Last night Eric and I went out for his birthday. Here we are prior to leaving for a late dinner. Do you notice a certain shirt I am wearing?? Yup, that is the same flower shirt I was thinking of buying a while back (remember back in March when I brought you into the change room with me?). I actually found it on the sale rack 75% off the other week!!!! :) Sometimes it pays to wait.

I ended up taking him to a place called Oliver and Bonacini. We had never been there before, and in the spirit of trying new restaurants, I booked us a reservation.
Little did we know we were not going to have a good experience at this restaurant! :(
To our disappointment, the patio was full so we opted for a booth in the bar area.
Decisions, decisions…

They brought us bread to the table, which I let Eric have (he was starving and about to chew his arm off!).

I ordered 6oz. of Sauvignon Blanc and Eric a beer.

Then it came time to order our apps and main course and this is where the fun started.
I asked the waiter if the vegetarian plate could be made vegan (there was some soufflé in it with egg whites) and he said he would check with the chef. So he came back and told me that the chef could prepare me a vegan plate and that it would be a ‘surprise’. I was like, sure…no problem! Sometimes I like when chef’s can just bring our their skills and whip up something really cool.
And then the waiter starts asking me questions about being a vegan. He goes, “Yea I have two friends that are vegan. You know, you should be a vegetarian but not a vegan. My friends started to waste away from being vegan. You can be a vegetarian, but you just shouldn’t be a vegan. It’s just not good.”
I know, right? What does someone say to that?
I said that while it is challenging it can be done properly is one is aware of what their body needs. I also said that vegetarians can be unhealthy too if they are not getting an adequate diet. I really had to bite my tongue though because I wanted to tell this guy, a la Stephanie Tanner, HOW RUDE! I mean how can you be a waiter and tell someone that how they are eating is WRONG? I was so miffed that someone could be so ignorant!
He went on and on too! Like this conversation didn’t end.
Oh and then he got on about the honey part. He goes, ‘Oh honey, I just don’t understand. It’s honey, come on!’
Obviously, I know that many people don’t have issues with honey or understand why that it isn’t vegan. I was like that too when I first started out. And then I made Glo Bakery completely vegan by removing the honey from all products. It doesn’t bother me that this waiter has a personal issue with veganism, what bothered me is that he was completely rude to me and left a very bad taste in my mouth, especially on an occasion that was so happy and celebratory. I just brushed it off and we carried on with dinner and just ignored the jerk.
My salad was nothing special. Spinach and mushrooms with vinaigrette.

Eric had Caesar salad that he said was good:

Then my surprise vegan platter came out and I will admit it was pretty interesting…

- Watermelon and tomatoes in a vinagrette

- EXTREMELY garlicky hummus on bread

- Vegetables
- White bean puree croquettes
- White rice (in back left)

Where do I start? First I will voice a couple complaints:
- The vegetables were dripping in oil
- The food was heavily salted (I mean heavily)
- The croquettes were deep fried
It bothers me when chef’s think that they need to douse vegetables in oil and salt to make them taste good. I don’t know about you, but if I was cooking for a vegan, I probably wouldn’t deep fry anything either.
The hummus bread had huge chunks of garlic in it. Way too much garlic. I felt like I was fuming after one bite! I ate half the bread, all the rice, all the vegetables, 2 croquettes, and all the watermelon and tomatoes. I was stuffed at the end. :)
Eric had a lamb burger and fries…

Eric didn’t like the burger and he said the fries were really salty (I tried one and they were, much like my food).
All and all, it was a really disappointing experience. Don’t you just hate when you take someone out for a special dinner and it is a flop?? I felt so bad!!!
We made the best of it though…
After dinner, Eric dragged me to see GI Joe for a late show at 10:20pm. Let me just be brief and say this- it is 2 hours of my life that I will never ever get back. ;) Horrible. The acting, the cinematography, the script. Everything. Dear God.
And then on the highway on the way home, we got stuck in traffic on the 401 for 40 minutes! So we didn’t get home until 1am. I reclined my chair as I was so tired.

It was sort of just ‘one of those nights’, ya know? I still feel so badly because I feel like Eric didn’t have a good birthday. :(
I tried to make the best of it by being goofy and silly after dinner though…
Sadly, this restaurant experience reminded us why we don’t go out to eat. It is expensive and we can often make much better food at home for so much less. Live and learn I guess!
I am sorry for the downer post guys! I would never hide my true feelings on this blog though. And I would never pretend that everything is fine and dandy when it was not.
What you see is what you get! Bad experiences happen to the best of us, right?!
This morning Eric’s mom is working on the alterations for my bridesmaid dress. Let’s hope we get this thing fitting a bit better!
Off to bake…

Ahhh the flower shirt! I loved it so I’m glad you got a great deal on it :)
OUCH at the waiter’s comments. I would have politely informed him that his friends obviously didn’t know how to nourish properly in their vegan adventure.
I didn’t know honey was nonvegan! It makes sense now that I think about it though!
Sounds like you guys kept a positive attitude. My boyfriend and I will often go out and not like our meal, but hey – aint no thang!
So I’m glad you still had a positive attitude and you were able to look past the negatives on such a special day!
My bf wants to take me to GI Joe too (lol I accidentally typed out joke instead of joe) and now i’m scared! i thought it even looked good, the leading actor is cute, but now im worried! lol!
How terrible! I hate bad restaurant experiences because they are so expensive, and you’re right, most of the time we can make much better things at home. What a jerk! I’m so sorry you had to listen to that, some people just don’t realize what they are saying. I would definitely send a complaint to the restaurant, that is unacceptable on so many levels. You guys still rock!
Soooo frustrating when people challenge what you eat!! As a vegan I encounter this quite often; but I’ve never had a server at a restaurant treat me this way! Ridiculous! At least you can use the power of consumerism and tell your friends about your less-than-stellar experience :)
That stinks that your dinner wasn’t all you had hoped for! I’ll avoid GI Joe – thanks for the honest opinion!
Life is not about not having storms, but learning how to dance in rain…..Which you CLEARLY know how to do :)
That server made my blood boil Angie! I wish I would have been there and you wouldn’t have needed to say one word…….BC I would have let him have it!
Love You and I’m sure Eric enjoyed just being in your presense! What a Lucky Guy! (You’re lucky too, lol.)
You know, people can have their opinions about veganism and share it on their own time. But when they’re in a professional environment, that is not the time to spout off nutritional opinions to their customers. Would he lecture obese people about fat grams? Or the dangers of aspartame to someone who is ordering diet soda? Or harangue someone who is going outside to smoke a cigarette? No. Because their choices are THEIR business in that context.
That waiter was totally inappropriate and I hope you complain to his manager.
Did you complain about the service? If not, you should! Oliver and Bonacini have several places in the GTA (including Canoe, possibly the most expesive resterant in the city) and are VERY concerned with their service. Usually it is amazing and they are known for being one of the 50 best employers in Canada.
I bet if you complained to the manager they would take it very seriously and might comp you another meal out!
I’m sorry you guys didnt have the best dinner experience, but I’m sure Eric had a great bday spending time with you!
Also wanted to thank you bc I made Maple+Blueberry Infused Pumpkin Spice Pancakes today using your Swirl Pancakes as an inspiration!–I think I need a little more practicing on the “swirling” (haha) but they came out great! Thanks for the recipe! :)
Booo that’s sad about dinner. I regularly have the same problem with even being vegetarian. Everyone seems to have a comment or opinion about it, and it’s usually offensive. I don’t go around asking people what’s wrong with them because they eat meat. Good for you for being so polite!
I just love your blog…. but i might love that top more (love the flower, you know you do too) Glad you made the most of the evening! :)
Ugh, that’s really awful. I hate it when dinner is a downer. For this very reason, my husband and I:
1. rarely go out to eat
2. stick to our tried and true favorites when we do
I hate getting excited to try a new place (and I so would have to go to O&B!!!) and then be absolutely deflated by the end of the evening.
I agree with a previous poster. You should definitely write a letter of “concern” to the restaurant management.
I’m sorry to hear about your dining experience. As a vegan myself I have had to deal with similar situations it sucks. It sounds like you had fun and made the best of it anyway. I love that shirt where did you get it?
What a rude waiter; how frustrating!!! It looks like you two made the most of your meal and Eric’s birthday though. As annoying as experiences like that are, it gives you something to look back on and laugh it. As always, beautiful, beautiful pictues of you and your honey.
Such a bummer and such awful customer service for the waiter to be telling you that stuff!!
what a pitty! i like eating out, and most of the time i can find something healthy. the thing i love most about eating out though, is not having to do the dishes in the end ;-) it might help when my boyfriend and me move in together, we will definitely buy a dish washer!! ;-)
Aw, that’s sucks that the night was a bit of a bust.
I hate when that happens, especially when there’s a lot of build-up for a more special occasion.
Next time you go out, maybe check some reviews to make sure you don’t repeat the yucky experience.
This site: http://www.blogto.com/ is awesome for checking out the best, well, anything in TO, and it provides great reviews and user comments.
Better luck next time, Angela! You’ll always have swirly pancakes to fall back on, right?
That stinks about your dinner! I hate when we have terrible experiences like that. I just can’t believe the waiter was that rude to you!
I’M so sorry that you guys had to go through that, good thing Eric has the best gift ever, you! You guys are a perfect couple, and I wish you well. I also hate eating out, due to the above and my parents and fam, don’t get it at all, so there is always tension. Have a great day.
i hate to hear that the birthday dinner/movie didn’t turn out as planned. i love eating out but always hate when the food isn’t up to par. and that waiter, there are no words…
sorry to hear things didn’t go as planned!! that vegan platter sure looks…interesting :O)