Good evening!
Can I just say once again what amazing readers I have???
Honestly! I was so awestruck by all the amazing comments and get well soon wishes that were left on this afternoon’s post. I read each and everyone of them as I was waiting in the ER room (on my blackberry!). Thank you all. You brought so many smiles to my face. I kept thinking how lucky I am to have such an amazing support system on this website.
Exciting news to report to you all finally!
So just in case you couldn’t watch that video, I basically communicated 3 things:
- The doctor said my injury is most likely a strained groin muscle. He said give it rest for 5-7 days and it should be better. Key word should. If it isn’t, I will be going to see my regular GP next week. Let’s hope I heal quickly! I am really worried that I have really hurt myself and may not be able to run anymore. I don’t know what I would do if that was the case. I just have to stay positive. I will be doing lots of rest and eating tons of healthy foods in the meantime. Bring on the fruits, veggies, and healthy fats.
- An exciting food package arrived today! Honest Foods was kind enough to donate a huuuge box of food products to giveaway as contests on Oh She Glows! More to come on that tomorrow!
- Lastly, I showed my new voice recorder and talked about how much I have been using it already. :)
Stay tuned tomorrow for the big contest reveal!
Want to see a bad mood in the making? My drive to work this morning (Eric was driving- not me don’t worry!). I was in pain and we were stuck in winter storm traffic. Fun times…
We got stuck behind the snow plows for a good 45 mins….
Moving on…..!
Dinner tonight was just what the doctor ordered…a plate full of nutrients.
Butternut squash with pepper and cinnamon:
The last of my beloved Squash and Chickpea Moroccan Stew [with a dallop of hummus and organic salsa). I also has some Mary’s Organic Crackers (Onion) on the side for dipping. Delicious!
You must make this recipe!!! I will be making it again for sure. So so good.
If this doesn’t heal me, I don’t know what will! :D
Ok, I know I promised the Golden Globes Best and Worst dressed today, but things got a bit sidelined. I promise it will come tomorrow!
Also, up tomorrow…the big contest reveal….and a Honest Foods product Video Review! An update on new Oh She Glows website features, and much more!
Poll of the Day:
Yesterday’s results:
I’m off to read in bed and plan the exciting contest giveaway! Nighty night.
Hi Angela, am really happy to hear the good news. Dont worry! you’ll be just fine God willing, u r a strong and healthy person. Just make sure u rest as much as u can. nothing is more important than ur health.
Peace & Love.
Sorry about the injury. I guess you can ignore my last comment about diagnose.