Good afternoon everyone!
I thought I would be fun to do a huge Love it/Hate it post today filled with everything from food to fashion! :D
Love It or Hate It Fashion Poll:

Love it or Hate it Food Poll:

Love it or Hate it Beauty Trends:

Are there certain answers that you feel passionate about? Share your feelings!
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Said it before, but I’ll say it again. I love those quotes!
That was the most adorably random poll every! You are too funny!
So much fun! Really cool seeing the results
Thanks for the fun post!
When I saw Olivia Wilde on the red carpet I formed a girl crush on her! Haha, she is so beautiful in that dress. I love how all sides of my brain start flowing during your posts (you know the fashion side food side etc…..) Thanks!
Candy Corn? Love it. But the mallow pumpkins are even better!
Coffee? LOOOOOOVE it. Maybe a bit addicted to it.
Thanks for keeping things interesting.
I love Charlize and Olivia they are such classy women that I think no matter what they were wearing I would love it.
I have to say for the anti aging cream. Eye cream is the most important. I am a makeup artist (part time/for fun) and this is so important you should start putting it on once a day starting as young as 25 (along with toner and a good moisturizer with spf)!
I believe anti-aging products are like fighting the sun! Aging is BEAUTIFUL! Fighting aging is like fighting our bodies. I know that I am still young so I may not know what it is actually LIKE, but I do know the olden days gray hair and wrinkles symbolized wisdom and experience.
I love Charlize and Olivia they are such classy women that I think no matter what they were wearing I would love it.
I have to say for the anti aging cream. Eye cream is the most important. I am a makeup artist (part time/for fun) and this is so important you should start putting it on once a day starting as young as 25 (along with toner and a good moisturizer with spf)!
I love Charlize and Olivia they are such classy women that I think no matter what they were wearing I would love it.
I have to say for the anti aging cream. Eye cream is the most important. I am a makeup artist (part time/for fun) and this is so important you should start putting it on once a day starting as young as 25 (along with toner and a good moisturizer with spf)!