Good morning afternoon!
Clearly, I do not do well with excitement because last night I was so wound up I couldn’t sleep until 4am! Do you ever feel so tired that you actually have a more difficult time falling asleep? That was me last night. Around 3am, I actually came downstairs for a bit and did some yoga to relax my mind! It didn’t work as quickly as I hoped, but I was asleep around 4am. Eek.
Insert copious amounts of Japanese Sencha green tea this morning… :whistle:
For breakfast, I did what all good hostesses do and I asked my guest to make me breakfast. :lol:
First kale chips, now breakfast. I know. Don’t you want to stay here too?
All good breakfasts begin with banana.
I asked Ashley to make me some hot oatmeal!
You have probably noticed by now that I don’t eat hot oatmeal much. Aside from when I make my cheezy savoury oats, I typically have the vegan overnight oats in the morning. I actually never used to eat any kind of oatmeal until a few months ago! :shocked: I have made sweet oatmeal a few times and I was never hooked on it because I found that it was either too sweet, too hot, or left my stomach feeling a bit strange. But I figured it was worth another try!
Ashley added some organic blueberries to this pot and I was seriously drooling. I have a slight obsession with blueberries…
I believe she used 1 cup of oats, 1 large ripe banana (sliced), 2 cups of almond milk (guessing here!), 2 tbsp chia seeds, blueberries, 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, and a pinch of sea salt. Serves two crazy blogger ladies.
Then she mixed up a nut butter sauce which was her Cinnamon Maple Almond butter with a bit of almond milk. It basically just thins out the nut butter and allows it to pour over the oats like a flowing lava of nut butter. Genius.
Our oatmeal station…
Ashley also added some of my organic maple butter to her bowl, but I thought it would put me over the edge of sweetness in the morning so I skipped it.
Pouring the almond butter sauce over top was fun. :biggrin: We also added some cacao nibs for some antioxidant crunch!
I loved the oats. They tasted awesome. The only cons of hot oatmeal to me are 1) They make you sweat in the summer! 2) My stomach feels a bit weird afterwards. 3) They take more time than vegan overnight oats.
Although they were great on such a rainy day today.
I worked on my market sign after breakfast on Ashley’s laptop…
And then I put Ashley to work…again! muhauhauha. I had to use the extra pair of hands while I could. I don’t have this opportunity often.
I begged her to write-up my Farmer’s Market chalkboards!
She did AWESOME!!!
Soooo much more artistic than me. Although I am quite mean with a pencil.
I squealed a few times. Ok, 10.
Yesterday, we also came up with a new name for my Glo Balls…
We both agreed that ‘Glo Ball’ was lacking a certain sophistication. :tongue:
After I was confident that I had squeezed every last ounce of work from Ashley that I could, I figured she could use some lunch before heading on the long 4.5 hour drive back to Ohio.
It was pouring rain, so we both agreed that soup was in order!
I threw on two cans of Amy’s Reduced-sodium Split Pea Soup:
We had it with Trader Joe’s Pita Chips (Awesome!), Mary’s Crackers, cukes, and carrots.
I like the reflection of the cucumbers in the bowl!
Fueling and soothing on a rainy day.
Then I tried to be cute and get her to agree to move in with us…
Didn’t work.
DOUGH! :cwy:
We said our final farewells and Ash was on her way. I am currently bummed and miss her already!
However, we will see each other this summer…we are sharing a room with Ashley and a few others at the Healthy Living Summit in Chicago this August. It should be a fun reunion!
Well, it’s full steam ahead for the opening of the Organic Farmer’s Market on Saturday. Gulp. Have a great Wednesday!
aww… all of her visit looked so fun :)
those oats… with the AB saucy sauce…? I will be making!
she did awesome with your signs… so cool! I like glo dough better too… :)
My running buddy and I were just talking about the HLS event, and may be putting ourselves on the wait list. I gave her your blog (and a few others that I read) to read, because she wants to create a similar type of blog + she’s a vegetarian.
Anyway, the meet-up sounded fun! You’re so awesome for having people over.
I also decided to maybe wait until next week to make my very first Green Monster – I don’t want to mess up my stomach before my “big 5k” lol :)
Those oats with the blueberries mixed in looks great!
Awww…what great pictures of you both! Looks like you had a blast! Oh, and the signs look fantabulous!!
Blueberries make everything taste better. :)
You looked like you had so much fun. Can’t wait to see you guys at the Healthy Living Summit.
Those boards look so cute!! Good luck at the farmers market!! Ahh you know what I saw in the health foods store that reminded me of you Organic canned cherries..since you have been unable to find frozen, canned is next best thing :P
It looks like you and Ashley had so much fun together. The chalk boards are awesome!
Gosh, I want to try ALL of those Glo Bars! They sound so good! Ashley did a great job on the chalkboard. And, you look SO PRETTY in the last pic with her! LOVE that color on you!
Your boards are GORGEOUS!!
That oatmeal looks delicious!!! I just tried your overnight oats yesterday morning for the first time and loved them! Although mine weren’t vegan, they were yummy. Since it is cold here in Chile I was not brave enough to eat them fresh out of the fridge so instead of adding the banana at night, I waited until the morning, took out the oats, heated them in the microwave and then added the banana. Perfect filling breakfast that did not leave me hungry any time soon. :)
Love the name Glo-Dough! The boards look amazing as well! :)
You two are too cute–you could be sisters!
Also, you are totally going to rock out the Farmer’s Market. Saturday is my birthday–it’s a lucky day!
happy early bday Brie!!
It sounds like you 2 had a fab time. I’m loving everything you eat. I need to find an organic/health food store round here and get some proper goodies in my kitchen cupboards! You really inspire me to become a vegan but I just don’t know if I could do it. What do you eat at Christmas? :)
I eats looooots of deelish things and I always try to make vegan dishes. :) I never go hungry that is for sure!
I’m seriously considering giving it a try. You’re a huge inspiration to me. Honestly.. since finding your blog I’ve changed my whole outlook on food/exercise! x
Aww thank-you! Glad that you could make some healthy changes to your own lifestyle. =)
Those chalk boards look great! Glo-Dough is a really great name too but Glo-Balls is still hilarious:)
Raw balls is even cheekier!
I’m glad you had such a good time… and I hope you sleep better tonight!
Thanks! 3rd night is a charm…lol
LOVE the Glo-Dough name! Very creative and catchy! I know your going to do fabulous at the farmer’s market :)
That is the cutest cutest cutest photo of you too (I love Ash’s top). I hope the farmers’ market is a huge success!! When does it start?
Saturday! :)
You two had so much fun!! I love those oats even though now I’m into overnight ones- thanks to you!!! :D
The signs look great! I’m sure you’ll be a hit at the market!
Can Ashley come over to my house and make me oats too? ;)
The sign looks amaaazing!! And lovin’ the glo-dough name!!