After looking at my training plan for the 10k, I know I’m not going to be ready in time. It is only 8 days away and for me to work up my mileage I would be over doing it in the next week.
As much as I want to run this 10k, I think it is best to take it slow. I have been doing really well easing back into my exercise over the past month and a half and I would hate to have to ruin it now by forcing it.
I still feel quite delicate and tender in my injury area at times, so I believe this is a sign to keep taking things easy on myself.
Lately I have come to the realization that I may never be a runner. My body might not be cut out for that type of wear and tear. If I am going out on the road and always feeling sore the next day perhaps my body is trying to tell me something. And if I need to wear knee sleeves to protect my knees, is it worth putting my body through it at all?
Obviously, these are hard and difficult questions because I love running so very much. I really love it. But sometimes, I need to realistically evaluate my body’s capabilities.
I guess the only answer is to keep listening to my inner voice. It is always right. When it tells me to rest I should listen to it, no matter how much I want to hit the road for a run.
I am just going to keep taking it slow, one day at a time. I am going to try to avoid making plans with respect to running because I find it can leave me feeling frustrated if I don’t meet them.
To take a positive spin on things, I really want to try to incorporate new activities into my life this spring and summer. Eric and I still plan on trying indoor rockclimbing and going mountain biking. I also want to try out new ideas too.
Does anyone have any ideas for fun, new activities that I can try? Leave a comment below!
I think if I found other activities that I enjoy, it would make the whole running thing a lot easier to deal with!
Here is a fun activity Eric and I (And Sketchie) did last night:
I love me some ping pong!
For the time being I am still avoiding activities that put pressure on my injury. For example, I am not playing volleyball because of the quick stopping and starting movements.
PETA recently sent me their new Vegan Cookbook called “PETA’s Vegan College Cookbook: 275 easy, cheap, and delicious recipes to keep you vegan at school”
I am eager to try it out! It is filled with super easy recipes.
I plan on giving one away with a contest and then putting one up for auction in my Shop 4 A Cause.
Ok, I’m off to have lunch (lentil stew leftover- yum!) and then leave for a delivery. Hope you are having a fabulous Friday!
How about some speed walking, long walks or walks with a purpose like going to see what is growing around your area, or animals in your area for info about bird feeders or whaever you might dream up. Swimming is the number one total fitness sport that works all of your body. It is pretty much injury free and if you plan to have kids, swimming skills are a great thing to have. Biking is great and the consevation areas have canoe rentals. Also the concervation areas have great biking, walking and jogging paths. A day for us at the conservation area starts with early morning fishing then a bike ride after that we will go canoeing and walk the paths to see what is going on in nature. It has a nice balance of hard work along with moving at a slower pace. Makes for a great day.
When I was dealing with knees issues and couldn’t run I got into road biking. I never thought I could love anything as much as running, but guess what I loved it just as much if not more :)
What’s strange is that I’m discovering the same thing. I was putting so much pressure on myself to run further (though not faster!) and it was stressing me out both physically and mentally. I’ve started doing more cross-training and am MUCH happier. Maybe I won’t ever run long distances, but if they’re not fun, why bother? I’m not an Olympic athlete and I’m not breaking anyone’s records (or hearts) by not running. If 5k with breaks to stop and smell the roses is what makes me happy, I’m gonna do it!
Have you tried spinning? It’s my favourite right now. It’s such a challenge but you feel amazing when you’re done!
I’m so glad I read this post tonight. My 10k is next Sunday and my knee is still dodgy and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to run it. I’m pretty devastated (my injury is nothing compared to yours was but I don’t want it to get that far!) and I feel like kind of a loser. I think it’s really easy to underestimate what running does to our bodies.
Hm… maybe if I’d had that cookook when I lived in the Sorority I’d have managed to stay vegan.. though my reasons for stopping weren’t inconvenience, it wouldn’t have hurt. :P
Anyway, ideas as to what sort of challenge? Oh dearie me I don’t know! Maybe ask people what their favourite vegan recipe is, with a link or typing it up, and why?
A contest that makes me the winner!! haha ;)
I’ve been running here and there and my ankles kill everytime! I’m starting to do a bunch of yoga and it’s a lot better than putting tons of pressure on my joints! What about bike riding? That’s always fun =)
I’ve realized that my body’s not meant for running. What I love love love is walking – especially incline walking now that I have access to a treadmill. My workouts tend to be a mix of walking (incline or speed or both at the same time), the stepper (this is new), YOGA, and occasionally pilates. I also enjoy dance videos :)
How Tall are you?
Just recently I decided something similar. I think I’m not really cut out to be a distance runner. For me it was several things: I got injured transitioning from running on the treadmill during the winter to running outside outside, I don’t handle the huge swings in energy level and eating that come with high volume training very well, and there are a lot of things that I enjoy that are hard to do when you have to get in a long run every weekend.
The things that I love about running are that it gives you a huge sense of accomplishment when you do a big race and it allows you to enjoy the outdoors so I knew I had to figure out a way to do both of those things. So right now I’m still running outside but only 3 days a week and for shorter distances and I’m concentrating on weight training and yoga so I can feel proud of my accomplishments in strength and flexibility- which are no less impressive!
I would say biking and rollerblading are good suggestions for getting outside for some exercise as is cross country skiing in the winter. Good luck with your decision. I know it’s a hard one.
i loooove rock climbing! so much fun and it’s a great workout! plus it’s great for couples.
i’m finally learning to listen to my body and slow down once in a while. you only get one chance with what you’ve got! i don’t want to be elderly before i’m out of my twenties!
I think you shouldn’t believe that you’ll “never be a runner” because everytime you get on that treadmill and run a mile or more–guess what: you are running! Don’t diminish your accomplishments for some view you have of running that overlooks your own accomplishments. That being said, you will increase your running slowly but surely overtime. Just listen to your inner voice. It’s the voice that counts in the long run!
maybe you would like to try yoga or pilates, they are good workout too.
i will love to have this book because i see your food and recipies i started to cook.. i am a new cooker girl,
I love pilates and I find it a great workout. You can do a lot at home easily. I have done a couple of the dance type classes at my gym – Zumba is great! That cookbook would be a great one for me with my should be a vegetarian based on my blood type.
Hey Ang~ I’ve been walking for 3 years and I don’t mean little walks either. 5-8 miles a day isn’t abnormal. So I decided that I would take up jogging. Suddenly I was having knee problems and leg pain, things I’d never experienced before. While it would be nice to be able to jog like everyone else I decided that the injury’s I seemed to suddenly be suffering from weren’t worth it. Hopefully you can figure out what will be best for your body!!! I guess maybe not all exercises are “one size fits all.” Have a great weekend!!
What about cycling? I both run and cycle, and I am in LOVE with my bikes. It’s very rhythmic, like running, and as long as the bike is properly fit to you there should be little chance of knee pain.
I’d recommend a good solid touring/road bike. It won’t burn as many calories as running, but it definitely tones you, and is a great cardio and endurance workout.
You are smart to listen to your body.
And summer makes me think of GOLF!
You should try taking up a sport that you like…I don’t know if you have volleyball leagues and what not in Canada (it’s really popular on Long Island in New York because the beach is right around the corner) but I think it’s fun to mix up your work out with a type of exercise that blasts calories bu doesn’t feel like a chore. I also love playing street hockey with my boyfriend and we also bought roller blades and go to the park all the time in the summer. Roller blading on the boardwalk in the morning before it gets hot is incredible too. Good luck and I think it’s really great that you’re listening to your body and you’re not going to run the race. Good for you, taking it slow and treating your body well is more important. It will be so much better in the long run!
bike rides, bowling, playing catch. & more hiking & ping pong!
can’t wait for the cookbook contest!
d’RC… funny you should mention ChiRunning. I was actually reading about it the other day; provoking me to reach out to a local instructor. However, the skeptical voice inside my head wonders if attending a class would only result in further resentment towards an activity I used to enjoy.
Are you enjoying your experience?