Good evening! I hope you are having a great Thursday. :)
I finished the Healthy Living Summit Glo Bars just in the nick of time today! They are currently on their merry way to Chicago!

This is what 230 Glo Bars looks like in a HUGE box! Luckily my strong baking arms had no problem carrying it.

Actually when I was packing up the box, I put too much crinkle paper in the bottom and the Glo Bars wouldn’t fit in the box. I had to empty it all out and start over. I was a bit flustered as I was just minutes away from the deadline.

I felt like I just dumped my Halloween Trick or treat loot. Too bad none of it was mine! ;)
Last night, I made Emily’s Vegan Black Bean Burgers that I have been eying for weeks now. They were really easy to throw together too…just the way I like it.
Emily’s Black Bean Burgers
Recipe from The Front Burner. The only changes I made were adding 1 chia egg and 1 minced garlic clove.
- 2 cans black beans (rinsed and drained)
- 2 carrots, grated
- 1/2 cup dry rolled oats
- 1/4 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp coriander
- 1 chia egg (1 tbsp ground chia + 3 tbsp warm water, mixed well)
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/2 tsp chili powder
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
Directions: Preheat oven to 325F*. Add carrots to food processor and process until finely grated. Next, add the oats and pepitas to your food processor and grind until coarsely chopped (they will still be a little chunky). Let it run for roughly 10 seconds. Add 3/4 of the beans, all spices, and the olive oil. Process until lightly mixed. Spoon mixture into a mixing bowl and then mix in the rest of the beans. Form into 6 medium sized patties. Place patties on a lined baking pan, and bake at 325F for 40 minutes, turning once very carefully after 20 minutes (note: The patties are fragile!). Note: If you want to grill these, pre-bake them for 30 minutes at 300F, and then throw them on the grill to reheat and get a little extra browning.
*Note: I baked my burgers at 325F and not 300F as in the original recipe.
Meet the newest carrot from this week’s CSA…a little something I would like to call the TRIPOD CARROT:
I wasn’t sure if this was equal to 1 carrot, 2 carrots, or 3….so I went with 2. =)
When I flipped the burgers after 20 minutes, a couple of them broke apart. I would suggest flipping them very carefully! However, once they were done cooking they held together pretty good.

When Eric got home from work, I had the cooked burgers sitting on the baking sheet. Shortly after, I asked Eric if he was ready to eat dinner, and he said:
“Oh is that what you made? I thought those were COOKIES!”
I laughed, “Really? Didn’t you think they smelled unusual for cookies?”
“I don’t know, but I didn’t think they looked like GOOD cookies.”
If I ever write a cookbook, I shall title it ‘Delicious Vegan Recipes…and $hit My Husband Says About Them’ ;)
He’s right, they do look like cookies though…!
Dinner tonight was a Black Bean Burger Ezekiel wrap…

Inside the wrap: 1 black bean burger, 1/2 avocado, 2 tomato slices, carrot slices, curly lettuce, spicy hummus, and freshly ground black pepper.

It was major.

We had our wraps with a delicious and colourful salad:

In the salad: Romaine, Tomato, Carrot, Avocado, Sesame seeds, and Better than bottled balsamic vinaigrette!
My sweet tooth is looking for a little something, so I might go raid my chocolate stash in a bit!
Ladies and gents- I finally found a salad spinner that works…

I have gone through SO many salad spinners over the years and all of them break. Well (*knock on wood) I found one that I love. The pump is so effortless to use! Finally a salad spinner I don’t feel like I am trying to start a lawnmower to use.
Meet the OXO 2 in 1 Salad Spinner:
It functions not only as a salad spinner, but as a beautiful steel serving bowl as well. I purchased it at William Sonoma with my gift card. Score.

Well my friends, I must say I am feeling really good tonight. Three big work items checked off my list and tomorrow is Friday! Eric and I are really excited about having our first Saturday free since June. It should be a great weekend.
Tonight’s question: Do you have an appliance or kitchen tool that you constantly battle with? What is it?
For me, aside from salad spinners (and previously, blenders!), my kitchen tool demise has always been CAN OPENERS. I don’t know what it is but I cannot find a good can opener for the life of me. We buy a new one and within a month it is on the fritz. We try different brands to no avail. Yesterday, Eric purchased this OXO brand so here’s hoping it works good! So far it works well…(famous last words in my kitchen!)
Don’t forget to stop by tomorrow morning for a very special discussion on Happy Weights and an Operation Beautiful book giveaway!
Thanks for the burger recipe! I have some black beans soaking right now… this is perfect!
I love black bean burgers, but they are always falling apart when I make them :/
Me and my waffle maker just don’t go well together :D
Let me know when you write that book – I would definitely have some input for it! Himself is sooo like Eric it’s scary!!
Got the same salad spinner at Bed Bath and Beyond, LOVE it!
That is too funny! My husband says the same thing about those black bean burgers when I make them. I think next time I have them, I will probably reduce the cinnamon.
I have the most difficult time with our Brita water pitcher. We just replaced it and for some reason the new one we have now does not get along with me. My husband claims that he never has any trouble with it, but I think he is just afraid to fess up!!!!
I just made Emily’s recipe for the black bean burgers the other night! My husband thought they had too much cinnamon but other than that they turned out great! By the way, I have LOVED every recipe of yours I’ve tried… I’m going on week 4 of no meat and almost completely vegan diet and your site has helped me in so many ways. You are a great inspiration to us all :)
I have an OXO Good Grips Salad Spinner too. I’ve had it for … 8 years and it’s still going strong! It’s so versatile: spin greens, herbs, you name it. It’s also great for cleaning spinach.
Kitchen tool that I fight with the most? That has to be our oven. The temperature never stays constant and it has quite distinct hot spots. It makes baking a challenge.
Those black bean burgers sound really good. I might try making those.
I think that if I wrote a cookbook it would have to have some ridiculous name like “How to make healthy eating not suck” creative, huh?
hahah love that!
I perused the other posts a little…just a heads up for ya….don’t put the bowl of the salad spinner in the dishwasher. That’s how I melted mine :(:( And to this day I have not bought another one, I am still grieving LOL It was a super spinner. I still use the inside part and shake, doesn’t work quite so well. Maybe I should check the temp on our water tank or something LOL!
Ummm I thought they looked like cookies too! Nice chocolatey ones… thank goodness he didn’t sneak one expecting one thing and getting another…BEANY! Our can opener is the under $10 white Starfrit one, works great…stand up to lots of abuse and it’s entertaining watching my sister try to use it since it attaches a little differently to the can. But I loooooove OXO brand stuff… great and well made. Congrats on hitting your deadline and enjoy your Saturday.
Hey Angie!
I’m in love with the quality of pictures! Although I’m not a food blogger I’m pretty into photography and so I was wondering if you could tell me what camera do you use and what lenses you are using also. thanks! :)
ps: eric sounds hilarious! I always get a kick our of his comments haha
I made these black bean burgers last night and just tried one for my lunch. I put it on an Ezekiel wrap with hummus, pineapple salsa and baby spinach. It was to die for!!!! I can’t wait to have it again!!!
I just made them last night. There were yummy. They smell so good while you are making them, I ate some before even cooking them. After they first come out of the oven they are very crumbly but after awhile they get to be just like cookies! I have to try them on the grill one day. I can’t wait
I made a variation of these burgers last night (they turned out great-thanks for the recipe). My boyfriend commented that they looked “weird” and when I explained it was the oatmeal, he started calling these “breakfast burgers”. Men are all alike!
Thank you so much for the black bean burger recipe. I’ve made these twice now and they are, by far, the best vegan burgers I’ve ever had! My non-vegan friends and family agree :)
These were AMAZING! I added spinach to the mixture. Thanks!
Hi Angela-
I have never in my life written on a blog before, but after stumbling upon your site, I’m on it everyday. I Love it. I’ve never enjoyed food prep or cooking until now.
Although, I know you get hundreds of questions & comments daily & could never reply to all, I have a question that I would love you to answer if you could:
If you had to buy regular store brands of lettuce, greens, strawberries, etc. (not organic), what would you use to wash them? Would you still use just water or is there something you could add (vinegar?) to remove more of the pesticides.
Thanks so much!
Hi Dawn,
I found this and it seems to have good reviews? let me know if you try it out!
Great! I used vinegar and water once, but will certainly try adding salt.
Thanks so much.
For those of us who live in countries where canned goods aren’t as readily available, it would be extremely helpful if you’d put actual measurements instead of writing “2 cans of….” I’d love to make these but have no idea how many black beans to use!