I took inspiration from a recipe in Eat Drink & Be Vegan and came up with my own baked tofu that I can share with all of you.
Tangy Almond Baked Tofu

- 1/2 package of extra firm tofu
- 3 T Raw Almond Butter
- 1 t of minced garlic, or 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/2 t ground ginger (fresh is best but I didn’t have any)
- 1.5 T Tahini
- 1 T agave
- Just under 1/2 c water
- 1.5 T apple cider vinegar
Directions: Preheat oven to 375F. Mix all ingredients by hand very well. Chop tofu into 1/2” pieces. Score each piece so marinade can soak in. Pour half of sauce into a small casserole dish. Add tofu and pour remaining sauce over top. Refrigerate for 1 hour or simply cook immediately. Cover with aluminum foil before baking and bake 15 mins. Uncover, stir, and cook another 7 minutes. Serves 2.
Scoring the tofu with a knife:

Before baking:

After baking:
My dinner:
The taste?
Well, the sauce was amazing. It was like a more thinned out version of my almond butter. :) So very creamy with a slight tang from the vinegar. This sauce would be awesome on chicken!
The tofu? I admit, I was not 100% sold on eating tofu like this. The texture was a bit hard to get used to, and I am not typically grossed out by ANY textures. I wonder why it is the tofu that gets to me? I ate it, but it wasn’t quite like I imagined it to be! I much prefer the tofu in my smoothie. I would really like to try grilling my tofu to make it crispier. The tofu tonight was just a bit too rubbery!
Along with 1/2 a flatbread bun and a few handfuls of classic smarties :)
Here are two new supplements that I bought on sale at the grocery store:

Omega 3 capsules (that I have been out of for a while now) and Probiotics! After hearing Kris Carr rave about the probiotics I knew I had to try it out, especially since I don’t get probiotics from dairy yogurt anymore.
So now I am taking the following supplements:
- 2 Calcium/Mag.
- 1 vitamin D
- 1-2 probiotics (it says up to 3 a day)
- 1 omega 3
Do you take any supplements, if so what do you take and why?

I didn’t end up going outside today to workout because the sun hid behind a cloud when I went to workout and I couldn’t be bothered. I am such a sun snob! I only enjoy working out outside when it is sunny. lol.
My workout:
- Duration: 52 mins.
- Incline: 15%, speed 3.7 mph
- Max heart rate: 157 bpm
- Avg heart rate: 143 bpm
- Distance: 3.11 miles
- Feel the burn: 435 kcals
I took a couple ‘strength’ breaks during my treadmill workout today. I did 2 side planks and 30 leg lefts on each side. I love doing strength breaks during the treadmill workout because sometimes I just need to get off and do something else!
Today I was also studying for my food exam that is coming up in early June- so I was very very bored. Learning about bacteria, pathogens, parasites…not my cup of tea!

Glo Bakery cupcakes inspire another artist!

This awesome design comes from the lovely Lisa over at The Lunchbox Project. Check out her super cute food designs! :) Thanks Lisa- you rock!
Glo Bakery Logo:
I finally completed the logo after many revisions! I ordered my business cards today from Print100.com. They had the best prices out of all the quotes I got- including free shipping! Special thanks to the wonderful Lindsay and Mara for the help!
I could honestly spend hours and hours longer twiddling with this logo and the business card design, but I had to just order the damn things and move onto another project! It was taking up way too much time.
I tried things like shrinking the heart, but to my surprise it looked worse, so I went back with the original size. I also think I am going to tone down the yellow glow on the Wholesome Food Made Fun, but other than that, I’m pretty happy with it.
On my business cards, I got ‘hot stamping’ in green for the Glo Bakery.com. It will have a green metallic finish on it and really catch the eye.
Peace out homies!

“The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress.”
Hubert de Givenchy
Hmm… creamy tofu does not sound appealing!
Sorry you didn’t like the texture…the sauce sounds amazing though!!!
I am so snobby when it comes to the sun. I won’t go outside unless it’s bright and shiny =)
thats too bad that the tofu didnt turn out, i definitely need mine to be well cooked and just the right amount of crispness
do you press the tofu? that can help. also, freezing it really changes the texture. its worth a try! …and your sauce sounds lovely!
Love your logo! I take calcium & Vit D supplements. I happen to love bacteria & viruses, part of Microbiology past I suppose! ;)
If you bake it for a reallly long time or sautee it, the texture is much better.
I like the logo.
I take probiotics, enzymes, Omega 3’s, Vitamin D and multi a few times a week :)
I have never been a tofu person, and I really did try :D I take a chewable multi-vitamin, so fun..and a woman’s daily vitamin, calcium, magnesium…and some others not as regularly. I’m studying all that stuff in microbio right now, gross and difficult but v. interesting! Ps loved your earlier post today i want to go back and read everyone’s different experiences with friends and family..so far only my family knows/reads mine, and I don’t have the nerve to tell my friends yet! It’s a weirdly personal, yet very open thing!
You HAVE to try pressing & freezing the tofu first one time, the texture totally changes – don’t give up on it yet!
I wanted to let you know that I gave you a shout out on my blog yesterday because I made the raw cookie dough and I am OBSESSED with it. It was soo amazing I almost ate the whole things.
Thanks girl!!
i take fish oil (which is supposed to be much more usable by your body than plant sources) and a multivitamin. i also make an Amazing Grass drink or smoothie everyday which has probiotics and enzymes and all kinds of good stuff!
as far as the tofu goes, the texture would be much better i bet if you cooked the sauce separately and then poured it over when serving. pressed tofu that’s been marinaded and cut really thin has a much better texture i think.
Tofu: as a child I hated it. My mom used it quite a bit because (1) she was/is a firm believer in _Diet For A Small Planet_ and, (2) we didn’t have a lot of $$ — so we were kind of vegetarian by default.
BUT — now I really enjoy it. Amazing how tastes change. ;) I thought I’d suggest a couple of way to use it.
The first is a “scramble” — saute crumbled tofu with grated carrot, as well as some garlic, crushed red pepper, and onion. Serve hot in a pita, or with brown rice, and some soy sauce.
The next is in a sandwich — in a skillet/or on the grill — “grill” your tofu over high heat, place between two slice bread, along with roasted red pepper and/or tomato, and plenty of spicy brown mustard (or balsamic vinagrette).
The last is — pumkin pie. One of my aunts makes a very simple tasty pumpkin pie that is basically just tofu, honey, pumpkin, and spices. It’s different, but very good (well, I think so!).
Of course, a nice stirfry with ginger and veggies, is also good. ;)
Don’t give up on it!!
I don’t eat soy any more (had some serious hormonal difficulties that seem to have cleared up without it) but when I used to eat tofu, I LOVED freezing it first and then thawing it to use. It really does change the texture so when you bake it or grill it, it’s much chewier. Really, though, with tofu, I found you have to just keep trying. Keep us posted!
The logo looks great! The words really pop out.
Did you have any luck from the farmers market??
I take omega 3s everyday.
I take a Multi, Calcium and an Omega 3-6-9 almost everyday with my breakfast and lunch. My husband takes the same except I buy him chewable Calcium because he loves the taste of those.
I don’t take any vitamins.. perhaps I should. I only like tofu when it is cooked for a very long time, it takes the rubbery-ness out of it.
That sauce sounds lovely! I think the texture of tofu itself takes some getting used to. I’ll definitely have to remember this recipe when I open up my tofu package! Do you know how long tofu keeps if it’s refridgerated? Also, what kind of container do you keep it in after it’s opened?
your dinner looks really good! I like the logo too, its simply and pretty.
andrea brings up a great point that there are a low of pros and cons to soy products especially w/stomach bloat, etc.
The only time I’ve had tofu was in the caf my sophomore year and it was like chewing a rubberband. I think I need to give it another chance though.
I learned in a class (developmental psych maybe?) that texture is just as influential if not more influential than taste on a food’s appeal to you.