Hi everyone!
Wow what a day it has been! Today was such a wonderful experience selling my products in the market. It was the first time I have had the opportunity to do something like this and I REALLY enjoyed the interaction with people! I spend soooo much time in the kitchen and in my office ALONE, so this was really nice. I just feed off other’s energy! :)

It was super fun. It was also really rewarding when people really appreciated what I did or made compliments on my goods. I felt like all the hard work was worth it! :)
One lady exclaimed, “EVERYTHING is dairy and egg free??? REALLY!?”
She was so happy and it put such a big smile on my face. She is allergic to eggs!
I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but I decided to go completely vegan with my baked goods. I was moving in that direction for a while, so I decided it would just be easier to go completely vegan and not use any diary/egg products. I still have a few recipes to re-test (with egg replacer or ACV) to make sure they turn out, but I think it will be a fairly smooth transition since so many of them are already vegan anyways!
The weather put a damper on things for sure though. There was maybe a quarter of the amount of people they usually have (it poured all morning!), but for the amount of people that were there, I did really well. I sold something to almost everyone who came by so that was nice. I really worked it!! haha.
I have a lot of leftovers, but I figure it is much better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, right!? My MIL is also coming down on Monday for a ladies night, so I am going to prepare goodie bags for all of them (15) to use up the leftovers. That way nothing goes to waste!
Look who came to visit me!!!
Krista from Krista’s Kravings and her beautiful daughter Sarah!!

It was so sweet. Her daughter Sarah is such a cutie pie!! It was so nice to finally meet her. I had baked Sarah my decorated sugar cookies earlier this spring for her birthday party, but I didn’t get to meet her until now! They are both just so sweet and friendly!
Of course, hubby came to help! What a man!

Some promo materials! Magnets, flyers, and business cards:
The On The Glo II Bars were a HUGE hit! Probably my most popular item. I had a bunch of free samples (middle tupperware), so I think that sucked everyone in! haha ;)
I snacked on a few of the bar samples to keep my energy up! I probably had 1 bar’s worth during the bake sale, between customers.
The vegan cupcakes and veggie burger cupcakes were also huge hits! Almost all of them went.
These mini loaves went pretty good too. People liked the idea of a healthy zucchini bread for breakfast!
Many people didn’t believe me when I told them it was a healthy bakery! They thought I was joking! lol.
Other wonderful ladies selling baked goods:
Some Gl’oreos:
I thought Eric was going to eat all of them!
He said, ‘These taste exactly like Oreos, only better and softer!’ <—Now there is good marketing!
To my surprise the Glonuts and Skinni Mini Glo buns didn’t sell that much! I was quite disappointed because these are my Pride and Glory. I think that people passed them by because they were on the far end of the table??? Hmphhh! I should have had them front and center I guess…Oh well, live and learn!
Anyone want to come snatch up the leftovers??? ;)
All and all it was a great experience! I met many local community members and made some great contacts that I am going to follow up on! I gave out tons of business cards, flyers, and magnets so hopefully that helped too.
When I got back I had a nice refreshing Amazing Grass WheatGrass drink with just pure H2O! I’m amazed that I can drink these with just water!! It is awesome!!
Don’t forget if you want to purchase some Amazing Grass products, just enter ‘ohsheglows’ at the checkout to receive 15% off your order!
I am honestly amazed at the energy I have had since drinking Amazing Grass Products. Lately I haven’t been getting my sleep like normal (the travel, the race prep, the baking, blog, etc etc!!) but I have barely noticed a dent in my energy levels! I know it is because of the Amazing Grass. For example, last night I only got about 6.5 hours of sleep, but I didn’t even notice a drop in my energy. Normally, before, if I would get anything less than 8 hours I would feel terrible the next day. Not anymore!! :)

Eric and Sketchie worked on Sketchie’s tricks. Here he is shaking a paw (how cute!!!):
I know that look on his face!
He’s saying, ‘Hurry the hell up and give me my treat!!!"’ He actually starts waving his paw at us before we even say the command now! hahaha.
He also does ‘shake the other paw’, ‘sit’, and ‘up’ (on his two hind legs). Bengals are known for being very dog-like!
Well, I think it is safe to say that I have a LOT of cleaning up to do after this crazy week!!!!! I have not had time to do any cleaning aside from the kitchen…so the rest of the house looks like a bomb went off! I also have to do laundry and a slew of other house work things. One step at a time!
Eric and I are both working the rest of the day. Eric left for work a few minutes ago and I have a bunch of Glo biz work to do this afternoon and tonight. Fortunately for me, I don’t have to drive into Toronto for my work (poor guy!!!).
Are you getting excited for the BBBC news on Monday??? You should be!! :)
See you tonight:
- My workouts the past 3 days (I know I know I’m late!!)
- My letter to my current self
- A BBBC teaser!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far!

I’m kind of surprised about your Glonuts and Skinny Mini Buns, too; if I’d been, those easily would have been the first things I’d grabbed. Whenever you post about them, I droollllll.
Congrats on going all vegan with your bakery! What kinds of baked goods do you need to tweak the eggs out of? Personally, I don’t use Ener-g in a lot of my recipes because I think other things usually work a lot better. If you ever want some tips or a second opinion or anything, I looove talking vegan baking, so shoot me an email: [email protected].
Hi! I’ve been reading for a while, and I just wanted to say I love the blog!
Those goods look completely amazing! I wish you were closer– I would totally take some of those off your hands!
Congratulations on such a successful day! If only you could sell those baked goods internationally – I’d buy ’em all! :)
Wow everything looks so great!! You should do something proactive with those leftovers – any local coffee shops that you could take them to? Maybe they would love them so much and hire you to sell them there :)
I’m so glad that the bake sale turned out to be a success. Everything looks fabulous Angela!!! Congrats!!! :D
Sounds like you did great! way to go! glad it went well. Everything looks delicious!
Congrats Angela! I have been reading your blog for a while, but never left a comment. I absolutely love all of your clothes! I was wondering where you bought this blue shirt, it is beautiful!
congrats on your first big sale!
WOW!!!!! I am blown AWAY!! Congrats in the success of the sale!! :]]
JUST A QUESTION: What brand is your treadmill and how is it holding up for you?
You should ship! I wouldn’t be able to eat the Glonuts, etc… because of the gluten, but I know a couple of people I would love to send some to!
Glad it was a success – so neat Krista visited too! You should travel out to BC – I would definitely buy your baked goods!
Wow Angela – you did such a great job! I wish New Zealand wasn’t so far away because I would love to try your baking!! I made your peanut butter bars last week, and they are amazing. Even my very fussy 3-year-old son likes them, which is a miracle!
Thanks for your great blogs…you are an inspiration :)
So great you were able to get out and chat with people and make contacts! That’s what it’s all about :) After working in countless cafes and delis I’ve learned that smapling is the KEY to suck people in. Hopefully you get to do it again on a sunnier day!
Hi, Angela! Sarah and I really enjoyed visiting you and Eric at the market. All the treats we brought home were a HUGE hit. To be honest, some didn’t make it out of the parking lot!! :) It would be awesome if you could “rent” a booth at a farmer’s market for the summer. I think your treats would great sellers. All those people that passed up the glonuts seriously missed out. They’re awesome!
Congrats on the bake sale success! Everything looks delicious! One of my dogs also start waving her paw at us when she knows there might be a treat involved. It’s pretty cute.
Congratulations! It sounds like such a great success and so much fun.
I would LOVE to try glonuts! But I was wondering how much shipping would be. I’m in Illinois.
So professional! Congrats Ange!!