Good afternoon!
By now, you probably know a few things about me…
- I love quick recipes.
- I love healthy recipes.
- I love delicious tasting recipes.
- I don’t care for long ingredient lists- simple is good!
This chickpea recipe is no exception to my requirements…
Chick P’s & P.B

- 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas, rinsed and drained *(see note below)
- 1 heaping tbsp peanut butter (other nut butters might work too!)
- 1/2 tsp pure maple syrup
Directions: Rinse and drain chickpeas. For a single serving, take 1/2 cup of cooked chickpeas and set aside in a small, but deep, bowl. In another small bowl, mix the nut butter and pure maple syrup together. Scoop the PB + maple syrup mixture onto the chickpeas and mix well with a spoon. Serve over top of a soft piece of bread, in a wrap, on a salad, or eat it alone! I tried this on toast, soft bread, and alone and I liked it best alone, then on soft bread, and didn’t care for it on toast too much. It may also be good on the right kind of salad too!
Note: I used canned chickpeas, however if you cook your own, you might want to add a pinch of sea salt as the canned chickpeas have a lovely salty flavour to them.
Nutritional Information: (Serves 1): 260 calories, 9 grams fat, 6 grams fibre, 9 grams protein.
Those are some amazing nutritional stats, eh? It makes for a quick and healthy morning or afternoon power snack!

I came up with this simple recipe when I was making my first batch of dessert hummus– that recipe will be coming shortly too!

I know it probably seems very strange to mix peanut butter and maple syrup and throw it onto chickpeas (trust me, I thought so too!), but it honestly tastes AMAZING!
I must ask, what is nut butter not good with?
I have realized that chickpeas are very versatile and will basically adapt to any flavour that you mix it with!

I loved mixing this together and just eating the chickpeas + PB mix on its own. It tasted incredible! Try it out and let me know what you think. :biggrin:
Do you love any strange combinations of foods that you think just taste amazing but others may cringe at the thought?
Check Out These OSG T-Shirts For Breast Cancer Charity!
Hello OSG readers! My name is Kath and I will be walking 60 miles in 3 days for the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Walk in San Diego November 19-21, 2010.
I need to raise $2,300 to help fight breast cancer! Angela has stepped up to support my fundraising efforts by working with me to create a t-shirt design for Oh She Glows. Please visit – to purchase Angela’s design (under the category “She Glows”) or one of the many other designs available along with maybe different apparel styles or accessories. Thank you for your support for this great cause!
Tomorrow AM, I will be addressing your questions about whether I have any desire to do another triathlon. To prep you for the discussion, here is the 3rd graph installment!

Eric and I are hoping to get out for a short bike ride tonight to loosen up our legs. Have a great night!
Amazing snack!!! Your graphs make me smile =)
This looks amazing! I’ll definitely have to try it out :) What do chickpeas taste like?
That is a very hard question to answer…I really don’t know how to describe them! They have a very light flavour and are quite dense…they will basically adapt anything!
YUM! it just is NOT possible for nut butter to taste bad on anything…simply not possible.
I can’t wait to try this!
Love the graph, must have missed that original post. Can’t wait to hear what you have to tell us tomorrow.
Love the shirt idea, but sadness, the shirts are too hard to see white on white like that, I can’t really see all that much detail. :-(
so funny that you posted this because i came across this recipe for zuchini hummus. i thought about how much you love hummus. : ) anyway, my hubby has lots of zuchini growing in his garden and i wanted to find something cool to make.
i found this recipe by gena at choosing raw. OMG so good and so healthy! fresh veggie over canned. i added minced garlic to the recipe too. glad you posted so i could pass it on!
Thanks I will check it out!
Weird Q, but what kind of canned chickpeas do you generally get?
I find some brands are so much better than others (i.e. Primo and Compliments brand > Cedar) I guess it depends on your grocery store…
I buy the Presidents Choice organic canned chickpeas when I am short on time, otherwise I use the big pail of dried chickpeas that I bought in bulk. I agree that there is a lot of variation between brands! I find the non-organic ones are a bit questionable at times…(esp no-name!)
Ermm… This sounds delicious indeed, but my mom would be giving me weird looks the whole time. I have a question – when other people look at you strangely or make comments on what you eat (just yesterday my sister dissed oatmeal: “It’s disgusting nothing-tasting mush.” And just before that she had proposed to eat McD’s for breakfast. I looked at her and told her not to diss it and that I don’t like Mcdonald’s either, but clearly I cared more than she did when she said that “If you don’t like it then don’t eat it.”) how do you deal with it? I find it especially hard since it’s usually my family and friends who witness my weirdness (again, another anecdote: I went separate ways with a few friends once when they met another friend in the hallway, and when they were leaving I sort of went in the same direction, because eventually we had to turn opposite ways as well. I heard loud laughs and the words “salad, every day.” The only person I know in our friendship group who eats salad everyday is me.) and especially when my mom, who is usually in charge of what I eat, is the one making comments. Do you have any advice to deal with these kinds of comments?
Thanks so much, and those chickpeas really do sound great. :)
First off let me say that I have not been reading OSG recently bc I’ve been really busy the past month (I quit my job, moved, and started a new grad program… plus I’m finishing planning my wedding!) I have missed your blog! Anyway, I ran out of yogurt (my go-to breakfast) yesterday and I was like I remember when I used to read OSG every day and Angela made those vegan overnight oats all the time… so I tried them. I was super skeptical that cold oatmeal would be weird but OH. MY. GOODNESS. SOOOO yummy!
The point of this story is that I need to trust Angela, even when she suggests something totally wacky like chickpeas and maple syrup.
So glad you enjoyed it!
You would like my dreamy peanut butter spread which is made from the same ingredients. It’s soooo addicting that I couldn’t help myself the last time I made it and ate almost the whole thing in one sitting! And today for a snack I ate chickpeas drizzled with agave. Yum!
Sounds good I will check it out!
I’m not gonna lie those chick peas look Oh so wrong. I guess I’d have to try it.
I never would’ve thought to combine chickpeas and peanut butter!
do you have a good hummus recipe? i like it really creamy and really lemony… i’ve never been a chickpea fan but i will try this just because you said so! do they take on the flavor similar to what spinach does in fruit smoothies?
Yes exactly!
I have a 50 cent hummus recipe on my recipe page if you are interested :)
Your graph killed me!! My in-race graph would be based entirely on the elevation of the course. I felt like the king of the world flying down the Sixth Line hill on the way back and thought I could keep going forever! ;) We need to find a race that’s all downhill.
yeah, im going to go ahead and say i probably wont try that combo, lol
Haha! Ditto! No offense, Angela! :P
you dont know what you are missing….gahhhhhhh!
That looks soooo good!!!…and perfect for breakfast after an early morning workout. I know what i’m eating in the morning!! ;)
That looks so delicious! What a clever combo of tasty foods. I bet it would be fab with honey, too. I’ll try this soon :)
Very interesting recipe. There are a lot of chickpea recipes coming out lately.
I love canned chick peas. Usually when I use canned beans I give them a rinse under the tap so that I can wash off some of the preservatives they put in the cans.
might be three of my favourite things put into one… maple flavour, chickpeas, and nut butter… genius.
Woah. Never ever thought of doing something like that with chickpeas. I just bought some though so I might have to try it. :)