As I have talked about many times in the past, I have struggled with anxiety since I was a child and it surfaces during exciting moments in my life.
As soon as I found out I was going to be on TV, I felt that anxiety creeping back. Because of my past with disordered eating, I used to always channel that anxiety on my outward appearance.
However, over the past few years I have worked very hard to change the negative mindset. I saw a counselor, I applied my psychology teachings, and I did a lot of inner work with myself. The change I have seen has been huge.
With this being said, there are still times in my life when I too am susceptible to negative thoughts and channeling my anxiety in a poor manner. This was evident yesterday. I was all over the place with my feelings and I definitely did not feel grounded in myself.
I always struggle with how much to reveal on this website. Do I hide my feelings because I am worried of sending the wrong message or do I share my struggles with the world in hopes that others can relate and we turn it into a learning experience?
I prefer to turn it into a learning experience, rather than hide who I am.
What I meant to include in my post last night was how I was channeling this anxiety.
When I feel anxious, instead of giving into negative thoughts…I now engage in productive activities to activate positive thoughts!
I thought I would share with you a few things I have been doing.
1) My mom sent me a poem she wrote for Operation Beautiful:

My mom is so good with words!

I love it! It never fails to make me smile. :)

2) Then I took control of my anxiety and wrote myself a positive quote:

This is one of my fav. quotes of all time:

It reminds me to think of the people I love and why I love them. It is often because they have an inner spirit that radiates from the inside!!
A couple other things I did:
3. Progressive Relaxation (try it out it’s awesome!)
4. Writing.
I also made another list of negative thoughts countered with a positive thought. This technique ALWAYS works for me and I do it often.
5. Exercise.
This morning I had a great workout, including some much needed yoga!!! Yoga never fails to relax every cell in my being.
I don’t think it is realistic to expect perfection from ourselves and that includes times when we temporarily divert off our desired path. What is important is how we deal with those times and rise above it!!!!
I may always struggle with negative thoughts creeping back into my head, but I now have the tools to challenge them and kick their butt to the curb.
I feel back to my regular self today and I feel more excited than ever.
Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Do you ever struggle with anxiety during exciting moments (or stressful ones)? How do you overcome it?

PS- Contest winners coming soon- I didn’t forget! Ok ok I did but it’s coming soon! ;)
woah — i wrote about anxiety TODAY too!!! great minds think alike? we even have some of the same strategies. i favor a mindfulness approach and agree exercise helps SO MUCH — my run tonight completely turned my mood around!
I have anxiety a lot! I hate it! I am having quite a bit right now because I have a HUGE clinical exam tomorrow in my doctorate program that will determine if I can continue in the program!! TRYING TO STAY CALM! Haha! I can’t say it effects my eating too much, although I chew lots of gum!
Very helpful and thoughtful post. Countering negative thoughts is important to see things more realistically. I absolutely struggle with negative body image/self esteem and it takes real work to truly feel better. Thanks for the tips.
Angela you will do fantastic in your interview! Thank you so much for your tips. I often turn to food control when I’m stressed and anxious because it’s the one thing I can control. Your tips in how you deal with anxiety and overcame your eating issues has really inspired me to try to live healthily as opposed to obsessing about calories, etc. Thank you for being so honest and sharing your struggles because it helps me feel less alone in dealing with my eating habits.
I’ve been at your blog for like 2 minutes… and I love it already and will subscribe right after this comment.
I’m planning on revamping my own blog soon and yours provides so much inspiration of “what could be” — I really really like this!
You are gorgeous! You’ll do amazing :)
I also have times of anxiety where I can feel it trying to get the best of me. I often notice it with physical symptoms. I tend to either scratch my head/play with my hair until I notice I’m irritating it or I breathe too shallowly and feel like I’ve run a marathon. Deep breathing is a quick easy way to help with either, and I can do it while still accomplishing whatever is needed for a looming deadline. You will be awesome in your interview, no need to stress!!!
I love Trail’s comment about breathing. I also notice this change when I am anxious about anything. Angela, you are awesome. Keep sharing. In fact, there is a whole world of people willing to talk about the good, the great and the impressive, but what’s more impressive is that tiny minority who are willing to share the tough, the ugly and the common.
It is so awesome that you find everything you need to overcome tough times within you. Whenever I want to be needy (on someone or something) I always remind myself that every comfort I could ask for is already within me. I just need to sit down and hang out with ME..quietly, peacefully.
You are going to be great on TV. You are a babe, and you have nothing but great messages to share..including the one you have today. The thing about anxiety is that it’s often an indicator of something huge and exciting just over the horizon.
I use Bach’s Rescue Remedy. It works very quickly to settle your nerves. I don’t leave home without it.
Anxiety is a huge issues in my family. One doctor a family member went to said that she heard of a study where patients who exercised vigorously 5 times a week had as much benefit from the exercise as most people on medication. So now our family members have to exercise at least every other day. It’s a rule in our household! Otherwise we reap the nasty side effects of anxiety (IBS, hospital visits etc.)
I came across your site by accident and admire your courage and honesty to openly discuss your feelings and emotions.
I loved your mom’s poem – love yourself, and all your flaws!
Thank you so much for your post!! I admire your courage to put your feelings out there like that. I struggle with anxiety and OCD and I completely understand where your coming from. We just have to recognize the times that this is happening and handle it with positivity. I listen to Christina Aguilera song “Beautiful” and that really helps. Thank you!!
I am an elementary school counselor and I often teach my anxious students about “ANT Crushing.” An “ANT” is an Automatic Negative Thought, and when one pops in their head they imagine squashing the “ant” and proclaim an opposite statement. For example, “I’m going to fail this test.” SQUASH! “I am going to do my very best on this test.” I cut out pictures of ants and let them literally stomp on them when they are learning the technique. They love it! I realize you aren’t an eight year old, but getting in the habit of swapping a negative thought for a positive one can be helpful. (and thinking of grown-ups running around stomping on “ants” makes me giggle which is also anxiety-reducing!)
Thanks for sharing this with us. I suffer from anxiety myself. In fact, the fact you haven’t posted yet worried me (thoughts like, I hope Angela is ok) – Maybe I’m just a worrier :)
I’m stressed out all the time. In fact I can’t think of a time in my life when I have not been! This is actually why I moved to Maui many years ago :-)
Anyway, I’m pretty stressed again at the moment….changing jobs, dealing with a terrible economy and trying to unload some real estate in this depressed market. However, I’ve been trying REALLY hard to breath, surf and enjoy my beautiful island as much as possible…..these times will pass. They always do….Aloha, xo
Singing, listening to inspiring tunes (a la U2), and praying in my heart to my Creator, Jesus, helps me immensely. Sounds lofty, but its true, and pretty base. Being connected to supportive friends also helps me, and laughter, is really important in times of great anxiety.
And of course I forgot running and writing.
Great post, thank you for sharing :) I completely understand your dilemma with how much is too much to share. I, too, suffered from anxiety and disordered eating following a sexual assault a few years ago. After years of therapy and positive reinforcement, I’ve learned to love myself again and wash myself clean of my negative thoughts (most of the time.) I run a site called Project Bare, where each day I tell something I used to be afraid to admit about my past (ie; eating problems, anxiety, drinking, etc.) and encourage other women to share their stories as well so they too can try to move past their problems and feel the relief that I’ve felt. Next week, I’ll be moving to a week-long topic format for my “reveals” and I’m hoping that soon I can do a week on anxiety. I would LOVE to do an interview with you since you’re a successful woman who has overcome her problems to be a great role model for young women. Would you consider this?
Please feel free to email me back if you’d like to talk more. I would love to pick your brain as a fellow blogger on women’s issues.
I have grown up with a lot of anxiety, mainly around people but that stems from a lot of things. I feel like I get nervous or anxious at least once a day. At least, I used to. I thought it was normal until someone told me how sad that was. I feel like I have grown so much in the last year for the better and I am finally becoming able to overcome those anxieties, but I still have moments of anxiety, I would love to talk to you about it sometime. I can totally relate.