I’m free!!! :D
Wow, what an exhausting day it was! I was in such a rush today tying up loose ends and showing the other researcher where all my files are located, what my passwords are, etc! It was a whirlwind. Then we had afternoon tea at 3pm.
It was a bit awkward to say the least. It was basically me talking and people asking me questions and everyone starring at me! Nothing like being put in the spotlight! lol. I was actually quite taken a back by many of my coworkers.
They started going around the table and saying their goodbyes and what they thought of me (gulp!), and so many of them said the nicest things, I truly never expected it.
I left feeling so good but also so sad that I would not be seeing some of them 8 hours a day anymore!
One of my coworkers said to me today “Wow you are just GLOWING today!!”
I guess I was that happy to be leaving! haha. I also dressed to the nines…I wore my favourite dress and wore my favourite pink/tangerine lip gloss. Why not go out with a bang right!
My one coworker that I share a room with is heartbroken…and I’m not just saying that, he truly is. He did about a 5 min. speech today at the tea about how much he will miss me and how highly he thinks of me. People in the room were almost crying! It was quite touching. Yes this is the same guy that asked me if I was pregnant! I will never understand men.
They all signed a card for me and gave me a gift card for our wedding registry (we forgot to take it down! lol). Sweet!
It was such a day of mixed emotions, but also one of relief to finally have it brought to a close. My commute home was horrible and again reaffirmed why I don’t want to do that any longer.
I got home and Eric gave me a huge hug! :D We immediately cracked open the fun cabinet :D
The best way to end a Friday:

Sketchie wanted some too! ;)
Sketchie is so happy that I will be home with him during the day and he won’t be all alone!
Thank you all for your well wishes this morning! It really gave me that boost that I needed. Leaving my job was one of the scariest and hardest things that I have ever done, but I truly don’t think that you can make great progress in life without great leaps.
I am not a person who likes change, in fact I hate it. That is why I stayed unhappy in my job for so long. Well, 10 months felt like long for me, but I know people who stay in miserable jobs for years and years. I don’t want to be one of those people. Life is too short and I want to fulfill my strengths and passions now….why wait?
The real question I had to ask myself is:
Ange, what are you waiting for??? Life is passing you by. You have talents that are hidden from the world and you need to embrace them and show them!!!
There are so many exciting things that I have on the horizon and I would love to share all of them with you!

I want to start an online bakery, I want to get my Wellness Counsellor certification and start counselling people on how to live a healthy lifestyle, I want to improve Oh She Glows and really make it bigger and better, and so much more!
I finally feel like this is my time to start pursuing the things I love in life. Shouldn’t we all have that?

It is going to be an exciting adventure, that I am certain of.

Exciting job announcement!
This has not been confirmed yet, but I have been informally offered a temporary job from my employer working for someone in another department. They need a litterature review done for one of their programs and my boss asked me if I would like to do it. I was quite shocked!
It would be working from home to boot and I would be making my current hourly wage that I was making before!
Again, it isn’t final but it sure sounds like a nice way to keep me afloat while I am looking for something more permanent…and no commuting!
I am supposed to be getting an email from the lady next week sometime about it. It would probably be a 2 month contract.
Sometimes good things come from change, right???
I will keep you posted on the details!
Don’t forget to submit those entries for the Healthy valentine’s Day recipe contest! So far I have only received 4 entries….remember there are TWO grand prizes (one for Canadians and one for US+ other), so your odds of winning at looking mighty fine! I will be posting all of the entries in the days leading up to V-Day + I will be linking to your blog.
Also, remember that the recipes/meals don’t have to be 100% healthy. For example, it can be cake with a healthy twist (e.g., vegan or applesauce, etc) but covered in chocolate or icing. It’s all good!
Just have fun with it!
Also remember that the nutritional quality is only worth 10%, while creativity and presentation is worth 90%.
Contest ends SOON!! Sunday Feb 8th at 8pm EST
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
~Alan Cohen
i am SO excited for you :-D you are going to do great things :-D
What great news about your job! I think having a bakery would be some much fun, and you could put your own healthy twist on it!
I’m sure you will succeed in all of your goals!
FREE AT LAST!!!!!! :-D
Job change = awesome. Good for you for following your heart!
You seriously have the most beautiful house!! I know this is sort of personal…….but you’ve shared with us the tips you’ve made for saving money- not going out to eat, making sacrifices with certain foods- going for the cheaper bread, etc…. as a young woman, not close to buying a house, but always thinking about the future…..do you think you could sort of take us on your journey of how you saved for your house, how you found such a beautiful house, and how you planned with Eric to buy your house? Obviously, your finances are private and personal….but just curious if you could share a little bit. It’s so beautiful and HUGE and yet you both seem to really be so smart with spending… it’d be really interesting to hear!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!! :)
Congrats on breaking out of the cubical walls!! I was wondering….do you highlight your hair yourself or do you go to a salon? And of course…if you do it yourself you must share products/techniques. :)
Congrats on leaving the job, pursuing what YOU want to do and the at home work potential!!! :) :)
Congrats on your last day! and good for you for getting out of something that wasn’t your passion. So many people get stuck and it’s hard to get out once you have been there for a while.
I’m so excited to see all the new things that will be coming your way! the 2 month review sounds like a great thing to keep you busy while looking for more permanent things.
I’m hoping to get my recipe to you this weekend!!! Keep reminding me :P
yeah for a new chapter Angela!!!!! I am working on my recipe can’t wait to send it to you!
Congratulations Angela!!! I know you’re going to do great things!
That black and white photo of you is truly truly stunning. What an incredible shot!
Congrats on making the very scary leap! I can’t wait to keep reading and see where you go from here… I have a feeling it will be a very exciting and positive journey!!
I LOVE that quote at the end. Exactly why I am in Prague right now! :)
That is GREAT that you have some work lined up — and that offer shows that they know you are a good worker (but, hey, we all could have figured that out from how you handle the blog). I remember my last day at work, before I started my current position, and I remember how HAPPY I was — enjoy this weekend!!!!!
HOORAY!!! Congrats to you! I totally understand what it feels like to leave a job that is strangling your soul. It is indeed such a freeing experience. YaY for you! And everything you want to do in the future sounds amazing!
good luck with all of your goals angela!!! Congrats on the job offer!! Sounds like a great deal!!
You have so many great professional looking photos on your site. Does your husband take all of those? He has a great talent if he does.