In 2009, I set 9 goals.
In 2010, I set 10 goals (here is how I did!).
This year for 2011, I am setting 11 goals!
(I’m scared.)
It’s ok though, I am a Snow Warrior, after all.
I approach New Year’s Goals the same way I look at shoveling a huge mountain of snow:
Tackle a little bit at a time and eventually you look back and the entire driveway is complete! If you get tired during the process, head inside for hot cocoa & warm cookies to recharge.
It’s a life motto, really.
Plus, if I don’t set some fun goals for the New Year, how will I ever make it through the long, cold winter?
I’m convinced that New Years Goals help beat the winter blahs. Goals help us look forward to things and get excited and dreamy eyed, just like in the summer when the warm breeze is at our backs and the hot sun on our face.
On January 1st, anything is possible.
I’m excited.
Eleven in 2011
2011 THEME: Trust myself.
It is said that if you do everything with love you cannot go wrong. I have been trying to trust myself more and more for the past couple of years, but in 2011, I want to make it the theme of my year. I want to cut down on negativity (internally and externally) and only take on tasks that I truly want to do. I also want to work on giving my heart to my loved ones and always showing and telling friends and family how much they are appreciated.
Hell, I will start a day early…I love you guys!
1) Blogging: Quality over Quantity
There was once a time in my blogging journey when I was more concerned with blogging ‘x times per day’ than producing something that represented my best effort. Throughout 2010, I have realized that it is really about quality over quantity.
My blogging goal for 2011 is to never hit publish on something that is rushed or is not my best effort. I think there is too much pressure on bloggers to post as frequently as humanly possible, but I think it is important to step back and breathe.
2) Take care of my health and continue my journey with a Vegan diet.
Committing to a vegan diet is not always easy and this is why I decided to put it on my 2011 list.
I’m sure many of you think that veganism is a walk in the park for me, but there are many days that I really struggle with my commitment. My journey with veganism is always a work in progress and I have never had an end goal of being a ‘perfect vegan’.
I will slip up.
I will occasionally have foods that aren’t vegan.
I was called a ‘hypocrite’ by a few people when I said that I would try some non-vegan foods while traveling in Paris, but not everyone has to agree with my choices for it to be right for me. We need to stop worrying about what others think of us and do what speaks to us on a personal level.
As long as I keep feeling the positive effects of the food I eat, I’m willing to put in the extra effort to continue along this fun journey.
3) Write a vegan cookbook proposal + sign with publisher + start cookbook testing
and writing process
This one is scary to say out loud.
I want to write a vegan cookbook more than anything! Healthy recipe testing, cooking, and baking makes me feel very fulfilled and excited. Nothing would make me more happy than applying my creativity into a cookbook that I could share with all of you. I have a passion for my cookbooks and they bring me great joy. I would love to be a part of that.
With that being said, I don’t want to write any cookbook; it has to be the right opportunity based on my vision or I am simply going to wait. I will not settle for an offer that my heart is not into just to have a book published. I believe that what is meant to happen will happen, even if it is not as soon as we want!
4) Save 10% of monthly gross income into high interest savings account.
At the end of each month, I will assess how much gross income I have and then I will transfer 10% of this income into my high interest savings account.
At the end of the year I shall buy myself some Coconut Bliss.
That shit stuff is like gold!
5) Run my first 5k race in under 23 minutes (which would be <7:24 min/mile or 4:46 min/km pace)
This is going to take a lot of training, but there is a former track and field speed demon inside of me just waiting to tackle the short distance races again! I used to run sprint distances in school and I thrived on them. For some reason the thought of breathless agony appeals to me.
It’s complicated.
6) Raise money for charity.
In 2011, I am going to pick a new charity and spread the love around.
7) Do Body Pump class a minimum of one time per week.
Another fitness goal of mine is to build muscle. Running is great for my heart and sanity, but it doesn’t do much for building muscle I’m afraid. I have had awesome results with Body Pump in the past and I am excited to take the classes again!
8.) Take a photography course.
My photography skills are self-taught, but I would really love to take a photography course (or two) in 2011 to delve deeper into my newest passion. I learn best visually and hands-on as opposed to reading something off the internet.
It’s really a miracle that I can even operate my DSLR camera. I’m not very tech savvy, naturally. Eric is patient.
9) IRELAND or bust!
(Pic source: David Liddon)
Eric and I have wanted to go to Ireland since we met over 10 years ago. My mother in law grew up in Ireland and we have lots of family that we can stay with to cut back on costs. It would basically be a week of chugging beer, eating chips, and pretending I live in a castle. I’m down with that.
10) Meditate for 3 minutes per day.
My approach to things that scare the crap out of me? Shoot low and I might surprise myself. As easy as 3 minutes per day sounds, this is actually one of the goals I am not sure I will accomplish given my prior track record with meditation!
My goal is to meditate for 3 minutes each day in 2011 in an effort to reduce mental ‘noise’. Mental Noise is what I like to call ‘a brain that never stops talking to itself’.
I suffer from Mental Noise, as do many other women. I have this constant chatter in my head and I’m pretty sure it’s not the kind that can be aided by medication.
11) Wild Card
My final goal for 2011 shall remain a secret until the end of the year! I have to have a few secrets up my sleeve!
Do you have any fun goals for 2011? What are you looking forward to?
I went to Ireland for the 2nd time this summer. And for the 2nd time, it was SERIOUSLY a life-changing experience.
Fabulous goals! I’d definitely buy your cookbook! Personally I’m mostly a “make goals as they come up” kind of gal, so my main “resolution” would have to be to just continue on the path I’m currently on: that is, to follow my heart! :)
love that!
Ireland is my favorite place in the entire world. It is my dream to live there someday! Make sure that when you go there you see Powerscourt Gardens. They are absolutely incredible!
beautiful inspiring post. And I am IN LOVE with that 5th picture…the sunlight slanting over the shelves of homey looking dishes and bottles is exquisite!!
cathy b. @ brightbakes
Love this list! Thanks for being honest about your occasional struggles with staying vegan. You really do make it look easy! I would LOVE to see what you come up with for a cookbook…I’m sure publishers will be all over it!
Those are awesome goals! Your goal posts (heh) are so inspiring! I made my own today.
After a 200 hour yoga teacher training program I learned a very important thing about meditation-get a cushion. It is the metatative equivalent to how a new lulu item makes you run faster or hold a yoga pose longer and stronger (because we both know lululemon has powers). Hugger mugger makes a great one you can get on amazon. Worth every penny.
My goal is to ‘keep calm and carry on’ in the face of uncertainty. I’m really trying to figure life out post-college in 2011 so I think that motto will serve me the best.
I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland too…I heard it’s absolutely gorgeous there! =) You’ll have to take lotssssssss of pictures when you go! Oh and I might just have to steal one of your resolutions…the meditating for 3 minutes a day is such a good idea! =)
I pretty much live on your recipe page.. SO PLEASE WRITE A COOK BOOK.
My main resolution is to not be such a perfectionist. I don’t always need to get straight A’s, nor beat everyone on runs, or have everything i bake come out perfect. im so competitive, though its good for racing, its bad for the soul!
I just posted about my 2011 goals as well. I love your list, especially the meditate for 3 minutes a day. This is something I have been wanting to learn to do. I would love to hear more about how this goes for you. Here’s to a prosperous 2011! :-)
Good luck with the cookbook! I would definitely buy yours. I hope to eat more vegan in 2011 (just a vegetarian now), so it’s good to know that you still struggle with it. It seems like other vegans have it so easy and don’t crave non-vegan food, or don’t have any problems/distress in passing up food that doesn’t perfectly fit into their diet. So glad to know I’m not alone!
omg i could kiss your feet with this:
“My blogging goal for 2011 is to never hit publish on something that is rushed or is not my best effort. I think there is too much pressure on bloggers to post as frequently as humanly possible, but I think it is important to step back and breathe.
The world will go on. ”
THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!! your posts are always amazing and never ever ever feel rushed. They are works of art.
YOU should be teaching the photog class, not taking :)
Meditate and save money, awesome.
Vegan/traveling stuff…ok i remember when you posted that and i was so happy for you that you ate what you wanted in paris, and i was happy for me too, that you posted that!!! It’s not a walk in the park for me either and thank you for keepin it real :)
Ooooo…. I can’t wait to hear more about the cookbook! :) That’s exciting!!!
I have a lot of fitness related goals! :)
Oh wow! I just spent the majority of my afternoon/evening coming up with my goal list and I have many that are the same as yours (photography course in particular!!) Mine will be up on Monday, but they include doing more yoga, eating mindfully, devoting more time to others, and saving for a new car. Looks like it’ll be a big year for both of us!
Thanks for sharing Angela! I discovered your blog back in September, and have read everything from the beginning! Being able to see how open and honest you are about your goals and how you go about achieving them is so inspiring and has really helped me in making many positive changes in my life. These New Year posts were particularly enjoyable to read! I thought it was such a great idea to set longterm goals that were flexible and focused more on personal growth, rather than the typical New Years resolution of losing x pounds, or starting x diet, or exercising x days a week no matter what (!) only to be discouraged the second anything deviates from the plan. If I have learned anything in the past few months, it is that it is okay to slip up and life isn’t an “all or nothing” thing – no one is perfect! I will also be setting 11 in 11 as well and look forward to a fresh start and a healthy and happy outlook on life! I really cannot thank you enough. Good luck in the New Year! I can’t wait to see what you achieve this time around!
Awesome goals! Your cookbook will be the first I ever buy :-)
i will for sure buy your cookbook!
some of my goals for 2011:
1. start residency training in internal medicine
2. master crow and headstand yoga poses
3. run a 10k or half
4. spend more time with my family
5. argentina!
I have to say that if you came out with a cookbook, I would totally buy it! I am not a vegan, but your recipes make my mouth water.
I would like to run my 2nd 10K this year and be able to do 20 real push-ups. That last one may be a toughie!
I would buy your cookbook the minute it comes out!
As for the 11th goal…maybe a baby? You would be such an amazing mother!
Wonderful goals for 2011 Angela! Going to Body Pump at least once a week is also one of my goals.
All the best in the new year!!