Thanks for your encouragement about the TRY-A-TRI!
I don’t know what has gotten into my husband, but I agree with you guys- he is on FIYA! Eric says thank you for all of your nice comments about his Coke Kick and decision to do a Triathlon. Next thing you know he’ll be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro blind-folded on a pogo stick! bahaha.
Today was a busy day in the bakery. I cranked out my orders, made some business calls, shipping, and did more Gluten-Free & Raw Glo Bar testing + nutritional calculations. I am zonked. I honestly thought it was Wednesday today and then I realized it was Monday. Not a good sign! ;)
Dinner was to be quite honest…pretty lame. My goal was to make Coconut curry quinoa with my leftover quinoa and I was way too heavy handed on the curry. I tried to make it taste better by adding some hummus (what can’t hummus fix!?), but it still was just blah…
Then I uploaded the pictures and realized it looks about as good as it tasted…
Ick. It almost looks GREEN! And not the good kind of green…
I’m not giving the recipe because I don’t want you making this…trust me on this one. ;)
With carrots…
and Mary’s Crackers.
Onward and upward tomorrow!
Because I was in such a flurry today, I don’t have any exercise to report, but I do have a wonderful Health News Round Up to share with you tonight…
Health News Round Up
- 21 Ways To Overcome Disappointment – Huffington Post
- One Fit Bottomed Girl shares her experience with exercise and pregnancy – Fit Bottomed Girls
- 5 reasons you have back pain – Fit Sugar
- A very fun Vegetarian/vegan recipe website. Thanks to Kady for sharing!
Tonight’s question- How often do you have cooking/baking duds in the kitchen?
I tend to have usually 1-2 duds per week. This is usually from throwing a bunch of things into a pot and hoping for the best (as I did tonight). I am also notorious for burning my sweet potato fries to a crisp. When I tell Eric I am making sweet potato fries for dinner, he always says ‘uh oh’ and laughs. :( I’m cursed!
I’m off to learn more about Dwight and hopefully hit the hay early as I am zonked. Night!
I feel bad…I suggested curry on twitter :(
Dont feel bad it wasnt your fault silly…I practically dumped three times the amount of curry I should have ;)
LOL… your sweet potatoe fries look like mine.
Ha! I’m cursed with sweet potato fries as well!!! I think it’s a broiler issue but I’ve never cooked them and NOT burned them!!!
And I remember one morning waking up thinking it was Saturday and it turned out to be just TUESDAY!!! Worst day I tell ya…
Too bad on the curry but at least you know for next time!
Ugh, I have cooking duds all the time. More than I’d like to admit. At least I’m not alone. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only incompetent one in the kitchen. Good to know I’m in good company!
I do have cooking duds- usually more cooking than baking, which I hope is a good sign because I really want to be a baker!! ;) I tend to forget about something on the stove when I am doing something else… and then it burns =( lol
I always seem to have a dud when I have guests over and I get brave and want to fix some exotic something wonderful to impress them. It’s almost a guaranteed fail and I never learn my lesson.
I bet even a poor dish by your standards is still a pretty tasty thing!
I’ve always wanted to climb Kilimanjaro. Maybe not on a pogo stick though.
Boooooo to kitchen fails. But they definitely happen to all of us :-)
I’m fortunate that I only experience cooking dudes once every few months. Normally as a result of an untested recipe gotten off the web.
I congratulate Eric. I started by wanting to do something active. Started with aquafit thinking that if I were submersed in water no one would see how large and lumpy I was. It went from there to boot camps to running half marathons.
Lots of my meals end up as “duds” because I’m in a hurry to make something and it’s really irritating to have the dorm kitchen on the 3rd floor, live on the 4th floor, and constantly forget things. All in all there’s usually 1-2 per week but they’re not completely inedible – and my hummus can usually fix any meal. :D
I am so excited you shared the recipe website I found in your Round Up!
I do burn things in the kitchen when I start trying to do too many things at once! But I am not very adventurous as far as creating my own concoctions, but am looking forward to trying some of those recipes in the website!
I wish my fiance would be more interested in running with me, but I am happy for the little steps he has made…I do get him do go to the gym with me once in a while, we might get bikes and start biking together, and I got him drinking GREEN MONSTERS! Ha
I must have missed the Triathlon post. Go Eric! I’ve always wanted to do a Tri too but the swimming part always freaks me out. I’m gonna attempt to train this summer!
I’ve definitely made some real duds before! I once accidentally added steak spice to a teriyaki stirfry and it was the worst thing I’ve ever tasted!
I’ll usually get a dud probably once a week- I like experimenting too much for my own good sometimes. My most recent dud (embarrassingly enough) were oatmeal cookies- pretty sure that one’s never been done before!
I like the concept of the Coconut Curry Quinoa- hope it works out for you next time :)
I have one dud a months I think, even though I cook every day. I guess I’m just lucky…
Really liked your health roundup today!
Do you oil your sweet potato fries? I do, and then I keep them no higher than in the middle of the oven. That works… And of course I look at them every 5 minutes, trying not to do too many things at once :-)
No I hadnt been oiling them…will try that!
Oh man those sweet potato fries are hilarious! In a cute way:)
Sorry about the dud. I have a couple duds a week, too. But at least you’re trying new things!
Sweet potato fries are soooo easy to burn! I now swear by Kath’s Low and Slow method.. you should try it!
And thank you so so SO MUCH for the links!!!! The one about ways to overcome disappointments really inspired me. I had a stress fracture back in December and it isn’t healing properly. I’ve now been put on crutches, can’t work, can’t go to school, have been from doctor to doctor and so I understand the whole disappointment thing. But that article really helped me and inspired me, so thank you!
ALL of my oven fries have a 50/50 chance of looking like yours! I am the Queen of Burn (or rather, of Slightly Golden Food, as we euphemistically call things). I’m also the world’s crankiest baker–I’m not fond of baking stuff (measuring and following directions are not my thing) and my oven is possessed so things come out burnt in patches and underdone in others. Yuck… Good thing I can live without sweets :-)
Everyone has duds, I think that’s just part of being adventurous in the kitchen!