Update: Nov 9th – I am so excited to let you know that we raised $10,073 for Hurricane Sandy relief. I am simply blown away. Thank you all for your generosity!
I created a spreadsheet with your entries and we had a total of 591 people entered for the draw. All contest winners today were selected using Random.org.
The winner of my Vegan/GF Foodie Box is #79 – Charlotte Cromwell!
The winner of the Blendtec is #556 – Maria Winson!
Like many of you, I’ve been glued to the TV watching the coverage of Hurricane Sandy over the past week. My heart goes out to everyone who was impacted. As a spectator, it’s difficult to wrap my mind around the devastation, let alone what it’s like to be in the heart of it all. We were pretty fortunate here in Ontario, relatively speaking.
My second blog giveaway was planned for today, but I felt compelled to turn it into something that could help those in need. We’ve had great success in the past with the Japan Disaster fundraiser and Shop 4 A Cause and I know with your support we can also make this one a huge success as well.
Fundraising Page Update!! Thanks to the Canadian Red Cross, we now have our own fundraising page set up directly through their website. This means no transaction fees! Hooray. A big thanks to Teilo and Catherine for setting this up and the Red Cross team who put the page together! All links are now updated in this post to direct you to the new page. Don’t worry if you donated previously through Canada Helps – all of your info has been added into my spreadsheet for the giveaway draw. Thanks for your amazing support! The fundraising amount on the Canadian Red Cross page also reflects the total amount we’ve raised, including those earlier donations on Canada Helps. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!
So. My goal is to raise 50 billion by Tues. Nov. 6th. ;)
Ok, how does $3,000 sound? I know we can do that! Update: We raised $3,560 in less than 24 hours! Let’s see if we can hit $5,000?
As a thank you for making a donation, I will be doing two random draws for some pretty sweet prizes.
Giveaway #1) Vegan/GF Foodie Gift Box
Oh boy did I have fun at the grocery store this week. I hand selected a huge gift box bursting with some of my favourite food products. So far, I’ve resisted busting open the kale chips…those are my FAV and they are taunting me…..must focus…
I’ll ship this box worldwide, so everyone who donates has a chance at winning. All products are gluten-free and vegan and many are also organic, fair trade, or raw. You can click the picture to scope out the loot closer up.
Included in the delicious gift box:
- Cocovie Coconut Jam (my love!)
- Nuts 2 You Organic Roasted Peanut Butter
- One Degree Organic Green Lentils
- Alter Ego Organic Rainbow Quinoa
- Sweet & Sara Toasted Coconut Marshmallows
- Emile Noel Organic Sesame Oil
- Alive & Radiant Cheezy Kale Chips
- Herbamare (my fav herbed sea salt seasoning)
- 1 peanut butter Larabar
- Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips
- SeaSnax
- TAZO Vanilla Rooibos tea (15 sachets)
- Single serving of Vega Chocolate Performance Protein Powder
- Single serving of Sunwarrior Vanilla Warrior Blend Protein Powder
- box of Mary’s Crackers in Original
Giveaway #2) Blendtec Total Blender
Blendtec has agreed to donate yet another Blendtec Total Blender (valued at $454.95 USD)! Major kudos to Blendtec for their generosity. This prize is eligible to anyone in North America.
Giveaway details:
To be eligible for the giveaway, I ask that your donation is a minimum of $5. If you can give more, that would be great too! Please be sure to check the box that says you give permission for me to see your info – this way I will be able to contact you if you should win.
I will randomly chose two prize winners (one for the foodie gift box and one for the Blendtec) on Tues. Nov 6th. Winners will be announced on the blog shortly thereafter.
If you would like to participate, please visit my donation page.
If you’d like to spread the word about the Fundraiser, feel free to share this post on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. Thank you in advance for your support!
Thank you for doing this! We are up to $8000 now!
Hooray on the great fundraising success to date. I was happy to donate!
Way to go on the fundraising! I sent in a donation on the original page on Friday, not sure if I got it to add my email correctly or not (I left it anonymous).
Wonderful idea. Thanks for organizing!
Thanks for setting this up! Best Friends Animal Society has a link on their web page to directly help animals from the hurricane. I know most of us vegans are extreme animal lovers so thought this would be a great place to put our money as well.
Lovely idea :)
This is a great initiative! Thanks for your support and glad Catherine/Teilo were able to help you set up the webpage.
– Janice Babineau, community manager, Canadian Red Cross
Thanks Janice! I am thrilled with the response as well.
Hi Angela! I don’t remember if I checked the box for you to see my info! (My donation was anonymous.) Should I be so lucky to be drawn, you have my e-mail from this comment :)
Hi Angela,
What a great idea to help those impacted by Hurricane Sandy! I just made my donation but receieved an error and I’m not sure if the donation went through. Can we email privately to see what may have happened? I’ve looked on your site but can’t find a way to email you, so I thought I’d post.
Thanks! Lauren :)
Hey Lauren,
I dont have a list of names until the fundraiser is over Im afraid. Did you receive a receipt after you donated? there should have been one emailed to you. If you have other questions, please contact Teilo Moore : Teilo.Moore [at] redcross [dot] ca
Thanks for getting back to me! I tried again today with a different credit card and it went right through.
thank you!
thank you for your fundraiser…since the night of the 29th its been a nightmare.family and friends lost there homes by flood and trees.long island looks like a bomb hit it.we finaly got electric today and i waited 7 1/2 hours for a full tank of gas saturday.we have been eating what we have but it has not been the best eating this week from stress and from just not having meat/fish/poultry..lots of mac and cheese,raman soup. peanut butter.chef boy-r-dee..people have been so generous with donating supplies to new york…our people thank you….we are bracing for a nor’easter and cold on wednesday. it will hit us dead on where i live on the north shore of long island. but as always we all will get thru it….banks have been waving late fees and credit card companys and others have been working with all of us who have had no work last week and no possible way of getting money into or out of banks…we apreciate that also…thank you for your help..i am letting you all know that it is greatly apreciated
I just donated, I don’t know if I checked the box though. Oh well! Your fund raising efforts are indredible. I wish I could figure out how to do something like this. I work at a non profit yoga studio and money is tight!
This is great and I’m happy I was able to give.
Hi Angela, I am trying to make a donation, but am getting the following message: General decline code, may have different reasons for each card type. Please call donor services.
I called Red Cross, but they didn’t know how to help and gave me a Toronto number to call. Just wondering if you’ve experienced any trouble from donations coming from the states or maybe you could talk with your contact at the Red Cross. Thanks.l
Hey Carolyn,
Im sorry that happened to you! Please email – Teilo Moore : Teilo.Moore [at] redcross [dot] ca
I hope you get it resolved soon!
I am having the same problem! Did you figure out what the issue was?
I had the same problem yesterday and tried again today with a different credit card and it worked fine. Maybe that will work for you all too! I’m also donating from the states.
Hi Angela,
This is such an amazing idea, you are so kind! I just made my donation and I hope you reach $10,000 by tomorrow :) !
Almost $9,000 raised now!!! Vegans are awesome people :)
Happily donate to such a wonderful cause! Thank you for making it so easy!
I think this is awesome of you. I am from Ocean County NJ, thankfully my family was lucky and the worst we suffered was loss of power but during the storm there was a few minutes where we thought we were going to lose everything. The transformers outside of our house and all around town received massive power surges and went absolutly insane. It’s amazing seeing so many people from all over come together to help.
I donated! What a great idea. Cant believe how much you have raised already!
Donated via my photog biz! :)
Wow! the donations are almost at $10,000! What a great achievement :)
Thank you so much for doing this fundraiser and prompting me to get involved and help out. It’s especially cool that a Canadian is so willing to help us here in America. I think that just shows what a great person and role model you are. Looks like your fundraiser have exceeded your expectations, so good job!!! oh, i just dontated, :)
Wonderful idea Angela! I just donated to the red Cross. Thank you for the opportunity to help.