Happy Easter to those of you celebrating! I hope the bunny was good to you. :)
After being up all night Friday, Eric took me to the walk-in clinic first thing Saturday morning. It was a bit of a challenge finding one that was open on a long weekend, but eventually we did.
‘Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Say Awww.’
‘…………aw………..’ said in a scratchy & weak voice.
Beams light into throat. Looks in ears. Listens to heartbeat.
‘Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is it doesn’t look like Strep and the bad news is your symptoms look like the flu that is going around. It is a pretty nasty one that lasts between 2-4 weeks. I’ve had it now myself for 4 weeks.’
‘Pull the plug.’
‘Unfortunately, I can’t prescribe you antibiotics for this- or pull the plug- so you just need to wait it out.’
I like having a purpose or mission even when sick so we headed straight to the Natural Food store and stocked up on all kinds of weird and wonderful things. I picked up some Oil of Oregano, Echinacea, natural cough syrup, and Vit C + Zinc lozenges.
I’m a flu fighting machine. I have a mission and I feel a bit more alive already.
I continue juicing every morning, drinking fresh lemon and ginger tea, and gargling with salt water 4-5 times a day. Oh, and I’m getting a hefty dose of Coconut Bliss to balance out all that salt. The only thing I suck at right now is sleep. It eludes me.
We had to cancel our plans to visit my in-laws for Easter and I’ve been pretty bummed all weekend because I was really looking forward to getting away. But it is what it is. I’m sure they don’t want my germs anyways. Eric is taking good care of me and I have him on a flu prevention plan. :)
There is a rumour going around that he is cooking dinner for me tonight, so I better go investigate…
More on that tomorrow though. Goodnight. Drive safe. Sleep tight. Stay away from the flu monster…it bites.
Oh no Angela! You WILL feel better, I promise! I got the 2 week flu and after a while I just thought I’d never feel better again, but I did! Hang in there!
I am going to feel like a new girl when im better! lol
I hope you feel better soon!
That is always frustrating news. It’s hard to just sit back and wait for your body to fight back.
2-4 WEEKS?? Oh my goodness! I hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon!! Hope Eric made you something good to eat. :-)
I hope you are feeling better Angela!!!
Happy Easter to you and your family :-)
That oil of oregano is good stuff! Tastes disgusting, but Very effective, maybe I should go get some myself.
Get well soon! The best cure is the most natural one, so you’re on the right path!
I also suggest you purchase olive leaf extract. It has properties that are almost equivalent to a weak antibiotic (or so I heard) and can do wonders! And it’s all natural of course :) Look into it (aka Google it haha)!
Oh no :( I hope you feel better soon sweetie xx
I’m sorry that you’re sick like that, I hope that you manage to fight that off! The attitute you’re having is surely helping that!
Angela, sorry to hear you have flu :( i had it last November whilst i was holidaying in France and missed my 30th birthday as i slept right through! (so technically i am still 29!)
I really hope you get better soon, take care of yourself x
‘technically im still 29’ HAHA!! love that
Ick, I have a horrible habit of getting sick on holidays! :( It’s never any fun. I’m so sorry! Though you definitely sound like you’re on the right – and healthy – track! Hang in there and feel better. :D
Also, Happy Easter/Happy Sunday (even if it’s Monday now!)
And finally, I found your blog via Kyla Roma. ^_^ It’s wonderful! I’m Angie and it’s nice to meet you. :D
Oh yuck. I feel for you, hon. I was down with that nasty bug for 2 weeks solid, then gradually started to feel better. It was rough. Take it easy and get plenty of rest. I hope you bounce back quickly!
i’m so sorry to hear you had such a lousy Easter weekend. Keep juicing it up!!
oh no, I hope you feel better soon!
That’s a bummer that you had to miss Easter, but hopefully you feel better soon! :)
Feel better Angela!!! It’s miserable, i know, i had “The Flu” for about 2 weeks with my 5 yr old son. Here’s your chance to take lots of cat naps…get some rest!
There’s nothing worse than being sick on a holiday. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Man, you really have had a run with this lately, haven’t you? Darn…
Feel better, Angela! We need you back in the kitchen creating genius recipes… soup it up :)