Hello awesome readers!
I ended up taking today off work so I would have a chance to get everything done as I have still not finished the mountains of laundry, unpacking, cleaning, etc!
It was so nice to sleep in this morning and not have to rush to work.
I have been doing some to-do’s that have been on my list since we moved here- like finding Sketchie a vet, trying to get my old Doctor back (and to take on Eric too), etc! I also have to go into town and get a few things.
I am not sure what I will be doing for my workout today! I really don’t know what I am in the mood for. I guess I will play it by ear. I am still sore from playing Wii this weekend if you can believe it. :D
It is so beautiful outside today- bright and sunny. Here is the view from my treadmill:

My treadmill is in our sunroom. It is the next best thing to running outdoors!

And no workout is complete without a workout buddy:

More good news?
A new study finds that aerobic activity decreases appetite hormones. Results were obtained with a very small sample, but it looks encouraging.
Do you find that your appetite is reduced following an aerobic workout?
I find that my hunger is reduced with moderate duration exercise, however once I am over an hour I find that I am substantially more hungry.
So what was my biggest mistake in 2008?
It is a tough one for sure. I made lots (hehe), but I think if I had to narrow it down I would say that I let stress get the best of me last year.
I was finishing my Master’s degree, working full time, and planning a wedding and I often didn’t know how to deal with the stress. I was frequently upset and unhappy about my situation and I would take it out on others around me. I truly felt helpless at times and that I couldn’t change my situation.
This year I would like to focus more on taking each day as it comes and to stop worrying so much. Since I tend to be anxious, I feel best when I have perceived control over the situation. But I need to realize that it is a false illusion. I would like to become more flexible with what I perceive to be ‘success’.
Last year. I spent most of the year doing tasks that I did not enjoy work and school wise. I would like to focus this year on doing things that make me happy. Life is too short to be devoting most of your day to something you don’t enjoy!
Best things in 2008?
- Getting married & honeymooning!
- Graduating with my Master’s in Social Psychology
- Starting Oh She Glows and learning that I could help others by taking a leap
- My nephews :D
- Getting a job that gives me experience in my field
- Moving out of the city
Now for a Bumble Bar review….

It boasts a great nutritional profile with 5 grams of Protein, 4 grams of Fibre, and 13 grams of healthy fat. The bar is 230 calories.

This was my first time trying this bar. I thought it was going to be amazing due to all of the seeds (I love seeds!):

However, I was really disappointed in the taste.
It had a strange after taste. I think it may have been from the brown rice syrup???

Maybe the other flavours taste better?

And now for another quote from the book ‘Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide’ by Hal Higdon
On Sense: “Those summer weekends occupied by long runs, staying in on Saturday nights while friends went out on the town, dragging myself out of bed hours before my body wanted me to- it all suddenly made sense as soon as I crossed the finish line.”
~Ken, Engineer, Toronto
See you later!
Your kitty is adorable! What kind is it?
Fabulous 2008 for ya!!
I’m not a fan of ANY of the Bumble Bars – blech. LARABARS REIGN SUPREME!!! :-D
Good luck with your laundry, unpacking, cleaning, etcetera!!
Beautiful view! And I soooo wish I had today off. ;)
I have a huge to do list too! Great answers, it’s hard to imagine you being anything but sweet!
Enjoy the day!
If I had a sunroom with a treadmill that looks as gorgeous as yours, I don’t think I’d ever leave!
I find the opposite is true with that study. I’m usually STARVING after workouts.
I am jealous of your treadmill and gorgeous sun room! What beautiful eye candy for a good run!
Thanks for the review of the Bumble Bars. I haven’t tried them yet, but it’s great to know what others think of them!
For just the 2 of you, you seem to have lots of laundry. haha
I love the sunroom – that’s the next addition to my house. one of these days..
I am definitely hungry after the 1 hour runs. oops I’m hungry all the time. :)
Aren’t you glad to be finished with school? It was such a stressful time for me also.