A whole lotta this…
And a whole lotta that…

And a whole lotta water…
Makes a great pre-race dinner.

This is one of my favourite meals ever!
- PC Frozen Veggie mix
- 1 T Fonatine Sante Hummus (Best hummus you will ever buy- dead serious!!!)
- 1/2 T Kraft Zesty Italian dressing
- 1 heaping T of Mr. Spice Salt-free organic Honey BBQ sauce (best BBQ sauce you will ever buy!!!)
- Freshly ground black pepper
- Canned flaked salmon

I have been meaning to review this salt-free BBQ sauce for a while now. Ok, a week. I guess I’m not too behind.
Anyways, this is the BEST BBQ Sauce my taste buds have ever tasted! And it is salt-free and organic! I honestly still can’t believe it. There is only like 15 mg of salt per serving. Unbelievable. You seriously won’t believe me until you try this stuff! I put it on everything now!
This dinner was just spectacular.
I snacked on this ZEN Glo Bar tonight with chia seeds, poppy seeds, and black sesame seeds:

My glycogen stores are brimming with healthy fuel. :) I like.
I have been busy all day making Glo Bars! I am quite happy because I am getting lots of repeat customers. Always a good sign!
I had to make new labels to correspond with my new names.
I can’t wait until I am at the stage to order custom packaging! It takes me so long to package these babies up! The only thing I don’t know about is ordering packages for ALL my flavours…I have like 13 now! I’m not sure how I am going to handle that one. Ideas???
Here is my RACE KIT!!!!

1119 baby!
I am meeting up with a few blog readers tomorrow- I can’t wait to meet Gillian, Alex, Emily, and Jon! 7:30am sharp!
Guys, I am so so so excited for tomorrow. I think I have truly found my ‘fitness’ calling in life because I have NEVER been so excited about exercise in my life. Sure, I have done some fun things for fitness in the past (I used to be a competitive fastpitch pitcher for many years), but I have not felt this kind of excitement in a long time.
I love the competitive nature of running in a race…it fires me up and I just want to show off all this hard work and sweat to myself! I was thinking about it, and I have been dong just cardio, plain old boring cardio, for a few years now, and I haven’t done anything to redeem myself for it.
I see these races as a pat on my back. I know it sounds funny to say that since it is obviously hard work, but I really see a race as a way to congratulate myself for being dedicated to my health.
I start to tear up when I think about this, but I honestly never would have been able to do this if this was 5 years ago and I was still starving myself and treating my body poorly. There is no way in hell I could have done this. I was weak, had no energy, and I felt drained all the time.
I will never ever go back to that living hell.
My quality of life is so much greater than I have ever imagined. I have all of YOU to thank for supporting me and encouraging me throughout all of this.
I finally feel like I have learned one of the hardest lessons that I have ever known.
Food is NOT the enemy. Food is beautiful, energizing, wonderful, and fuel for our body, among other things.
Our bodies are not the enemy.
I’m sure my body is saying to me, ‘Angela, I tried to tell you. If only you had treated me properly all those years you would have seen just how much I could do for you.’
So my message tonight for all of you, is to treat your body GOOD. No, not just good, treat your body like the wonderful BEING that it is. Do you ever just stop and think of all the amazing processes our bodies carry out each day? Crazy isn’t it.
Be good to you, and your body will respond a million times over.
Off to pack. :)

Agreed, Fontaine hummus IS the best :) Fontaine has all great products, I can’t wait till they built a Costco here so I can buy them!!
GOOD LUCK TODAY!! You’re going to do awesome! That has been one of my biggest life lessons too. I cringe thinking of all the horrible things I used to do to my body. Not just malnutrition, but smoking, binge drinking, etc. Not good. The best part is, once I started treating my body better, I started liking it better, and my sense self-worth has grown by leaps and bounds :D
Our bodies ARE so amazing…I think about that all the time! So glad you are so excited to run your race! It’s 8:16 am right now, so I guess that means you’ve already started running! Whooo, go Ange!! :D
Enjoy every step of your race today! Your virtual friends are cheering you on!
Good Luck Angie and I Love How Inspirational You are! Tonights Message: “Treat your body good…” Just got added to my list of TOP motivational quotes. I have a file with them on my computer and go there when I need a lift.
Good luck to you today, Angela! You will do great!! Your pre-race meal looks delicious!! YUM!!
I, too, have been where you have. I used to starve myself as well and I was never happy. I thought the thinner I was, the happier I would be. Boy, was I wrong. I feel so much better now that I feed my body when it asks to be fed, exercise & run. I love to run and also get super excited about it. WTG!!! You are beautiful!
I can’t wait to hear about your race! You ROCK!!
Great post Angela! I so wish I would have treated my body better when I was younger!
Good luck today!
YAY GOOD LUCK!!! The bars look amazing!
Run strong and have fun today! Our bodies are kind and generous to us despite how we treated them in the past. My body has given me a lesson or two in resiliency.
Great post, Angela! Unfortunately, I am at the beginning of the journey and am just now learning that food is okay and I don’t have to count every calorie/point. I know I have a long road ahead, but am at least headed in the right direction now! Thanks for your fabulous blog and enjoy your run!
angela, this post almost made ME cry. i just relate to every single word; i can’t even find a single point to focus on because i understand where you’re coming from 100%. thank you. :)
good luck at your race today. you are so incredible, inspiring, and powerful, and you are going to rock it!
Thanks for that post Angela! It really gave me some hope that my body won’t be broken forever. I had back surgery in Oct 2008 so I am limited in what activities I can do right now. In the back of my mind I should have treated my body better in the first place. The only thing I can do is treat my body with respect now.
Good luck on your race today and I’ll be vicariously imagining myself crossing the finish line with you some day. S
Good Luck Angela!
I feel that I’m so lucky to have found your blog – it’s SO inspirational!
Wow. What a GREAT post and this is exactly the lesson I’ve been learning too. Treat our bodies like a temple. ;-) Keep up the awesome work!
This is such an inspiring post. Sometimes I look back too, and think, wow . . . I’ve come so far. It’s amazing and wonderful. To our health, and to happiness!
wow. you are such an inspiration. i wish that i could run a marathon like you. your glo bars look delish!
michal :)
This is my first time visiting your site and I love it! But I was reading your mile log and I just did my first 5k and around the half way point I did the same thing tearing up and just being so grateful. I thought I was one of a kind when I did that, but I’m so glad to know i’m not the only one!