Ok, this is just getting creepy now!!
Last night Eric and I went on our first Brick workout and look what we came across…
Harold’s brother!
Why have I not noticed these before?! Is my town just really creepy or something? lol.
We went on a beautiful 5 mile sunset bike ride! Half on the roads and half on the trails.
My partner in crime…
It was a great first leg of the workout!
- Distance: 4.98 miles
- Time: 35:27 mins
- Avg speed: 8.4 mph
- Max Speed: 15.9 mph
- Ascent (total climb): 380 feet
Eric pointed out a very hardcore looking grease mark on my leg when we were finished.
Just a battle wound… ;)
And then the unthinkable happened…
I got my man to run!!!!!!
Doesn’t his face scream thrilled? :mrgreen:
Let me put this into context for you a little so you can understand my excitement for him to be running.
Eric has told me numerous times that he will NEVER RUN and he will never start running with me. I think in the 10 years we have been together we have been on 2 runs together total (and I’m not quite sure how those 2 runs ever happened, I think I dreamed them up…) I used to beg him to go running with me and I think that pushed him away even more.
I said to Eric at the beginning of this run- ‘You call the shots. If you want to stop, just let me know.’
We started running, and get this, he blew me out of the water! (err…off the road?)
I had such a hard time keeping up with him! Remember- his long, gazelle-like legs (he is 6 foot 2!) Well, those gazelle legs are fast let me tell you. He had to slow down for ME! It was a hoot!
He was like, ‘Wow I feel like I have to take such short strides.’ Normally a piece of me would have died inside with that comment, but I put my ego aside because I was just so thrilled that he was running beside me. ;)
He ran 2.5 k/1.55 m virtually effortlessly. We clocked in at 14:29 minutes. I said, ‘Wow I think I am more out of breath than you are.’ And he said, ‘Bigger lungs’ :mrgreen: Not only is he a natural, but he’s also modest!
The run:
Distance: 2.5k/1.55 miles
Time: 14:29 mins
Pace: 9:21 min/mile
Ascent: 189 feet
My motto is to kill em with kindness. I think one of the keys to encouraging people to workout is to flood them with praise and compliments. By the end of the run, I think Eric was feeling really proud and he maybe started to realize that he can do this…try-a-tri after all?
The Try-a-tri debate:
Now we are also having a little debate about our try-a-tri!
I have told Eric from the beginning that I want to do the try-a-tri by his side the entire event. I want to swim beside him, I want to bike with him, and I want to hold his hand crossing the finish line (I’m a sap like that).
However, my husband wants me to ‘go on ahead’ and do my absolute best, even if this means leaving him behind along the way. He doesn’t want to hold me back, he said.
We are having this little debate! I still would like to be by his side. I think it would make the experience more special, and to be quite honest, I don’t think he will be holding me back at all! I think he is capable of much more than he gives himself credit for, and if anything, I might have a hard time keeping up with him!
My questions to you tonight- What would you do in our situation? Have you ever trained for and competed in a race with a friend, family member, or significant other? Did you stick together or part ways?
- A delicious looking Vegan overnight oats spotting!
- In A Jiffy Veggie Spelt Burgers spotting!
Ta-ta mes amies! :) Going to get back to work. Eric and I are off for a late-night swim at 9pm tonight…hopefully I can sleep! See you for a late-night post…might be a 1,000 words, not sure yet. :)
My husband and I did our first Sprint Tri together last summer and I began the swimming portion (in a pool) a few minutes before him. But he is not a very good swimmer (I swam for 10 years), so I was ahead of him the whole time until the last mile in our run. Once he caught me I told him to go on ahead, and he sad “no, let’s finish together!” Sweet, huh?
Well get this – another guy our age came running past us a few yards from the finish line and my husband’s competitiveness got the best of him and he took off without me! HA! I forgave him though :)
Ha ha ha! Eric reminds me of my brother. Once when I was training for a 10k my brother decided to come on a run with me. He never runs. He barely moves to be honest. He just stays enviably thin on a diet of chips.
He blew me off the running track. Ran 7k wihout raising a sweat or stopping talking and then lit a cigarette. I kid you not.
I think it’s true that boys do have much bigger lungs.
I think you should each do your own race. When my boyfriend and I ran a half marathon together we ran side by side for around half of it, but in the last half we each ran our own race.
If you do decide to do it together then I think you should make a pact/decision about what you would do if one of you has to rest, etc.
Just my thought!
My boyfriend and I signed up to do a half-marathon on May 22nd. It will be my first race ever (he used be a sprinter in high school), and our first race together. It looked like everything was going well (we kept the same pace on training runs), and then bam! I got injured. Luckily, the doctor says my injuries are not enough to keep me from running (or from running my half-marathon in a couple weeks), but they are enough that he is telling me to cut down on training for the next couple weeks, and to not run when it is painful. Now I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to hold my boyfriend back (because I am sure I will be running a lot slower than planned in my half-marathon), but I want to finish our first race together. So we’ll see what happens…
Are these tears in my eyes?
OMG! I would DIE if my boyfriend started running! He ran with me once and has never even given the slightest indication of EVER running again. I don’t press it but I would LOVE it!
I say, if you can actually do it with him (I’ve never done a tri so I don’t know how they work), go for it. It’s the first time out and something you guys will remember forever. My best friend ran her first marathon with her boyfriend, they ran together (it was his 11th) and the finished hand in hand and I know it was a very special race for the both of them.
My husband is in the Army so he runs a lot, and one of the debates is always that the female PT standards aren’t the same as male…and that if you are going into combat, women should be able to do everything that men can do. Fair enough, yes, but my argument is always that women tend to be shorter and have shorter legs!! Anyway, I’m used to him running faster than me. In response to whether you should “go on ahead” or stay together, I can tell you what my husband has done. While I work out a lot, I’m just not in quite as good shape as him since my job doesn’t require working out constantly (he usually does twice a day). Anyway, we have done a lot of races and fun runs together, and he ALWAYS runs with me. With the exception of one race, he has done every single one with me, and we’ve probably done at least 20.
Usually triathlons are grouped by sex and age. The swim starts in waves and there can be a 30 minute or so difference between the first and last wave. The person finishing the swim first would not want to wait for the other at transition. That would be detrimental to your overall time.
Im training for a tri with a friend, but I think the day of well have the attitude that if we need to part ways we will. Its so important for me to have a buddy while Im training though!
My husband and I did a 10k together and it was so much FUN to have him right next to me the whole time. We had planned on walking and due to some crazy things we ended up running most of it…so no training (and therefore, we also weren’t worried about our times)!!! Anyway, it was really motivating to have him with me for the first one. If we did a second 10k that we’d actually trained for, we’d probably do it separately to achieve our own goal times. But that first race was all about finishing so it was fun to do it together. I felt like we had a shared experience rather than 2 separate ones. If you’re the faster person & he could use some encouragement along the way (or if you just think it would be fun!), I think you’d have a blast doing it togeether.
I absolutely agree that compliments and praise (without overdoing it) are great motivation. When running with my boyfriend I’d say things like “You look great” or “Your form is really improving”, and when we finish I always give him a little pat on the butt :)
My boyfriend and I trained for the 10 mile run that we did last weekend together. It was great bc we didn’t wear ipods and it was time to be together! For the race we decided to stick together, and said we’d figure it out if someone had to stop for the bathroom or something … we are really the same pace. Staying together allowed us to each push each other when we’d get surges of energy and to be motivating! I’ve never done a tri, but it seems like it could be tough with all the transitioning…
Aww glad you had a good run together!!
How great to enjoy a run together. I love when I have the chance to workout with my husband. There is something special about it. Which is why I completely understand your point of view on the try-a-tri. I would also want to complete the first one together. Then if I enjoy it, work towards improving later on.
I do not think that it matters whether you are there side by side or not. In the end, you are still in the same race and will have the same goal in mind. Besides, he may not be side by side with you, but he is still doing this race with you. << hope this makes sense.
Whoever finishes first will always be at the finish line cheering the other one on.
Congrats doing this together. I would have to drag my boyfriend to do this. Good luck!!
My husband and I never run together. He’s a long-time runner who’s a lot taller than I, and is just too fast for me!
i’ve never done a race or anything like that with a friend/family member, but i would just do it for fun and stick with them regardless :)
I say you each have your own race and save your sappy moment when you meet up after you’ve both finished. :)
I have a hard time working out with my significant other. I am thrilled whenever he does join me because I know all the benefits of exercise, but I have a really hard time putting my ego away, like you talked about.
I work out CONSTANTLY. At least 3-4 times a week every single week. I do different workouts and I push myself really hard.
On the random times my boyfriend does come work out with me, he can always run farther, lift heavier weights, and just about do EVERYTHING better than me.
It drives me nuts! I feel like I work so hard to maintain an active lifestyle in a town/society that makes it extremely difficult, and he can just get out there randomly and is in better shape than I am.
Arg! Ha thanks for letting me vent.
I obviously need to put the ego AWAY, and I try very hard not to let him see me get upset when he does so well I always tell him that I am proud of him and excited to be sharing the experience together.
Aww! This is sweet.
Okay, first of all, when I do races with my friends I don’t hold back and I don’t expect them too. However, if my hubby agreed to do something like this with me you better believe I’d stick next to him the entire time. Not only would it be awesome to cross the finish line with him but it would be so much fun!
Not like that’s ever going to happen but a girl can hope:)
That’s a great question! Dave and I are doing our first tri together this June and I haven’t decided how I want to finish! I think we will end up racing separately since we are better at different things – and hopefully we can still finish together! :)