If you’ve ever run 6+ miles, you know what it is. The insatiable hunger that never seems to go away!
For lunch I did some volume eating, to try and fill the void in my stomach:
I had some leftover veggies from the huge veggie platter that I made for my office X-mas Party. I drizzled them in balsamic vinagrette and I crushed fresh pepper on them. So delicious.
I had a veggie-side-up, toasted Sprouted-grain ‘wich, smothered in hummus, a romaine leaf, Tofurkey slices for added protein, sliced tomato, and fresh crushed pepper (of course!)
The spread:
I also had Mary’s Organic Crackers with hummus (not shown). Then, only 1 hour later I was hungry again and had a Pistachio Larabar(sooooo good- I need to try to replicate these!!)
It was so yummy I forgot to photograph it! I was browsing You Tube for some Yoga Videos….
Which leads me on my mini rant today:
Are there any Yoga DVD’s that aren’t weird?
One of my biggest turn offs from workout DVDs is when the instructor sounds and looks like he/she just stepped off a space ship. LOL. :D
I looked up Amazon’s top rated Yoga DVD’s and the first gazillion were by Ana Brett and Ravi Singh. Has anyone tried their DVD’s? I watched a preview on You Tube and it seemed so New Age to me. I’m just not into that!
I would love to add Yoga to my routine though- so I am calling out to all Yoga buffs to recommend some great (and relatable) yoga DVD’s! I signed up at Yogadownload.com for some free DVD’s, but then when I clicked on the FREE Yoga class, they were suddenly asking me for my credit card info! What the heck!???
Windows Live Writer Troubles
So I investigated my Windows Live Writer toubles with Kath, and I figured out that the reason it was formatting poorly was because it hadn’t detected my blog theme.
Seems simple… right?
Well, I tried to re-run it and have it detect my theme, but it said that it can’t download my theme and it failed! Does anyone know why this might have happened? I’m worried that my blog theme just isn’t compatible for some reason!
Eric did some more Christmas decorating….some of which almost made me pee my pants when I saw it:
No, that’s not a fly on the wall, that’s Santa Claus!!!! lol. Eric sees a hook and something must be placed on it I guess. There is also a random hanging santa in our office…
In more productive Christmas news, I finally finished writing all my Christmas cards and then we went to the post office to ship all the gifts and cards out! It feels so good to have that done. It occured to me in the 30 min. line-up that Christmas is NEXT WEEK!! Is it just me or did this creep up really quick on us this year?
Eric and I leave for out West on Saturday! I am really excited to see my family. :) Some things I am looking forward to:
- Blog tutorial day with my mom and sis (I am going to show them how to start a blog!)
- Christmas gift massage from my sis (the lady is coming to my mom’s house to set up the table to boot!)
- Working out with my sis at the gym (she’s taking me to her facility- it has classes, 2 ice rinks, pool, etc!)
- A day in the Mountains (sight-seeing, shops, great restaurants)
- Possibly snowboarding with Eric
- Baking my famous Pumpkin Pie and possibly Homemade Larabars
- Christmas dinner with the family
- Staying at my mom and stepdad’s house (it’s a gorgeous ranch- feels like a hotel!)
- Seeing my nephews open gifts on Christmas morning :D
So excited!
Making the Half-Marathon Meaningful:
I am also trying to decide what charity I am going to run for for my half-marathon. We recently had a dear family friend pass away from cancer, so I will likely to running for one of the Canadian Cancer organizations. I just need to do a bit more research on them before I decide for sure.
I will be putting a link on the site for anyone who would like to make a donation, over a secure charity website, for my half marathon race.
Well, my 6-mile hunger says it is time to start thinking about cooking dinner! :D
See you later for another installment of my Road to Health!!!! It was rated #1 on the polls for what readers want to see on the blog….so hopefully I won’t disappoint! lol. I guess I better figure out what I am going to say! :D
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead
Yummy spread of veggies!
I love your quote by Margaret Mead! :)
I love that lunch, I’m all about some open faced sandwiches :)
Yoga is amazing, I think it’s awesome that you’re exploring some options. It’s especially helpful to runners, so it will definitely be beneficial for you!
Hope you get the LiveWriter troubles figured out soon, I have this theme as well, so I hope that’s not the case!
Have fun making dinner ;)
Nope! all yoga DVDs are weird. I love yoga but im not a big fan of the yoga “lifestyle”. It weirds me out.
Sorry you’re still having theme troubles!! I have no idea what the problem is :(
I’m interested to find out what people suggest for yoga videos! Yoga is something I’ve also been looking into/ exploring recently as well.
Also, I love reading your Road to Health stories, and any inspirational health stories in general. Do you know of any celebrity road to health stories? That seems like something you and your readers would enjoy, myself included. :)
I very much admire your food choices. I also had an insatiable desire for food after my long run today, but your choices were better than mine. You made cucumbers, carrots, and peppers look so good!!!!
Now that is one hilarious decoration, it seems that Eric and I have the same decorating ability! LOL!
Good for you on supporting a charity. Cancer organizations is always a great charitable contribution. I am a Dr and have seen so many advances in medicine over the years in oncology and chemotherapy due to charitable support.
Great post! Your lunch looks so fresh!
I totally agree about the yoga! I got a yoga dvd that uses a stability ball by Sarah Ivanhoe, which was okay, but her voice weirded me out, not to mention the dvd was 45-50 minutes long which seems painfully slow to me.. but I guess yoga’s all about slowing down!
I’d be interested to hear if you find any good dvds for yoga!
http://www.yogajournal.com – Has a couple of 20 minute routines and an ITunes Podcast you can download. They have some pretty legit workouts too.
Lovin’ all the vegetables and the Larabar!!
**I recommend the Sara Ivanhoe yoga DVD series.
Long runs are the best (and so are road races)! But, yes, you do get hungry. The good news is that your body adapts. Once you get to 10 mile runs, the 6 mile distances aren’t that big of a deal. Try adding some soups to your diet, as well as oatmeal, and smoothies (I make mine with nut butter, banana, soy milk). ENJOY your training — I’m rooting for you!
I’m a long-time lurker – just thought I’d say how much I like your blog. I especially like the fact that you post a couple times each day.
Baron Baptiste has some good yoga DVDs. I’d consider him to be pretty normal!
I love volume eating :)
If you want me to email you the mp3s for yogadownload.com let me know, that way you don’t have to give your CC info. I never had to give mine so that’s a bit odd. I have a bunch of the 20 minute classes (mostly vigorous ones) and their corresponding pose guides (pdfs). My email is magpie707 (at) gmail (dot) com
Sounds like you are going to have a great time away. I’m excited for you!!
I have been a lurker all weekend, reading your past posts. I love this blog!
Anyway, I too get a little freaked out by yoga DVDs. Several years ago I tried out YOGA ZONE DVDs. They are great (and I noticed Kath recently started using them). I really like the Power Yoga one and the Abs one. Al is my favorite instructor. Each DVD contains 2 workouts, each workout is 17 minutes long. It is wonderful! I often see these at Ross for only 7.99, although you can also buy a boxed set of several of these for not too much money.
Here’s a sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQQXRw2zW4o
the BEST yoga dvd = Cruch fitness’ yoga/pilates blend with ellen barrett
I am exactly the same way – HATE those new-agey yoga dvds and just want a good workout. This one is great, but it is definitely more strength training-esq (hence the pilates) than some other yoga dvds.
Hello, I am one of the developers of Windows Live Writer. There are just some blog themes that WLW can’t understand for one reason or another.
You might want to try our newest release at http://download.live.com which will work a bit better at detecting themes, but still not perfect.