Happy Friday to you!
The week has flown by for Eric and I. Last night we sort of freaked out because we realized our Try-a-tri is in 2 days!
1) We had to pick up our rented wetsuits…
Aren’t they so cute? :lol:
Sketchie wasn’t so sure about these mystery objects…
Having the wetsuits here in the flesh made it much more real. As in… you can’t back out now suckas!
2) We had to look at the rules of the race and figure out what we need to bring.
We put together a GAME PLAN…
[Thank you to Grace for showing me her Tri checklist!]
We also liked this tip on the beginners tip page:
“The best advice I can give any Newbie triathletes is to get to the swim start early and do a good warm-up in the water. The swim is often the most daunting part of a triathlon and I don’t care if you come from a swimming background, open water swimming is different than pool swimming. When you can’t see the bottom and there are no lane ropes people often freak out a bit and then they have trouble swimming. Factor in any trouble navigating and you’ve got a long swim on your hands. Take some time to get comfortable in the water and with the fact that you can’t see as well. Practice sighting the orange buoys so you won’t get lost. The more time you spend getting comfortable, the less time you’ll spend panicking.”
Hopefully we are not forgetting anything major. I am still debating whether I will bring Dwight. I don’t think I can wear the Garmin 305 in water and I am a bit uneasy about leaving it at the transition area.
We found out last night that we have an open-water start, as opposed to starting the swim on land. They did not specify whether we will be able to stand in the water or if we will be treading water before the gun goes off. Either way, I am sure it will be fine. It is a try-a-tri for beginners after all. I am sure they aren’t going to throw us under a bus!
(click to enlarge)
There are 3 WAVES for the try-a-tri start and each wave is 3 minutes apart. We still don’t know what wave we are in yet, but we should know by tomorrow.
We both feel a lot better now that we have taken some time to review how the race will proceed. Fear definitely comes from the unknown and once you understand what you are doing the fear dissipates! The same thing happened to me following my very first race last June 2009. I used to think running in a race would be scary and I swore I would never do it, but once I just did it I realized it wasn’t bad at all.
Right now they are calling for RAIN on Sunday and I hope that changes because I am not a fan of biking in the rain.
Onto breakfast! :biggrin:
Last night I also tested my first batch of dessert hummus!
In this batch of dessert hummus went:
- Chickpeas
- Peanut Butter
- Pure Maple Syrup
- Sea salt
I know it sounds completely weird and gross, but you have to trust me on this one…it was DELICIOUS! I didn’t measure when I made it last night, so I have to do another trial before I can post the recipe for you guys. It will be coming soon!
I decided it would be a fun layer in the banana soft serve vegan overnight oats this morning…
I made the carob banana soft serve again today (mix 2 tbsp carob powder into the banana soft serve when processing).
With a sprinkle of coconut and a layer of dessert hummus, this was deelish!
Back to work! I have a very lofty goal of getting caught up by the end of today. I don’t see it happening, but miracles do happen. :biggrin: Have a great day!!
Your breakfasts always look so decadent and delicious! Good luck at the Triathalon. I am sure you’ll do great!
I love how the banana soft serve if dripping over the glass. Yum!
My boyfriend is doing that tri. Maybe I’ll see you there on Sunday!
Hope to see you! I will keep my eyes peeled :)
OMG good luck to you on your TRI! That’s a good little checklist!!!
OH AND HOLY YUM, BATMAN! Loooove the oats!
I just… I…
I’m speechless over how creative you are with your food!!
Aaaaaaaanddd of course AHH GOOD LUCK!!! You’re so amazing Angela!!
Angela, I have heard (not experienced) that it is important when putting on your wet suit to pull up the arms and legs toward the chest to make sure you have as much give as possible around your chest. If you don’t the material can be very constricting and make you feel short of breath on your whole swim. I think that just sounds awful! Good luck, have fun!
Yes they showed us that when we put them on…it is a good tip b/c I never would have known!
I had no idea you could rent wetsuits! So much smarter than buying something you’ll likely never use again.
Good luck on your TRI!
Oooh! You making me excited and nervous about my triathlon in July. I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
Oh my gosh it’s so close!! :D You guys must be getting pumped.
That chocolate banana soft serve looks devine. Almost too sinful for breakfast :P Nah..what am I saying? It’s never too early for soft serve!
Dessert hummus sounds good. I bet it’d be good with cinnamon pita chips. :)
Good luck on the tri!!
That sounds AMAZING!
You know, I don’t think I ever really thought about how different that open water swim would be as opposed to swimming in a pool (with CLEAR water and LANES). Gosh, I bet that is pretty daunting. Glad you guys have a gameplan! You’ll both do great!
Have a great race. My hubs is doing the duathlon that day as well.
Don’t forget to put sunscreen on AFTER you get marked..otherwise it won’t stick.
Don’t touch anyone else’ ‘stuff’ in transition..that is usually a DQ but may just be a time penalty for a TryaTri.
fingers crossed for no rain!
I made Maple Peanut Dessert Hummus for my blog a few weeks ago, and it is AMAZING, isn’t it?
mmm sounds deelish!
Good luck on your race!
One of the sales girls at Lululemon once told me that she puts on baby powder as well to help with the quick transitions between sports bras, etc. I also use it sometimes because I was getting rashes where my sports bra was touching my back after prolonged exercise. Might be helpful especially after you switch from your wet suit to your run! :)
oh my gosh those wetsuits look extreme! I’ve only ever used warm water wetsuits which just look like full body rashguards. You must be getting so excited!
Also, about your Garmin, could you burrow it into the toe of your shoe behind your socks? It seems highly unlikely that someone would go looking in them. But then I’ve never done a tri so maybe you shouldn’t take my advice. :)
Good luck to both you and Eric – I’m sure you guys will do great!!! That dessert hummus sounds aweeeesome!
Here’s a tip – in the transition area lay down a brightly colored beach towel on the ground and then lay all your stuff on top of it. When you’re running into the transition area you can spot your towel quickly and get to your area fast. It also sort of marks your territory.
In a small triathlon it might not be as important, but in the big ones its easy to get lost in the transition area!
great tip!
Dessert hummus is such a neat idea for a dip! A vanilla or cinnamon flavoured one would probably taste good too! :D
I’m sure the tri will go super smoothly since you guys sound so prepared!
Good luck with the triathalon. You are right the unknown is daunting. It’s good you took the time to review the plan.
can i come eat breakfast with you???? :) you always seem to have an amazing breakfast.
I hope all goes well with yoru tri. it seems so clossseee!! your so inspiring i know you will do great.