Hello :)
I had the weirdest dream last night!
I dreamed that I went to eat at JESSE JAMES restaurant (??) and he was trying to impress me with his food so I didn’t write negatively about him on the blog. :mrgreen: I ordered a side salad to go with my meal and he brought out this HUGE salad as big as the table and I thought to myself, ‘This doesn’t make what you did right!’. :mrgreen: So weird, eh? haha. I did sleep a bit better though…fell asleep by 12:30.
Moving along to dinner last night…
I’m not one for really drinking much wine at home, but I do love a glass here and there on occasion! And vacation is certainly an occasion.
I love salt and pepper shakers in Corona bottles. So beachy!
My mom took a casserole recipe from a magazine and tweaked it a bit.
I actually thought that it required a lot more tweaking, but the only thing we did was sub the egg for 1/4 cup silken tofu and not use Parmesan Cheese. My mom was nervous about it not turning out but I was like, ‘Piece of cake!!’ ;) I guess I am just used to completely over-hauling recipes now! I forget there was a time when I used to be terrified to divert off the recipe.
The outcome was awesome.
With mashed potatoes and veggies:
Swiss Chard. My mom crushed some crackers over top of it and it gave it a really nice texture.
My plate (sorry it came out blurry)- Swiss chard, potatoes, veggies, casserole. I had second helpings of the casserole, chard, and mixed veggies.
Dessert was a delicious…errr…Mac apple…and half a grapefruit…
And dark chocolate :mrgreen:
We all watched some of the new show ‘Life’ on the Discovery Channel. It reminded us a lot of the Planet Earth series.
Then Eric and I headed out for a walk around 10pm! The rain stopped and it was a lovely warm evening.
We were pumped to take the SLR out for some night photography- one of our favourite things to do when traveling. We took over 400-500 pictures a day on each day of our 2 week honeymoon in 2008!!
Don’t mind the creepy man behind the park bench… ;)
I was on high alert for creepy crawlies. Eric kept grabbing me and yelling ‘SNAKE!!!’ He scared the @^^@#$^&^@& out of me! lol. Not cool hubby.
This reminded me of the showers in CHEMISTRY class in case you got chemicals in your eyes or something. I was always scared of them!
Community pool. Eric tried to throw me in, but my MacGyver skills out wit his attempts.
When we got back we watched Jamie Oliver’s new show called Food Revolution. I really admire what he is doing. It is really hard to change a system that is so set in its’ ways, but I think he will do a great job. It just takes time. It is so weird having CABLE TV to watch here. We don’t have cable at home and I miss out on so many cool shows.
Our plans for the morning include SUPER TARGET…
I got super pumped when I saw a Target commercial on TV last night!
Thanks for all of your comments in my quiz last night! We had fun reading your opinions!! Yes, the 4 of us read through the comments together around the table and giggled. ;)
Today’s questions…
What was your least favourite class in high school?
Mine was definitely CHEMISTRY. I was pretty much useless in that class and had no interest in mixing chemicals and memorizing the periodic table.
What about your most favourite?
My favourite high school course was definitely a creative writing course that I took in my last year. My teacher, Mr Pearce, asked us to keep a journal that we could decorate and do anything we wanted in it. It was so much fun…I had magazine collages, quotes, poems, random thoughts, personal stories. He would write really nice notes in it that were so encouraging. I really need to dig that up and look at it! I would love to start a journal again actually.
I am currently sipping on this and then we are going to have breakfast followed by some Target and a lunch out. Eric’s worst nightmare is a long shopping trip so he might sit this one out. ;)
I’ll be back later today. Have a great start to your week!
Love that you thought was Jesse James did wasn’t cool in your dream! that’s awesome!
I don’t remember so much what I loved and didn’t in high school. I really enjoyed art class, I know that much!
I really enjoyed Food Revolution, I posted about it today!
you guys are SO CUTE :) love the camera fun! my least favorite class by far was pre-calculus. i’m not much of a math person, and my teacher was not that great, so i spent a lot of time frustrated. no bueno. my favorite class was definitely my spanish lit class! i didn’t always understand what was going on, but we did a lot of studies in the cultural elements, which was SO COOL :)
1.) Least favorite: Calculus
2.) Most favorite: Biology… weird!
I love love love Target… enjoy!
Target just reminds me of Zellers, but a bit less disorganized. Don’t get your hopes up too much
My least favorite was probably Spanish and my most favorite was Calculus….big nerd over here!
I hated the geometry part of math, and Biology ( the teacher wasn’t teaching biology so it would stress me out/ waste of time)
Favorite class Health and Writing
Love all the pictures! hope you have fun shopping with Eric :)
My least favourite class was totally Geography, we never learned anything interesting about the places we were studying, just where they were, what the land was like, and how to draw maps.
My favourite was probably…. drama/history/french because they were all REALLY interesting and creative. I had a lot of fun in all three and I really had a hard time figuring out which to put as favourite because I loved school.
Sounds like you are having a fabulous time! I would be taking a ton of pictures too if I had a nice camera like that. I so have one on my wish list. :)
My least favorite subject in school was anything history. I think it was because I hated my teacher. She was always so rough on me and for no reason whatsoever. My favorite subject was Spanish by far! Probably a good thing since I went on to pursue a career in teaching it.
haha, love the park bench photo! hilarious.
and i TOTALLY know exactly what you mean when you refer to the chemistry “showers”…I was also terrified of those eye-washers..explains why I dropped out of Chem in grade 11!
have FUN! :)
My favourite class was definitely math. I especially loved all of my OAC math courses (calculus, algebra, finite math). NERD! Yeah, I know. What can I say I love numbers.
My least favourite was English. I loved reading all the required books. What I didn’t like was writing essays about them.
It’s funny, even today (about 17 years since I graduated from high school) I love numbers, love to read and I still hate writing.
I loved English class! Was NOT a fan of Math at all!
I watched Food Revolution last night as well! I think that show is very interesting. Looks like you are having so much fun on your trip! :)
Awwww! I’m surprised that you don’t like chemistry, since cooking is exactly that…a bunch of chemical reactions! You just must of not had the right teacher, because the class should NOT just be mixing chemicals and memorizing the periodic table!…can you tell I’m a chemist ;)
However, my least favorite class in high school was definitely government…THAT was a bunch of memorizing! And my most favorite would have been either biology or computer programming.
Have fun in the sun!
Hope you enjoyed your first trip to Target! Can’t wait to hear what you thought about it.
Love the after-dinner walk. In school I always hated math. I wasn’t terrible at it but I found it so exceptionally boring and most of it pointless. My favorites were English and French. Good thing I barely use more than basic math in my daily life.
It’s so fun to watch you guys on vacation! I went to college in St. Pete so I am living vicariously through you right now as you enjoy the warmth and beauty of sunny FL!
That roasted vegetable pie looks amazing! Now I know where you got your cooking skills! Yeah for OSGMOM! :)
School was so long ago for me… and I miss the satisfaction of studying and preparing for tests, moving on to another topic and then studying and preparing for that. My work is not satisfying like that which is why I need to implement your goal setting strategy with workouts and other fun things in life.
I really loved science. Then I got to college and I struggled too much and had to switch gears. A class that I really liked was comparative religions. Coming from 12 years of Catholic education, it was fun to have the opportunity to study the history of other faiths. My school (Eckerd College) was awesome and I highly recommend it to anyone.
I hope that you have a great vacation!! :-)
You are going to love Target! Definitely check out the clothes…I still have some of Target’s sweats from 5 years ago! Don’t let their amazing prices fool you…the quality is pretty good!
That is the most gorgeous casserole I think that I’ve ever seen!!! The golden-ness of the crust has me nearly drooling… :)
Great pics, I watched Life too last night and kind of wish I didn’t watch the Komodo Dragon bit! :-(
My least favorite class was Governmental Studies – so dry!
My favorite is a tie between Art and Creative Writing.
Watch out for palmetto bugs;)
Love Naples. We use to have a place on Marco Island further south. Naples has a good 1/2 marathon in January. The year I ran it was unusually warm…….80’s by 8 a.m. Still loved the race.