Bring May Flowers?

Happy Friday!
Only 1 more day til I get to see Leah! :)
Last night I spent a few hours working on Glo Bakery stuff and I needed a break from the computer! I told myself I would only do 5 mins. on the treadmill, and that turned into 30!
Last night’s workout:
- 30 mins. treadmill
- Incline 10%, speed 3.8 mph
- Max Heart rate: 143 bpm
- Avg heart rate: 124 bpm
- Feel the burn: 183 kcals
After my cardio I decided to hit the floor for some yoga poses!
I did the Camel Pose:

As well as the Bow Pose:

Taking pictures is a great way to see your form and where you need to improve!
- Down dogs
- Modified Lord of the Dance Pose (Arms going underneath not overhead)
- Cobra Pose
- Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
- Marichi’s Pose
I think my favourite pose out of all of the ones I have done so far is the Camel Pose. It just feels sooo good on the back!
I also discovered last night that I enjoy yoga much more when I am NOT following along with a DVD. Weird, huh? When I have poses to pick and choose from I enjoy it much more. I guess that is because I have more freedom to follow my heart instead of doing things that I may not enjoy.
Today’s Question: What is your favourite Yoga Pose? What is your least favourite?
I absolutely hated the downward facing dog when I started. I am slowly starting to like it more as I get more flexible. I still can’t put both feet on the ground though!
I do think I am getting more flexible slowly but surely though.
Day 8 (April 3rd): I want you to try 3 Yoga poses from Yoga Journal. Extra bonus points if you have never done them before! Even if you despise the ground that yoga walks on I want you to give this challenge a shot. If anything it will be a great stretch that you normally wouldn’t have done!
Also pick 2 exercises featured on my post here and do 2 sets of each as many reps as you can do!
How is everyone doing with the OSG BBBC Challenge? Drop a line and let me know! Also, if you have any suggestions for daily challenges I would love to hear them!
I’m off to try to make a Jocolat bar! :)
Also coming up today a chocolate cake made with…BEETS!
See you later!

i love camel pose, too!
I always feel weird in it, but “dead bug” pose feels so great on my hips.
I can’t wait to see the jocalat bar try!
Dead bug pose??? haha I will have to look this one up!
hahaha Ewwwwwwwwwwww
It has been raining TONS here too! I am loving the BBBC! Its fun to have a few additional new exercises to add to my usual routine! I am def feeling changes in my tummy!
ok here we go:
lol Oh downward dog . . . I’m trying to convince myself that I’m getting closer to being able to put my heels on the ground.
In reality I’m not so sure! ;)
Sooo much rain here – I hope that the May flowers come soon.
**My favorite yoga pose = twisting half-moon
**Least favorite yoga pose = temple pose
Pigeon pose without a doubt and down dog feels awesome after running.
I am not big on the warrior poses.
I’m not big on yoga, but when I do any of it, i LOVE the warrior poses.
I guess I love child’s pose because I could take a nap in it. Other than that, (along with dancing and chocolate), I do not like Yoga. I also dislike downward dog because it hurts my swimmy shoulders. :(
Onto more positive things – not sure if you saw it, but last week I did a post on how my roll moved! (The title of the post is “Progress!!!”) When you started the BBBC challenge, I took it as my cue to intensify my attempts to get healthy and in-shape, so all of the challenges you’ve been posting have been a fabulous jumping-off point for me. I’m pretty sure I lost a pound this week. Woot!
I can’t for the life of me balance through the tree pose and feel awkard in downward dog… My favorite right now is the bow pose!
You seriously have the best Lulu stuff ever!!! I am always so jealous!
Love your Lulu jacket! I like downward dog the does my Pomeranian.
my favorites are camel. pigeon. and wheel pose.
i absolutely loathe chair pose though. oy ve.
i cannot wait to see how your bars turn out. yay.
Why didn’t you stick your tongue out like the second photo??
I can’t wait to see you TOMORROW!!!!!!!
I think my favorite pose is Warrior II. It makes me feel strong and powerful.
Holy cow. You are too cute. I love the pics of you.
I can’t wait to hear about your visit with Leah…you are going to have so much fun. Take LOTS of pictures.
I love the pictures you post of the area around your house. It looks so beautiful! I am so jealous of all the wonderful looking hiking trails you have right around the corner from your condo. Lucky!