Hey guys!
Hope you are having a great day. I am currently watching the Men’s Olympic Hockey right now, while blogging. I’m a crazy multi-tasker like that.
Today on Twitter, I posted a link to an anonymous form where you could ask me anything, anonymously. Why would I subject myself to such a thing? Well, for one, I received an email from a long-time reader hinting that I hadn’t done a FAQ post in a dog’s age (which is true!! oops). Secondly, I saw the Ask Anything on many blogs and I thought it was pretty fun to read.
Here are a few of the anonymous questions that I received today. Please note I am leaving out the questions I have answered in FAQ’s previously.
Here we go!
264. Have you lost any friends because of your healthy lifestyle? If you could go back, is there any way you could have saved that friendship knowing what you know now?
Nope, thankfully. When I was struggling with an ED, I did however.
265. Since becoming a vegan, do you ever crave meat? How do you combat it?
I think it has been over 6 months since I have truly wanted meat. I used to combat the cravings with fake meats, but now I don’t need to. I do occasionally crave cheese though. Eric had me try a piece of cheese last week and I was surprised to find that I actually didn’t enjoy the taste much anymore. I think that our palates change based on what we eat.
My biggest cravings now are things like coconut butter, nut butter, green monsters/fresh juices, HUMMUS (I need to buy stocks in Fontaine Santé), dark chocolate, glo bars, oatmeal, dried apricots, dried cherries, bread. I go through spurts with what I crave…it changes by the week!
266. What’s your biggest fear?
That I am not living my life to the fullest.
267. It seems to us readers like you are the dominant person in your relationship. Would you agree with that?
We have an equal partnership. When we disagree we always find a middle ground.
268. I’ve tried having green monsters for breakfast but they always make me nauseous. Has this ever happened to you?
Possibly after a night of consuming too much alcohol. ;) I’m not sure why this would happen to you- anyone else out there experience this? Maybe it is due to how visually unappealing they are- close your eyes? ;)
269. Does your husband ever mention that he misses it when you weren’t Vegan or does he like your lifestyle better now as a Vegan?
I just asked him and this is what he said: ‘I don’t miss it because I can still eat meat when I want to.’
Basically he said vegan or not, he doesn’t really care too much!
270. Which bloggers are you jealous of? Which ones tick you off?
Come on now.
271. You talk a lot about natural beauty. How do you think highlighting/dying your hair falls into that?
It doesn’t…and I’m ok with that. Gotta have some fun!
272. Sketchie is so adorable! Do you think he’ll be good with kids?
Thank you. He loves kids!
What is your favorite color?
Light blue and pink. Pink a bit more because I want a baby girl. :)
273. It doesn’t seem as if you attend church regularly. Are you a member of a church? Why or why not?
I don’t speak about my religion or spirituality on the blog.
274. Do you ever feel selfish for waiting so long to have children?
So long?! What am I, an 80 year old? haha. Sheesh. We have only been married a year and a few months. For one, I don’t think it is selfish to not to have kids. Secondly, I don’t think it is selfish to wait to have kids until you are ready. I am only 26 and am still establishing my career and place in this world.
275. Do you feel guilty on days you don’t work out? It seems like you work out a lot.
No I don’t feel guilty on days that I don’t workout. I used to in the past, but I am way easier on myself in recent years. I’ve had some life lessons recently that have taught me to love myself and to treat myself well. Hating on myself gets me no where. Working out makes me feel awesome, but I realize that my body needs rest too.
what size are you?
Size…HEALTHY! That is what the tag should read anyways. Numbers suck.
276. What does your wedding ring look like?? What is your favorite grocery store?? When you go grocery shopping, do you make a list or just walk in and buy stuff??
There might be a picture of my wedding ring on my wedding page…I can’t remember. I enjoy Whole Foods, but I don’t live near one so I don’t go more than once every few months. I don’t make a list, I just wing it most of the time.
277. When is your birthday? What do you like about having your Glo Bakery? Are there any hatha yoga DVD you would suggest I get…I am a Level 1 or 2 Love your tweets/blog and bars!
May 16th. Taurus. I love the freedom that owning my own business gives me. I love the creative aspect of it the most. I always felt so confined creatively in previous jobs. Sorry no DVD’s to suggest- anyone else?
278. Have you stopped dying your hair blonde? I think you should go full out – it would look great on you!
Thank you. I get highlights about 4 times a year, although I am considering just getting full colour because root touch ups are cheaper than highlights.
279. What does the husband do?
He doesn’t feel comfortable discussing his job on the internet. My lips are sealed!
280. Green Monsters Or fresh juices?
Don’t make me! That is like choosing between your two children.
281. Which fashion designer would you want to dress you?
Nicole Miller in a heartbeat.
282. i’ve been to a bunch of blogger meet ups and it seems like we always end up talking about you!!! I’m not sure why, but we talk about how INTENSE you are with everything you do! You just seem so hardcore about everything you do! Calm down!!!!
I don’t want to calm down, but maybe you need to? I like who I am! I’ve never been called intense or hardcore before but I kind of like it. :mrgreen:
283. You’re least and most favourite exercise?
Least- recumbent bike (like watching paint dry to me haha)
Most- Snowboarding, running, walking around as a tourist on vacation :)
284. Where’s one place in the world you still want to go?
I want to go to a developing country to volunteer. Hopefully in 2010 or 2011.
285. Do you really want kids?
More than anything.
286. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? I know you aren’t interested in numbers on the scale but do you have a specific number which you would like to keep under forever?
I’m 5’5 and I don’t know my weight. I go by how my clothes fit and it surprisingly works well. They start to get tight and I reel in the party in my mouth a little bit. :)
I better get back to our cheering squad now. It’s currently 3-0 for Canada right now…woot!
Have a great night!

Ha, love your response about having kids! I just turned 27 and I don’t think that’s OLD at all! I hope that my husband and I will have kids in the next 3 years or so, but it will be when we are good and ready!!
WOW!! I am surprised by what some people ask!! I love your responses though, you are super diplomatic!! Is it being Canadian? ;) I have to get cracking on watching some olympics. Doh! Have a great night!!
you’re amazing. “size healthy”! great answer :)
Intense could be code for vegan. It often is ;-) Ah, what a misunderstood bunch we are! Ha!
These questions were pretty weird. Good job answering them!
Aha…you could be right! I thought it was a really strange thing to call Angela (just based on what I see on the blog), but perhaps it is to do with veganism. It is so misunderstood!
Wow, you must be the worst person in the world for not going to church and not popping out kids in your teens.
Not only is it none of their business and completely irrelevant, but especially questioning people about kids can be so hurtful.
Perhaps they would prefer that you were a bible-thumping mother of ten at your age, or that you disclosed your personal fertility history to all and sundry.
Snaps for not biting back!
Hey Angela!
G’day from down under!
I love your blog and how you handled those questions! I love your enthusiasm for life and health.
Katie :)
Hi Angela, first time commenter here =) I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading your blog every morning while I drink my green monster! Your answers to each and every question made me appreciate you even more! Keep doing what you are doing, you really are inspiring more people than you think!
You are so refreshing :) Always. xo
We share the same birthday :) I felt some of those questions were a bit rude but it was interesting to read your answers. You are naturally beautiful and healthy and your blog is an inspiration to many. Keep it up!
Hardcore? Maybe, but I’d say you are passionate. I love that you put effort and passion into everything you do. It’s inspiring! :-)
Wow, some of those questions were really rude/mean. You live your life just the way you want to, and if people have problems with this well it’s their problem, not yours.
But you did a great job handling all the questions, and keep up the passion and enthusiasm!
Whoa, some of these questions are straight up rude.
I LOVE your intensity. I think it’s a Canadian thing :-)
BTW, Size Healthy should be a movement, just like Green Monster.
Always fun to learn more about you Angela! Thanks for the honestty : )
Wow some of those questions were tough, you seriously handed them really really well! I can’t believe the cheek of some of those questions though, what’s up with being so critical of people & their relationships!? That is so rude and a lot of it is probably rooted in jealousy.
I’ve been reading your blog since last summer and never thought of you as ‘intense’ or ‘hardcore’ in a negative way at all. I think you’re inspiring. You do what you feel is best in all situations, and you’re obviously really caring and thoughtful, and unselfish. Keep doing what you’re doing. :D
Wow that word “annonymous” really changes things huh? You got some borderline rude questions…I think you handled answering them well though! I think being hardcore or intense is a compliment- most people call it passion :)
man, some of those questions are silly and rude. great answers for everything. you are brave to even accept anonymous questions…
Me again…I think your blog somehow gets lumped into the millions of other food blogs in comparison. All those other blogs are about me, me, me. This is what I ate, this is my training plan, etc. And all of that is fine. Sure you have some of those things featured in your posts here and there, but your main focus seems to be on helping and inspiring others while still giving us a little peek into your life. You strive to include people in things like the GMM, so they too can lead a healthy life. You don’t just use this as a portal to tell everyone else about your day-to-day (like an online journal)…you truly want people to ENJOY (key word) the same great health you get from treating your body the RIGHT way. Very few blogs inspire me like you do! And if that makes you intense, then so be it!
I agree with Colleen so much! (I tried to refrain from commenting bc I realize this post is old… and I’m probably here by myself – lol)
I love your honesty with this post! I feel like some bloggers over share, and some under share, but yours is a great balance! You were also great with handling some (in my mind) rude questions — you did a great job with them!
Don’t you DARE calm down!
Starting my day off reading your blog rocks my socks girlie ~
I loved your answers to the creep-o questions ~
For the nausea-causing green monster question – they do the same to me!! I think it has something to do with the air bubbles that get created in my smoothie when it’s mostly made up of spinach. For some reason this doesn’t happen as badly when I use thicker ingredients. And it also has to do with your blender pitcher, larger ones pull in more extra air when you blend. Drinking a club soda and burping after helps a lot ;)