Thank you so much for your insightful and touching comments about this morning’s discussion question. I urge you to read the comments if you have not done so already…they were really, really inspiring. Some of them brought tears to my eyes…but I guess that shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to my regular readers.
I’m really looking forward to exploring many more of these ‘life’ topics on the blog as I think that we can all relate to them on some level and we can learn from each other. I have another fun quote and question coming up tomorrow so please stay tuned for that.
Today was one of those soul-cleansing and rejuvenating days that just made my heart sing. Every second was spent doing something that was good for my soul and that made me happy, so much so that I felt the need to tap my husband on the shoulder and tell him so several times throughout the day.
I would like to think he was amused by it all…it helps me sleep at night.
Me: ‘I’m having such a great day…I’m so happy.’
Eric: ‘So I hear….’
Then I see a sly grin in the corner of his mouth as he walks away. He thinks I don’t notice, but I do.
Today also reaffirmed the importance of taking a step back and getting that downtime that we need each week. I think last week was a great balance of work and play and I am going to be more conscious of this i the future. I do want to be a good boss to myself after all.
After I spoke with you last, I headed out on a run. I was so excited because I had a bunch of fun new songs on my shuffle to run to. Having new songs for a run is like getting new business clothes to wear to work; it just makes the process more enjoyable.

The run:
- 6.1 miles
- 52:35 mins
- Avg pace: 8:37 min/mile
- Avg heart rate: 156 bpm
Mile splits:
- Mile 1: 9:14
- Mile 2: 8:56
- Mile 3: 8:29
- Mile 4: 8:31
- Mile 5: 8:29
- Mile 6: 8:13
- Mile 6-6.10: 0.:41 (6:58 min/mile pace)
I had a strong run today and a great negative split! Must have been that awesome green monster I had this morning. I am really liking the approach of using the first couple miles to warm up the body, pick it up in the middle, and then give it my all at the end.
After the run, Polly’s yoga for runners, and a cold as ice shower I had lunch.

CSA Cucumbers & Carrots…and lots of red pepper hummus for dipping of course. Veggies are just a vehicle to get more hummus into my belly.
You are probably asking yourself if I had the nerve to cut up the carrot showgirls and the answer is no. I am waiting for the right time…

In A Jiffy Curry Chickpea burger (the LAST ONE! nooooooo) with spinach and tomato paste on two pieces of toasted Ezekiel bread.

This lunch was a mouthful alright! It had so much crunch to it and it took me such a long time to eat. I love when meals are high in volume and last a long time. It is very satisfying mentally and physically.

Then I did something I haven’t done in a dog’s age…I curled up on the couch on a Sunday afternoon and read my little heart out!
With Japanese sencha green tea…
Eric walked into the room and was like…’Do you have tears in your eyes?’
I said, ‘Yea…and I’m not even PMSing!’
Eric, ‘Must be a good book.’
I say, no one was ever inspired without feeling some kind of emotion first, right?
Oh it’s an emotional book. I found myself tearing up when she talks about her depression. Depression is something I struggled with for years along with my eating disorder so it really hit home for me.
The written word is such a powerful thing. I have always been moved by words and I know it is the reason I enjoy writing the blog each day (and reading your amazing thoughts in the process).
I read until about 4:30pm and I got through all of ‘Book 1: Italy’ I can’t wait to start India. Italy was really fun and playful and I feel like the layers will be peeled away in India. I have already marked about 20 pages to go back to and underline!

See Sketchie in the background? He is my book buddy for life….(Disclaimer: As long as I don’t steal his blanket, shift him, annoy, bother, or make eye contact with him, that is. A-hem.).
After I took a break from reading and Eric a break from renos, we headed out for a walk.

Walking is one of our favourite activities in the summer. Walking is just so EASY. We have some of our best talks while walking when our minds are free of distraction around us.

We made some really interesting progress with Eric’s current situation. We have been talking a lot about what we want out of life, our work, and making sure that above all we lead lives that make us happy. We made some great progress today and I can already tell that a huge weight has been lifted off Eric’s shoulders. I’m really looking forward to telling you more about it in the future.
After our walk, I did what any baker and cook would do and I baked and cooked!
First, I made something I am super excited to show you…

Oh. My. Gosh.
I am going to share the recipe (tomorrow morning!) so check back!
You will love these raw cookies that are just oozing with health. I am a bit head over heels for them.
Then it was time to make dinner! We had two week’s worth of CSA red potatoes to use up…

I decided to make the super easy potato soup that I made a while back.
I tripled the recipe because I had sooo many potatoes…

I chopped some basil and sprinkled it on top. My basil plant isn’t growing as fast as I thought it would, so I could only use a few small leaves. The good news is that it is not dead and growth is happening, just slowly. I wonder if I should have put it in more direct sunlight, as I learned after the fact that basil loves the sun and heat!

I also left a bunch of potatoes chunky in the soup.

Eric had his with ketchup squeezed all over the top! He said the ketchup made the soup. :biggrin:
I’m off to end this amazing day with more Eat Pray Love. See you tomorrow!
Hi! I really enjoy your blog….. I am currently addicted to seeing the new recipes you post everyday. Thank you for the beautiful pictures too! :)
I am just catching up on a week’s worth of mental treats (that’s how my brain interprets OSG) and I just have to say….
I am SOOOOO happy that you are reading Eat, Pray, Love!
I knew that you would love it! Yay!