Good afternoon on this wonderful Friday!
I had a slight snag in my Glo Bakery Incorporation application. Apparently there are two corporations in Ontario called “Glo” (not sure how they can have two with the same name, but anyways…) and they asked me to fill out a 4 page document detailing why my business name “Glo Bakery” is unique.
Firstly and most importantly, the name of Glo Bakery was conceptualized via the name I created for this blog- Oh She Glows. So I explained this in my application. The two also have a similar theme- healthy eating.
Secondly, My business name Glo Bakery, is distinct from simply the corporations called “GLO”. It is clear in my business name that my business is a bakery and not some other enterprise.
Thirdly, my proposed business location is different from both of these GLO companies. If they were in the same city, I may see why it would be a problem, but alas they are not.
I hope this explanation is sufficient and will grant me approval for the incorporation of Glo Bakery! I truly love the name; it has personal significance for me (and I suspect many readers!). :)
My trip to Toronto was fun!
I got to test out my new GPS on my first road trip :D Although, little did I know that the GPS would steer me wrong! haha. Ok, it didn’t steer me wrong…I just followed the directions wrong and got a bit lost. It was HILARIOUS. I mean hilarious. It kept saying (shouting) LEFT LEFT GO LEFT, turn right in 30 metres, LEFT!!! And I started to panic a bit.
I knew I had to call Eric. It is a long-standing joke between him and a couple of his coworkers that I always call Eric LOST and desperate for help getting back on route.
Hey Toronto is a huge city….mmm kay. Don’t judge! :D
So I called him, and before he says hello he goes, ‘You’re lost aren’t you!?’
Busted. So busted.
Before I could get a word out, I started laughing so hard. I laughed so hard I was crying.
Meanwhile, in the background you could hear LEFT TURN, GO LEFT, YOU IDIOT TURN LEFT in 30 METRES!!! lmao. Ok, maybe it wasn’t that harsh, but it sure felt like it!
Only I could get lost with a GPS!
*Takes a bow* Thank you thank you, hold your applause.
But I eventually did find my way, even if I did take the scenic route!
Passing the CN Tower:

Note: Picture was taken while I was in the passenger seat and Eric was driving him to work! No I don’t take pictures when driving…LOL!!!!!!
One of my errands was hitting the mall to make a birthday gift purchase! After that, I made a beeline for Lululemon. As many of you know, Lululemon is my fav. store. I have acquired quite the collection over the years! Each year I buy just one or two pieces to add to my collection. They are expensive, but they are superior quality and last FOREVER.
This Lulu store was HUGE, probably the biggest I have seen in this area. I was in heaven. I wanted to get this jacket but I resisted. It was so comfy and REVERSIBLE!

I seriously stood in the store for 10 mins. debating it in my mind as I ‘browsed’ around. Somehow I talked myself out of it! I am quite proud of myself.
I sold a Lulu hoodie for $110 a couple weeks ago, so technically I had a ‘free’ lulu purchase, but something in me said “You don’t really need it“. Le sigh.
Then I went into Club Monaco and I settled for a super cute Tee that was over 60% off! Now that is what I call a budgeting compromise. :) I got it for just $19 bucks.
It has a really cute low-back to it:

One of my favourite styles is the low-back. If some of you recall my wedding dress had a beautiful Deep V back. I think a low back is sexy yet still classy.
On the way home, I snack on 1/2 of a Larabar. It kept me sane until I arrived home for lunch at 12:30pm.
Crap Free Lunch:
Healthy Valley Black Bean Organic Soup:
It is packed with protein and fibre!
I had the whole can (398 ml):

Do you see a little kitty with his scratching post?

Then I had a rock star smoothie:

I am trying to use up my wilting Kale so I had 4 organic kale leaves, 1 cup frozen pineapple, Soy Milk and 3 ice cubes. Man was it COLD!
Smoothie pour deux:

hehe just joking- of course I drank both! :)
PS- Crazy Sketchie was yawning in that pic!!
Have a great afternoon everyone! I have more Glo Bakery stuff to attend to and then more office organization. After that, I have to put together a birthday package for my sister-in-law’s birthday tomorrow. :D
PS- The awesome Ashley from Sweet and Natural gave me a Kreativ Blogger Award!!! :D

38% of you guessed right that Julia Louis Dreyfus said this quote:
“““I have a chocolate drawer in my desk where I keep treats at all times,” she admits. “As long as I can have one or two pieces, I’m fine. But my biggest food vice is bacon. And no, I don’t have a bacon drawer. In fact, I don’t keep bacon in my house—that would be way too tempting.”
See you tonight for the next Oh She Glows Contest!
I LOVE that shirt!
and sketchie looks hilarious yawning! our cat looks crazy when she yawns, too :)
lulu! my former place of employment! man, do i ever miss that discount…
Great post!!
I LOVE that shirt!!!
Hope you get everything sorted with Glo Bakery..
I didn’t realize you were actually doing wedding things!
Hm, is being a bridesmaid and doing wedding favours too much to ask? lol.
Have a great night hun!
The top is adorable, and how funny I just bought that exact same can of soup today! Love black beans!
Good luck with the incorporation. I’m sure it will be fine!
I love how you serve your smoothies in such sophisticated glasses! I just recently started drinking water in wine glasses with meals- it’s just so much more civilized. Best of luck on your business ventures!
Good luck on that bakery name- you deserve it!
You’re not supposed to take pictures while you drive, silly… that may have contributed to you getting lost!
I LOVE LuLu ($cha-ching$!) & your “free” jacket… also, I love your backside-photo.. I mean shirt-back (whhhhattt?!)
Can’t wait for goodies!
…and LOL, for real, at the kitty :)
good luck with your site! that’s odd they won’t let you be glo bakery because there are other companies called “glo”!
and don’t worry..I get lost with my GPS too!! I’m so awful with directions!
BEST OF LUCK!!! And if you get nutritionals for the bars, let me know!!
Love Toronto :-)
LOL. i got my boyfriend a gps for christmas. he complains that the woman’s voice is not polite enough ;-)
Love the new low back shirt!
I just blogged about having my first green monster with spinach, half a banana and almond milk and LOVED it, thanks for the tips : )
OMG Paula Dean is a NUT! hahahaa
I LOVE that lulu jacket – I noticed the other day that a lot of their jackets are reversible….so, technically you get 2 for $110!! ;) (I’m sure Eric will fall for that, right?!)
Good luck with the bakery, I can’t wait til it’s up and running!!!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
p.s…I had a banana larabar for the first time the other day and was thinking “mmm this is really good, but I bet Angela’s are better!”
No fears. . . I also got lost with a GPS! For me, it was NYC.
Keep up the work on the bakery. . . it will work out, I’m sure!
It’s so cool to see a familiar landmark on a blog! I love downtown T.O, but I get a little freaked out taking my kids down there these day! It’s a shame, really! We were at Roger’s Centre in January to see the monster trucks and when we left the building we were at the foot of the tower. It was beautiful! I tried to take a few pic’s, but it was too foggy and they didn’t turn out.
I love your shirt! My best friend is addicted to lululemon as well. My jaw hangs to the floor when I shop there with her and see the $$ that she drops! :)
HAHAHA she is a loon sometimes but gotta love her :D Bravo on resisting the shopping bug..and good luck with GB!!
How creepy, first you spent part of your day about 1 km from where I live (I assume you were on Bloor and not the mall…though the mall would be creepier because I see it every time I look up from my computer screen at home). Then, when I was debating dinner tonight, it was between the same can of soup as your lunch or actually cooking up some split pea soup mix. I chose the mix, but it is neat to see bloggers who live so close (and have access to the same foods).
By the way, the shirt is really nice, and I’m sure you shouldn’t have a problem getting the bakery name approved!
Your direction sense is strikingly similar to DH. He can get lost in the area where we live. So I completely understand your plight. A role reversal cuz here I am the one comes to the rescue.
But your post really cracked me up!
Just wanted to say your hair looks beautiful in the pic with your new shirt. So shiny and healthy!