A bad blister can take all the fun out of a good run!
I am in desperate need of help.
Here is my problem:
Ever since I have worked out, I have always had a problem with blisters. No matter what brand or type of sneakers I have tried (and boy have I tried LOTS!), I always always get blisters. Even after they are broken in.
And get this- the blisters are always on my RIGHT FOOT. The left foot is free of blisters!
I even went to a podiatrist and got custom orthotics hoping that they would finally help my blister problem, but they didn’t.
All of my sneakers, in the right heel only, get a small hole in the heel from rubbing! This friction is a vicious cycle as you can imagine.
Here I am before my run not knowing what was going to become of my poor right heel!

As you can see in the picture below, the hole is in the right heel. Over time, this hole will get bigger and bigger if I don’t find a way to fix this problem.
The hole:
So on my run today I got an excruciating blister on my right heel. It was so horrible I was almost limping in pain and had to turn back! It really sucked because I was having one of those awesome runs in the sunshine and feeling AH-MAZING!
Check out my views:
I told you I didn’t want to head back home!!!
I have a feeling that this blister/worn right heel has something to do with my right foot being a different size than my left foot. I actually bought these same pair of sneakers in a smaller size and wore the smaller size on the right foot.
It didn’t help!
I have been to running stores and been fitted but nothing has helped thus far.
I am out of ideas and I am hoping that someone knows of a suggestion, tip, or answer! I don’t want to be in pain all summer long. Something has to be out there to help…?
Also, my blister is now raw and burning with pain. Any tips on healing a blister fast??
The run:
- Distance: 3.9 miles
- Duration: 38 mins.
- Avg pace: 9.55 min/mile
- Max pace: 8:08 min/mile
- max heart rate: 171 bpm
- Avg heart rate: 154 bpm
- Feel the burn: 335 kcals
This was my longest and best run post-injury by a landslide! I felt really great and pain free, well aside from that blister! haha. There’s always something isn’t there??? :) I am going to do Polly’s Yoga for Runners now.
I appreciate any help you can give me regarding the blisters and ill fitting shoes! :)
Today’s question: Do you suffer from blisters while working out?
i have the SAME problem…but it’s because I have a heel spur on the back of one of my feet…DEFINITELY try moleskin! I had the worst blister on my heel and completely covered it with moleskin and completed a half marathon pain and bloody sock free :)
I totally suffer from blisters. since I’m injured, I’ve started doing some incline walking (instead of running) and I’ve gotten blisters on the inside of my heels and some times when I would do long runs (10 miles + ) I would get HUGE blisters on the arch of my foot. I’m talking the size of a silver dollar.
Things that helped me were putting bandaids on the area that usually got a blister or putting gauze + athletic tape over the area. If I already had a blister, I would go and get a band aid that claimed to help heal blisters and they TOTALLY work (I forget the name- I’ll look it up and let you know!). You just have to be very gentle when taking them off.
I’m with red head, yellow dog. Stick something on the area before you head out. Maybe that will help.
Sounds like an awesome run! I find I get blisters all the time from other shoes, but my running shoes (Asics) are great and don`t give me trouble.
Moleskin is wonderful! It covers up an existing blister very well, and also prevents new blisters from starting. You can find it at CVS, Walgreens, Wal_Mart etc…
I have holes like that one both shoes of my old pair of Nikes but I’ve never gotten blisters from them, thankfully.
Whenever I have gotten blisters from shoes, or think I might, I just stick a bandaid on the area that rubs. But judging from the number of people suggesting moleskin, it sounds like it might be a good thing to try. I think I’ll keep that in mind in case I ever have a blister problem.
Nice pics from your run. It’s absolutely gorgeous here too!
It’s all about the socks in my opinion! You don’t want 100% cotton. You want a nylon/cotton/polyester blend. I like the kind that have a little cushioning on the bottom. These are like the ones I use: http://www.paragonsports.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=79185&storeId=10551&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&u=400017928500&c=white%2fblue&s=na&campaign=2570
+1 for having good socks. They don’t have to be super pricey- I wear Target brand- but they are much better than cotton. I have a foot-size discrepancy, too, but I always fit the big foot and tie my shoe differently on the small foot so I’ve never had blisters from too small shoes.
Good luck and be (a little) glad it’s not sports bra chafing!
I get a hole in my right shoe also, but not a blister. From what I’ve read you may need to go up one size with your runners. I’m a 7 and my runners are 7.5. My feet swell when I run. Your shoes should fit like a glove.
Also socks are important. Like everyone else said: don’t wear cotton. A cotton, nylon, polyester blend works well. I have a pair from Nike and they work like a charm. They’re expensive, but do they ever work. I’ve been through tons of socks to find the right pair.
As well, I put some vaseline on the problem area & I find that helps prevent more blisters from forming.
If there is a Running Room in your area, talk to them, because they are quite good and knowledgeable.
Good Luck.
So sorry to hear of the blister problem. I used to get them a lot, but after finding a pair of sneakers that worked, and learning a new lacing technique, I don’t get them as much. All the suggestions were really great — I hope they help you.
In other news: I tried your walking work-out today. It was GREAT. I got up to 17 incline on the treadmill at 4 pmh. I was amazed at how it got my heart rate up. Thanks for posting about it — it was a terrific break from my usual routine.
Oh, and for healing quickly, try the band aid blister healers: http://www.bandaid.com/productList.do?typeId=4 (scroll a bit).
They are kind of pricey, but I’ve found that they really do the trick.
I’ve been getting bad blisters lately. But I think they will go away once I’m back in the habit of running and I buy new shoes.
Go to the Running Room and buy a pair of double-layered socks. The two-layers mean the friction rubs between them, and not against your foot.
They absolutely changed my life. I walked into RR with 15 (!!!!!) blisters on my two feet, and one week after buying the socks I haven’t had another blister in 5 years.
I can’t weigh in on the sock issue, but I’ve had HORRIBLE trouble with blisters and have found that Band-Aid makes Blister Ampoules, which are basically just really cushy, sticky, blister-special band-aids. They have great coverage and stay stuck no matter what, and they heal blisters as well as prevent them. Plus, if you already have one (like yours), you can put this thing on (there’s no adhesive on the part that touches the actual blister so it won’t hurt) and run pain-free right away. Not sure if you have them up there, but it might be worth trying a package :) Good luck!
Things that I had to change that fixed blisters for me….
good, non-cotton running socks
body glide
I’ve heard some people put duct tape over blister prone areas too, probably a similar concept to the moleskin.
And just agreeing with another suggestions someone said on tying your shoes, could make all the difference, so your foot stops slipping around in your shoe.
Another thought, have you ever read ChiRunning? Could help you improve your form if that’s the issue.
I had that same problem back in high school (my feet are still scarred from the blisters) but then I stopped running for a while and then I picked it back up mid college. Now I have NO problem. I am amazed. But I don’t know why. I think one thing has changed is I stopped buying B shoes and switched to 2A… my feet are narrow. I also swear by Brooks Adrenaline shoes. And I took a long (2 year) break and my feet healed during that time perhaps so it wasn’t a cycle anymore? I lace them by looping it back into the top hole http://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/locklacing.htm I don’t know but good luck, I know the pain!
wow. I feel for ya- I have never struggled with blisters until Africa. My problem: they were all new shoes, going long distances, AND they were all too big. i had recently gotten inserts and tried on and bought all new shoes based on the inserts.. I had to do away with all those shoes and hiking boots. Lots of lost mula.. Sorry. I tried everything and nothing worked for me either. Could you try a running sandal?
Yes, try moleskin! It is great, I usually cut a hole the size of the blister out so the moleskin surrounds it.
Also, your shoe might be too small…try going bigger!
I agree with moleskin. I use it for dance constantly. It is my savior!
I feel you pain sistah! I can get THE WORST blisters from my sneakers. The only thing I’ve found that really help is moleskin. You get a piece, cut out a piece bigger than you blister, then cut out the piece where your blister is. Then you put it in sticky side down, but so that the hole you cut out exposes the blister. Seems counter intuitive, but the moleskin keeps the show from actually rubbing against the skin. It almost acts like a bumper! Good luck, hope it helps!