottom!
I am loving how cute the CSA strawberries are! SO much flavour too.
This recipe was one of my favourite VOO concoctions by far! So amazing. I love carob powder + strawberries together.
4) Consume a ton of fluids
I hope there are bathrooms at the market… :ermm:
5) Rush out the door!
Good luck!!
Best of luck to you Angela! I’m sure it’ll be a huge success!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh, I am so excited to hear all about your day!! Your bars are going to be SUCH a huge hit! Best luck, lovely lady!
Have fun lovely. Smaller strawberries are ALWAYS better :)
Ooh, good luck! :)
Good luck at the farmers market!!! Hope it’s fantastic!!
GOOD LUCK Angela! I wish you could come to the farmers’ markets by me to sell! You’re going to do amazing today!
Have fun, sell lots.
Have fun!!! :)
ps. could you send some heat to Finland too, it’s not very summery here at the moment :(
Good luck!!
ps: i am sure this has been asked before, but do you know where i can purchase that cup?? it is just so cute!
I realise I don’t comment here often but had to say I hope you have a grand ol’ time at the market! Really makes me wish I lived nearby. Hope your goods are a success :-)
Good luck today! I’m sure you’ll have a successful day at the market.
Good luck today!!! I know you’ll do great. I have a family brunch tomorrow and I am going to be attempting a vegan breakfast casserole sometime today – hopefully it turns out good. Be on the lookout! (even though I don’t think I could ever eat a breakfast casserole for breakfast. I am in love with my traditional breakfast too much)
Good luck at the market!
Good Luck today I hope it goes well and you don’t melt!!!!
Good luck and have fun!!! They’re gonna sell like hot cakes ;)
I SO want to try some of your goodies!
I’m such a sweet-aholic. I spent 15 years working in bakeries as a cake decorator, and before that it was 6 years in a Dairy Queen!
Hey, maybe you can make the cake and I can make the flowers to put on top!
Good Luck Today!!!!!
Good luck today! Two things- First- I received my Glo bar order in the mail this week. They are very good, but I especially love how I feel after I eat one… full, satisfied, and I know I put only great ingredients into my body. Number 2- I just made your VOO with the banana soft serve and layered it. It was very good. I need to experiment to add something more (like fruit). Thanks for the idea!