Hey guys!
The Healthy Living Conference is on right now and I am chilling at a table with some ladies as we wait for things to get started.
First let me rewind back to last night! We had the HLS Cocktail party on, so I got all gussied up! Seeing as I live in an apron and hairnet, getting dressed up is a very fun event for me these days. ;)
The dress is from French Connection UK (FCUK) and I got it on the sale rack for 60% off. :) The dress is super comfortable too!
I met up for dinner that Gena organized at Karyn’s on Green.
Gina and Sabrina were also there. I love these ladies. :)
I had a piece of bread with their herbed vegan butter (it was amazing!)
A glass of wine:
We split three appetizers to start and they were all delicious!
This was a raw hummus with flax crackers and it was to die for.
Sautéed Mushrooms in a wonderful sauce:
Beet salad…off. the. hook. It’s official: I love beets SO much. ;)
For my main I had the lentil ‘salad’ which was a bed of lentils in a vinaigrette with greens and a fried Squash blossom on top. It was amazing!
Please don’t mind my creepy hand caressing Sabrina’s neck. I’m awkward like that.
Then we were off to the cocktail party put on by Open Sky. There were a ton of ladies there, at least over 200!!!! It was so much fun meeting people in person. :)
I had a ‘screwdriver’ heavy on the ice. :)
All of a sudden it was 9pm and everyone cleared out. We decided to close the place down. ;)
We moved down to the second floor where there was a bumpin’ dance floor going on. :)
I called Eric to see if he wanted to join us and he was more than willing so he met up with us around 10. We had a blast.
We got our groove on and didn’t get home until 1am.
However, this morning I concluded that I am too old for this!!!!! ;)
Before my late and wild night out, I made plans with a bunch of people to go running at 6am. We made a pact to stick to it and not bail.
I set the alarm for 5:50 and was downstairs by 6am. Not bad, eh?
I love having people to run with! I wish I knew people in my small town to run with. It makes the time FLY by.
Look how gorgeous it was outside when we walked out of the hotel. Can you believe this place? I want to live here. :)
Ready to wake up!
Wow, wow, wow. Breathtaking. This moment was all worth it.
Our group split off around mile 1.5 and then Molly and I went on to complete about 4.6 miles. I felt like a new girl after the run. Runs honestly fix anything some days!
Rushed to get ready and came down to the conference!
Oatmeal station that I waited in line for and then realized there was dairy in it. Doh!
I decided on HUGE plate of fruit. I can’t remember the last time I have had fruit for breakfast. It is so refreshing!
I also had a Liberate Glo Bar on the side. :)
Well, I better try and publish this post. See you later!
That pink dress is beyond cute on you!! You look great!