After a struggle to come up with a color scheme for the nursery, we’ve finally narrowed it down to a couple options – and also decided on a layout too. This is major progress for us because Eric and I are both the most indecisive people on the planet! We have a lot of fun DIY projects planned – refinishing a used dresser, side table, and child’s rocking chair, creating a wall collage, and maybe even a homemade mobile. Whether we will have time to do them all is another story, but I’m sure going to try. I’ve never been a crafty person (ok, except for my pre-teen crafty stage!), but this little baby has really inspired me. Eric has a passion for woodworking so he’s planning on building a bookcase as well as doing most of the dresser refinishing. I’m hoping once I get a couple projects under my belt, I won’t be as intimidated by it all. Maybe there is a crafty goddess hiding in there somewhere? hah.
So here are a few “before” pictures of the nursery. We recently primed the walls and painted all the trim using Benjamin Moore’s zero-VOC paint, Natura. We used Natura paint for the entire house. The trim colour that we used is called Distant Gray (which actually looks much more white than gray, but has very slight gray undertones).

I really love the angular walls in this room. As soon as I saw it, I knew it would make a great nursery.

More updates to come!
Hi Angela, the room is looking promising. Can’t wait to see the final :) Which part of Ontario are you guys at? I’m curious because I remember how you guys were UNDECIDED :) about where to live and I remember even BC came up – where I live right now.
Thanks Michelle! No big moves (yet), still in the GTA, but who knows what the future holds! We might get sick of these winters at some point.
Love the floors!! That is my dream – to have a house full of wood (or cork maybe) and no carpet! Can’t wait to see how the room finishes up :)
Can’t wait to see! Love the blank canvas. :)
I can’t wait to see more! :) The room is beautiful already.
I didn’t realize you had a “baby” tab at the top until today–I am glad to read updates about how she is coming along! :) You look great!
Ang! Ahhhh I was so lucky to get see this in person before it gets done! I am looking forward to what you guys do with it. The rest of the place looks so fantastic! Thanks again for the awesome tour. It was great to see where all this magic is now going to be happening!
So glad to see you!! BBQ SOON! :)
I love the angular walls too! When I see that corner with the angle to the ceiling, I see a tree painted on the wall with branches. :) I am sure that you have plenty of your own ideas, but I couldn’t help but share. Have fun!
What an incredibly fun and amazing time you’re in right now! As you said there’s so much to cram in during these 40 weeks, but just remember that you can still get (some) stuff done after she comes! After having two boys, I’ve figured out quickly that doing all that stuff never ends
you mean I can get stuff done after the baby comes?? This isn’t a trick right? hah ;)
Hi Angela,
I picked up your book today and made your Miso-Orange power bowl for dinner. My husband and I loved it. Delicious.
My question is, have you considered whether you will raise your daughter on a vegan diet? I know solids are a-ways-away but I’m curious to know your thoughts on plant-base nutrition and babies.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Hi Stefanie, Thanks for your feedback – so happy you enjoyed the miso bowl! Our daughter will likely have a mix of both our diets – Eric is not vegan, but he eats a lot of plant based meals. I’m not going to label her diet one way or another though.
Hi Stefanie, I’m currently raising my 12 month vegetarian with very little dairy. It’s absolutely doable, and there are a couple of blogs for raising vegan kids. I think there’s just a bit more work involved studying up on nutrition so you can ensure they are getting everything they need. My husband eats every type of meat under the sun, so for now Little is a veg, but when he’s older and can understand what animals/meat are/is he can choose for himself.
Angela, how I do wish you’d had a baby last year so you could inspire me in my Little’s meals now!
I love the light and angled walls of your future nursery! Looking forward to seeing it once it is complete – I am sure you and Eric will do a wonderful job :) I will keep the “natura” paint in mind for a later date!
Angela, first off, congrats on your pregnancy!!! You look amazing and I’m so excited you’ll be sharing your pregnancy journey on the blog. Will these posts be emailed out also or should I just click the baby tab to stay updated? I haven’t noticed them in my email but maybe I’m missing them. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant and also have a 20 month old daughter. As I’m sure everyone is, I’m also very curious as to how you’ll be feeding your LO. I’m sure you’ll come up with some great healthy toddler snacks and meals in the future. I’ve kept my LO mostly veg up until now, we do eats eggs and fish but no dairy. It’s been more of a challenge lately as she’s becoming very picky :0 PS: I am loving your cookbook so far. The family favorite has been the cheesy quinoa brocolli burritos, oh and my daughter LOVES the peanut sauce for the noodle bowl. Thanks so much for all that you do. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed following your blog over the last several years and look forward to all of your updates and recipes. Leslie
Hey Leslie,
Congrats to you too! I’m so glad you are enjoying the posts and recipes. :) I wanted to keep this baby section separate from my normal food posts, but if you check out the right sidebar (near bottom) there is a baby feed to see if there are any new posts (it’s called “recent baby posts”)- otherwise you can just click the baby tab at the top. Hope this helps! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
Congrats on your pregnancy!! I am a first time mom too and already my little baby is almost going to be one. Time FLIES. I know your in the GTA, but one of the best pre-natal courses I took was Julie Keon’s class in Renfrew (probably too far for you to drive, but just thought I would let you know), and one of the best books I read was Ina May Gaskin’s Natural Childbirth. Seriously recommend it. And, give a little thought to postpartum. I found that I was so focussed on my pregnancy and the labour, that I gave little thought to postpartum. Thank goodness we had family come visit us for a while after, which totally saved us. Its hard to know what to expect, obviously since its your first time, but just know that sh*t gets real, life gets crazy, you go crazy, and then you realize that you got this, your doing it, and your witnessing the most amazing thing you ever created. Ive been following your blog for a couple years now, and I LOVE the recipes, bought your book because I wanted to continue to support you, and just love all the things you share with your followers. So happy for you and your family, take care.
Thanks for your comment Taryn! I greatly appreciate the wise words :)
Can’t wait to see the “after” photos!
So much cute stuff out there to choose from/incorporate into your vision.
That room is beautifully shaped! Lots of light. (Invest in good blackout panels!)
The room looks great to start with, can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it to make it even better. All the best.