I somehow managed to do two things that scare the living daylights out of me – travel alone long-distance and engage in a very large social setting where I don’t know many people. For some, this is no big deal, but when you have bad anxiety the apprehension can feel crippling at times. I made the decision to work through the fear step by step of my trip. Of course, it wasn’t nearly as hard as I imagined it to be and I had a great time hanging out with many new and long-time blog buddies at the Vida Vegan Con. As my lovely roomie Hannah said, you can only conquer anxiety by doing exactly what you are afraid of. Isn’t that the truth. Nothing feels better than doing something you originally didn’t believe you could do. It’s so empowering. The beauty is that each conquered step makes the next one a bit easier.

The love and attention to detail that was poured into this conference was so apparent. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a more welcoming, friendly setting with a better group of people. The good times were a rollin’ and the time went by much too fast. I met a lot of amazing bloggers and authors, but there were still so many I didn’t get a chance to say hello to or even get a photo with. Next time. :)

While I’m getting caught up on work and getting ready for another trip this week, I thought I’d show you some simple snacks that I packed for my flights. This list is hardly the final word on airplane snacking, but it’s simply a glimpse of what I enjoyed during this particular trip. I’d love to hear your own suggestions below!
When I pack food for a flight these are the things I try to keep in mind:
1. Hydration (high-water foods sneak in extra water)
2. Protein for satiety
3. Foods that take a long time to eat like sliced vegetables or firm dried fruit.
4. Crunchy foods to keep the mouth busy when bored
5. Things that hold up well and don’t fall apart or bruise
Here are some of the things I packed:
1. Grapes
I stuffed a zip bag to the brim with grapes for my flight from Toronto to Vancouver and it was honestly one of my favourite snacks of the entire trip! Grapes are so hydrating and hold up very well – two major points, plus they just taste great. Watermelon chunks or pineapple would also be a super hydrating option if grapes aren’t your thing.
Side note: When I eat fruit during travel I try to do so on an empty stomach. I’ve made the mistake of eating fruit after a protein-rich snack on a flight and I suffered a lot of stomach pain (fruit breaks down much faster than protein). When I make a point to eat fruit on an empty stomach, I rarely have issues, but of course everyone’s tummy will be different!

2. Dried Fruit
Speaking of fruit, I try not to pack fruit that bruises easily like delicate fresh pears. Dried pear slices (or any other dried fruit) can be a great option. I found this bag of dried pears at a store called Food Fight in Portland. They are super chewy and took a really long time to eat which is a major plus for someone who is a boredom snacker. Of course, you can also make your own dried fruit at home using a dehydrator or an oven on the lowest setting.

3. Coconut Water
I drank this coconut water before heading home on my first flight yesterday and I felt so hydrated during the flight. Coconut water isn’t something I normally buy, but since I was fairly dehydrated on this trip I knew it would do me a lot of good!

4. Roasted Chickpeas (or other crunchy crackers like Mary’s Crackers)
I also found these protein-packed gems at Food Fight in Portland and saved them for the flights home. They are super crunchy (to the point where you feel like you might break a tooth in some cases!) and also take a long time to eat. My only complaint is that the pepper flavour is really spicy and I would’ve preferred a less spicy flavour for traveling. My mouth was on fire eating these! Not ideal. You can also make your own roasted chickpeas at home, but they will turn soft very quickly. A reader let me know that this product is also available at Noah’s in Toronto – so keep your eyes peeled!

5. Protein Bars or Energy Bites (homemade or store-bought)
I always have a protein bar tucked away in my purse when I travel. Sometimes I just pick up a couple vegan bars from the store to stash in my purse or if I have time, I make them before the trip. Shown below are my Last Minute Protein Energy Bars or you can try my recent Banana Bread Protein Bars too. Both are fairly delicate though and shouldn’t be in very hot temperatures or stuffed into a suitcase. If you are looking for raw energy bite recipes try my Chocolate Chip Cookie Larabar Knockoffs or my Dark Chocolate Cherry Energy Bites, to name a couple good ones. Energy bites/bars are great when you are starving and you need a burst of energy…or bust.

6. Super Power Chia Bread
Ok, scratch what I said about the grapes. This bread was hands down my favourite snack of the entire trip! I’m in love. I actually wished I brought a double batch with me because I ran out of the bread by Saturday and would’ve loved to have some for my flights home! It held up perfectly and was great paired with hummus, packets of almond butter, or just enjoyed plain. I got into my hotel late on Thursday night and it was the first snack that I reached for to tame the hunger. Worked like a charm.
Many of you have already made this bread and left some great comments with your adaptations, so be sure to check out the original post and comments for ideas! I just got home last night and I’ve already made a double batch. I have issues.

7. Sliced Cucumbers & Carrots + Hummus
This post wouldn’t be complete without sliced vegetables! I packed this hydrating snack in my bag on the way to Portland. I peeled and sliced an entire English cucumber as well as a few carrots (to make two stuffed zip bags). Then I brought along a container of hummus to go with it. Keep in mind most spreads like hummus have to be under 100 ml when going through security (I, of course, went WAY over and they threw half of it out….*sad face*). Sliced veggies also take a long time to eat and keep me a happy traveler during a long flight.
I’m off to visit San Francisco with my mom and sister Kristi later this week (we’re celebrating our birthdays!), so I’ll be sure to pack a bunch of these snacks once again. If anyone has any suggestions on what to see and do (or skip) while in San Fran I’d love your tips!
Wishing you safe & happy travels this summer and beyond.
In Europe thet take all your fruit/berries unless appels, pears or similar.
I make a healthy lunch with. stir fry chicken and loads of vegetebles and maybe some nuts on. Top for extra crunch.
Your protein bars and chiabread will accompany for the future.
Thank you for sharing your love for food.
Hi Angela,
This is a great post. Traveling and eating healthy can be such a challenge! xo
Love the chia bread idea. I’ve had chia cereal before where you soak the chia and it plumps up and becomes a really satisfying, filling food, especially with yogurt or fruit. Such a great super food!
Congrats on facing a fear! It’s so true that each new thing you tackle makes the next one easier. I was chatting with some people this past weekend who were amazed that I’ve traveled internationally solo and have done a few crazy things (CN Tower EdgeWalk and white water rafting for two). I tell them that it’s been a process. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to go on a big adventure. I went on little ones first and when they went well it bolstered my confidence and the next time I tried something that pushed my comfort zone just a bit more. You never know what you can do until you push yourself.
Hi Angela! It was so fabulous meeting you at VVC! The Kure detox green juice outing was so much fun. What a joy to be in such great company. Love the vegan traveling snacks. Grapes are so hydrating. I had cucumbers in my bag and those chickpea crunchies too. Was so excited to see them at the airport at the JetBlue terminal. :) Sharon
It was so nice meeting you too! Hope we can see each other in the near future. :)
oooh …that chia bread… i’d like to make that for my next trip!
OMG I’m making that super power chia bread tonight
Thank you for making this post! I’ve never traveled by plane as a vegan and I’m now faced with a 10hr flight and the “option” to pay for in-flight lunch (and who knows what’s in that?!). I will definitely make use of some of these! Also I received your cookbook as a gift from someone and am so psyched to use it. You have made transitioning to vegan so wonderful for me!