Good afternoon gorgeous!
Want to hear 2 Pearls of Wisdom my coworker said to me today:
1) “Geeze you are eating already and it’s not even 11am?? Are you pregnant or something?”
2) “You mean you actually believe Eric when he tells you that you are the most beautiful girl in the world??”
My coworker is very sarcastic and sometimes the things he says to me really get to me! Argh.
I must say I need to work on my ability to be able to ‘shake things off’ and not think about mean comments that people sometimes say. My question to you all is:
How do you forget things that have been said to you? Are you good at this or bad at this?
I keep telling myself 2 days….. 2 freaking days! :D
Today’s afternoon powersnack comes from the lovely Diana!
Cottage Trails

“Hey Angela!
My afternoon power snack is usually eaten while I catch up on my favourite blogs! Therefore I took the shot in front of my computer. This snack gives me an afternoon pick-me-up and doesn’t weigh me down or make me sluggish!”
– 1/2 tbsp Ground Flax Seed
– Handful of Raisins
– Handful of Goji Berries
– Chopped Almonds
– 2 Honey Dates Chopped
– 1/2 Cup of Cottage Cheese
Mix it all up and enjoy. The dates really add a sweet flavour – some people may choose to omit. I like them! These measurements probably make 2 servings but I was feeling extra hungry today and ate it all! Haha! I have added two pictures – one of the ingredients that were added to the Cottage Cheese and 1 of the finished product!

And might I add what gorgeous pictures! Thanks Diana! :)
By the way- I snuck a slice of my Honey Raisin Banana Pumpkin Bread this morning as I was packing Eric’s lunch (He’s so spoiled isnt he!) and it was even better the next day!!! It was sooooo uber moist and delicious! Next time I may try eliminating the oil and replacing it with applesauce too. This bread is a sure winner though. :D
See you tonight for a special edition of FAQ’s!
The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.
~John Dulles
LOVE this quote!!!
Remember- Insanity is repeating the same behaviour and expecting different results!
I wish I had some advice with shaking off comments but they affect me the same way! The more I try to forget and shrug it off the more it irks me.
i spent all day today in a mandatory “respect in the workplace” training, and i can tell you that his behaviour is most certainly harassment – offensive, rude, demeaning, etc! if you weren’t leaving this week, i would encourage you to take action and not forget/shrug it off, but i guess since you are, there’s not much to do.
people like that suck! sorry you have to deal with it. 2 more days.
Just think of this quote by Dr.Suess: Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
Congrats on only 2 days. YOU CAN DO IT!
omg – your co-worker sounds so mean! I don’t really have any advice – but I know exactly how you feel, I am really sensitive and I let things get to my too easily – just think that the week’s almost over!
Some people really just don’t think before they speak. I would be upset too – and I am really bad at shaking off hurt feelings. But just remember, you ARE gorgeous… and you get out of there in 2 days :) sending good thoughts your way!!
Many women are usually not good at “shaking things off” or getting over past hurts.
My best friend, a nursing student, discovered in her readings that human beings are one of the few (if not only) mammals with long-term memory. Because of this, we mentally go over (ruminate) these comments or events in our heads over and over again. We punish ourselves and others over and over again. Look forward: Almost done!
I LOVE that cottage cheese mix!!! I need to try that! mmmm
I cannot believe your coworker said those things to you :( I dont understand people
It’s hard to shake stuff like that off sometimes – just remember that people that say things like that: 1. often don’t know what they’re talking about or 2. say stuff without thinking about how it will come across.
2 days!!!! :)
love diana’s power snack!!
i used to have a harder time shaking things off, but i think i found a way to reframe them so they seem like compliments (even if they weren’t meant that way, haha). someone says to me: “your appetite is huge — you must be pregnant!” and i HEAR: “you’re so lucky — you can eat like a pregnant lady and never gain an ounce!” (which is not true, by the way … but it makes me feel better to think it!)
Hi Angela! I found your blog yesterday through Kath’s blog. Yours is SO cute! I myself have not created my own blog yet, but if I do, I would totally make it with the same concepts as yours!
I, too, have a difficult time skaking off rude things that people say. I try to tell myself it doesn’t matter what they think, but that doesn’t always work. We can work on it together! :)
OMG the co worker is really sarcastic!! I am going to try the cottage cheese mix, looks fantastic!!The husband is a big cottage cheese fan, he’ll surely like it!!
I’m the same way also when someone says a mean comment to me. I have trouble shaking it off. Just ignore him and his thoughtless comment. He is not worth your time or energy. These kind of people drain you of your positive energy and beauty. And for the record, you are beautiful and so giving. You take the time to share your past weight struggle and you help other people with their struggle. Good on you. Keep it up.
What a great snack and a jerky coworker!
I work out of someone’s home and their housekeeper really insulted me yesterday. They asked how much I weigh and since she is from another country I thought quickly maybe she doesn’t think this is rude so I tried not to be hung up on my weight because it is something I am working on and I told her. She said ” Oh my, you should be careful so you don’t fall on the baby(Im a nanny of sorts).”
I felt so hurt and I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I started beating myself up even more than usual but I stopped myself because this is when I would usually binge. Instead of bingeing I told myself I am changing my body and health for me, not because of some nonsense comment. So when I worked out last night I felt strong because I was working hard before she even said anything to me and this was one of the first times I didn’t let someone else dictate how I treat myself.
Just thought I would share that since I was going through the same thing yesterday.
Also, I find if I tell a close friend about how someone may have hurt my feelings I just feel much better about voicing it. Even if I don’t confront the person who hurt me.
What a loser that guy is!!!!
Of course you believe it when he says it! I completely believe it when my husband says it, and it makes me feel like a million bucks!
Sounds like your co-worker is just jealous. That’s what I always try to tell myself at least, but I’ll still stew about it for days…
Oh my goodness, what a butthead. Seriously who does that?! I had a sort of similar experience. Someone asked me if I had lost some weight and at the time this was right at the start of my “journey” and I didn’t know because I had not weighted myself. I said as much. The guy turns to my husband and said, “What do you think?” And my husband said, “I don’t know. Andrea looks good to me all the time.” The guy thought my husband was joking! And said, “Oh good comeback.” While the whole time my husband was being very sincere. *shrug* What can you do?
Those are awful things for your coworker to say! Unfortunately I have no advice for getting over those remarks — I tend to hold onto them as well :(
i’ve been thinking about this a lot. i think one of our key problems is that we focus on internally trying to shrug these comments off or not be bothered by them when what we (as women) should REALLY be working on is being able to stand up for ourselves. people shouldn’t get away with saying crap like this to anyone and (hopefully there never is a next time) next time say something right back to him about how inappropriate that is and how much of a jerk he (or she) is. i know confrontations are hard, but we shouldn’t have to shrug awful things that hurt us off.