Vegan Overnight Oat Parfait, it has been too long!
On Wednesday night, I went to make a batch of vegan overnight oats before bed and I realized that I was out of almond milk. It was almost midnight and I was so desperate I considered making almond milk from scratch and then Eric convinced me to stop being a crazed lunatic and go to bed.
Sometimes husbands know best.
Thursday morning, I awoke happy and then my heart sank when I realized I did not have any oats waiting for me.
However, the almond milk is now back baby! All is right in the world again.

Cherry-Blueberry Chocolate Vegan Overnight Oat Parfait
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1.5 tbsp vega Chocolate Protein Powder (yum!!!)
- 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/3 cup cherries, chopped & pitted
- 1/4 cup blueberries
- cacao nibs, for garnish
- Banana soft serve
Directions: The night before (or 1-2 hours before you want to eat) in a small bowl mix the oats, milk, protein powder, chia seeds, cherries, and blueberries in a bowl. Whisk well to get out clumps. In the morning, remove from fridge and layer in a glass with Banana soft serve (1 frozen banana processed until soft serve forms). Add toppings and enjoy!



I have a ton of amazing health links for you to help pass the time before the long weekend! ;) Enjoy!
Health News Round Up:
- 5 Healthy reasons (and recipes) to love mangoes – Fit Sugar
- New Green Monster recipes are up! – Green Monster Movement
- Are you a pen and paper person? Check out these Eco friendly notepads and planners – LobotoME
- What’s Fresh: How to cook 20 vegetables simply! – Huffington Post
- Celebrate your natural beauty – Faces Of Beauty
- Habits of healthy people: Turn the TV off – Daily Spark
- 5 Habits that are sabotaging your sleep –
- A recipe I want to try: Vegan Green Monster Muffins – The Chic Life
- Turkish bean and herb salad – NY Times
- Boosting immunity after intense exercise- early research – Huffington Post
- 7-year old rides 600 miles for charity – Thats
- Training for a marathon? Be sure to listen to what your body is telling you – National Post
- 10 foods to pack for a healthy picnic (or lunch!) – Fit Sugar
- Survey says: More people consult the internet instead of docs – Vitamin G
- Stressed out? Try graphotherapy for relaxation – Fit Sugar
- Help the students: Making student friendly recipes – Zesty Cook
- Check out this free Smart School Time Recipes cookbook! – One Frugal Foodie
- Carrot Cake Scuffins – Women’s Day
- Apple Cupcakes – Vitamin G
- Pumpkin Pie Banana Chunk Oatmeal Cookies – Girl with the pink sneakers
- In A Jiffy Curry Chickpea burgers – Rawtumn
- Fig and Walnut Vegan Overnight Oats – Sweet Salty Spicy
- Vegan Overnight Oat Parfait – Get Natured
- Salt & Vinegar Roasted Chickpeas – Tea Time With Lin
- Gingersnap vegan Overnight Oats – Yo Soy
- Vegan Overnight oats- Kristy Runs
- Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Vegan Overnight Oats – Reshape Your Life
- In A Jiffy Curry Chickpea Burgers – Yum Ventures
- Frosty No Bake Glo Cakes – Spa Bettie
- Carrot Cake Scuffins – Healthy Me
- Nut Butter Crusted Fries – Girl Meets Health
- Roasted Balsamic Green Beans – Vegeneration
- Nut Butter Crusted fries – Making Good Choices
Well, it is Friday and I am determined to get caught up by the long weekend.
One, two, three…break! Happy Friday :)
What kind of jar is that? I love that you eat VOO from a jar. Makes it more fun!
It was a jam jar (President’s choice blueberry organic I believe!!)
O.M.G. that looks incredible. I think you should package and sell these. I wish that was possible! Thanks for linking to me, have a wonderful weekend!
Cool looking oats…. I love how messy they are :) Thanks for the shout out on the Help The Students Event.
Thanks for the link love!
Those oats look amazing!!!!!!!!! :)
Have a great weekend sweetie!
OMG I totally have done that at midnight – been so sad about the lack of almond milk that I end up wanting to make some and my husband tells me I am crazy. I keep unsweetened hemp milk for baking and sometimes break that out in an almond milk emergency. Because hemp milk is more expensive than almond milk, I don’t like to use it on a daily basis – plus I mainly use it for baking because it adds more body than almond milk – but in a VOO emergency, out comes the hemp milk (and the vanilla extract to cover up the hemp flavor LOL). I don’t bake often so the case of 4 hempmilks I order from Amazon takes a while to go through – I think I have two of those right now. Incidentally I tried to keep an emergency quart of almond milk, but I invariably end up using it.
thanks for the tip I will have to use hemp milk in baking!
Hemp milk rocks for baking. I got the tip from Karina over at Gluten-Free Goddess.
I keep meaning to mention this in a comment – I finally bought Teflex sheets for the dehydrator, and I am so glad I did – they work like a charm. :)
Haha…sometimes I get it into my head that I want to take on a crazy kitchen project late at night…my husband usually has to put his foot down too :-)
Your breakfast photos are always so beautiful!
How do your VOO always look so freaking amazing?! Makes me want to invest in some gorgeous vases!!
psssst this time it was a jam jar! ;)
Wow, so many amazing links, Angela! Thanks for putting that list together. The bean and herb salad from NYT looks particularly awesome.
Angela that parfait looks glorious in that little jar!
I love all of the articles you posted — thanks for rounding them up for us!
I love how the oats spill over the top of the jar.
Btw, How to you eat out of that jar? It looks quite narrow to be using a spoon.
I’ve written a grocery list, and I’m going to bake a couple of your sweet treats this weekend!
I forgot about the narrowness and i switched to my long spoon from crate & barrel :)
You seriously have the coolest jars. I’d probably just plop it all in a bowl and go.
almond milk from scratch is soooo easy! If I can do it in my $19.99 blender, you can totally do it in the Vita :)
I hate when I run out of my favorite things, especially for breakfast.
you are so funny… I can totally see you, all wide eyed, standing in your kitchen thinking YES! let’s make almond milk!! :)
(That’s something I would do… ) ;)
looks delicious… I haven’t made VOO for a while…
dont forget the evil cackle
I think I would have a panic attack if I didn’t have my almond milk!
It is not a pretty picture when one of my staples runs out. I have certain things I love and look forward to too.
Funny that you mention having no almond milk – I realized last night that I also wouldn’t have any for my chia breakfast pudding this AM. : ( Sometimes I ask the husband to do an almond milk run for me. That’s what husbands are (partially) for, right? : ) Beautiful photos of VOO! Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday! And thanks for all the interesting reading material.
It looks amazing!
Oh!!! My blog is on there!! Yay! Thank you!
I’m such a huge fan of overnight oats. I’m nearly out of almond milk and I always get SO sad when I forget to get more. My boyfriend gave up trying to talk me when I get crazy like that, it’s definitely not pretty.
If I knew how to make almond milk I would probably attempt it. But I can’t keep almonds in the house the boy always eats them all!