Last night Eric and I did a little decorating for Halloween! We are having a get together on the 31st so I thought we better get this place looking a little more festive.
I’m excited…not only is it Halloween, but it is also the anniversary for Oh She Glows! This is going to be one exciting week.
The Scull man…aka Mervin ;) and pumpkin #1 yet to be carved. Expect to see Mervin a lot this week.

Mini pumpkins and leaves
More pumpkins and a candle with leaves. I resurrected the tablecloths which my mother in law made for my wedding shower last year.

Ikea flowers in a black vase we received as a wedding gift from Eric’s brother Steve

Scull man roses….oh yes!

More pumpkins and foliage

That is phase 1 of the decorating. Phase two will involve some Dollarstore and our strobe light. We’re going to use the strobe light outside and then move it inside for the dance floor.
Last night we tested it out.
I got a headache. lol.

Strobe lights = awesome.
We also still need to figure out what we are doing for costumes! Here are our ideas:
1) Green Monster and Coke
2) Jim and Pam
LOL!!!! As you can see we don’t have too many, but I think we could pull either one off! Ideas??
Do you decorate for Halloween? What do you do?
Are you dressing up as anything this year?
I’d love to turn our house into a crazy haunted house this year. If you have any cool ideas for me let me know!
I’m off to bake up my orders and get ready for the week. I also am going to exercise for the first time since my half 1 week ago! My body is nice and rested. :)
Stay tuned for one of the best fall soup recipes I have ever made!

Barbie and Ken? They are a mean duo :) Ha!
I love your fall decor…One of my fav things to do is carve out the little mini pumpkins and put tea lights into them…so that the candles are level with the opening…looks cute.
Ok I’m a lurker, finally coming out of the woodwork :) I’ve been following your very inspirational blog for a few months now and I’ve now started back at the beginning and working my way forward. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary! You are so talented, you have such a gift for writing, cooking, keeping fit, and being an inspiration to men and women (prolly mostly) around the world. I’m tuning in from Japan where finding things to eat is somewhat challenging (since I can’t read or speak Japanese!) Keep up the great work and be very proud of your accomplishments. You. Are. Awesome. Thanks again!!!!
I think it would be even more hilarious if you and Eric dressed up as Dwight and Angela!
Jim and Pam!…Too make your party more festive you could make punch and put dry ice in it to keep it cool. The ice will make it look like it’s smoking. (It’s like Halloween fog)
I found a link just in case you have know idea what I’m talking about.
love the decorations lady!
I have started making my costume but have to keep it secretive, only non obvious pics on the blog this week. I have a wedding to go to on Halloween night (yeah cool eh!). I’ve had NO time for decorations though, even my friends asked today “where’s that batman head you usually have filled with candy at this time of year” I’m sure batman can come out this week, but not likely the candy. I was not so great with food at this time last year.
I vote for GM & coke!
Very nice! We did our decorating this weekend too. It’s fun to be festive. And now we have a jack-o-lantern to light up the house this week!
Nice decorating! It looks awesome!! Makes me want to decorate more for Halloween, however, we will hardly be home at all next weekend.
Love the strobe light pics!
Love the decorating (and strobe light!). I invited my husband for a “spooky date night”. . . so need to come up with something for us to do either at home or out for 10/31.
In other news, I thought you might like this article.
Ange, have you seen the online “Dwight” pumpkin stencil? lol ;)
I think it would be hard to recognize a couple as Jim and Pam, they are too “normal” if that makes sense.
We were Homer and Marge one year (and won a bar contest!), and this year we are 20’s mob gangsters.
The strobe light looks like a lot of fun. My vote goes for Jim and Pam.
I LOVE the skull roses!! Those are awesome. I’m not putting up decorations in my dorm unfortunately, but I think I’m dressing up as some soft of hippie. Gotta do with what I have!
Jim and Pam!! haha I love it! My fiance and I are going to be Jon and Kate
P.S. I love your decorations-Halloween is so fun. We put up orange lights on our balcony and have a few pumpkins in the apartment. I think we will decorate more when we get a house.
Have a great day!