We are having some unusual warm weather this week and it is giving me Spring Fever like crazy! The snow is melting, our moods are lifted, and I think I should be able to run outside this afternoon once the ice melts. I can’t wait. :)
Now, if only the sun would come out…
Before I get to today’s recipe, I want to tell you about a Breakfast Program for kids called Toonies for Tummies. Toonies for Tummies helps fight child hunger in schools by providing breakfast every morning before hungry children head off to class. The money raised helps as many as 75,000 children across Canada.
It is estimated that as many as 1 in 5 children go hungry every day in the neediest communities across Canada.
You can donate $2 at your participating grocery store or you can donate online here. I think it is a great program and it is such an easy way to make a difference in the lives of children who really need it.

Growing up, Wheat Thins used to be one of my favourite ‘boxed’ crackers to buy at the grocery store. When I heard that I could make them at home for much less money and without any strange preservatives I was very excited. I made a half batch because I wasn’t sure if I would like them or not, but I really wished that I made a full batch, so I posted the full batch recipe below.

Homemade Wheat Thins
Crispy but chewy, wholesome, and the perfect vehicle for your favourite dip or spread. These homemade wheat thins exceeded my expectations. They are my favourite (and easiest!) homemade cracker to date!
Adapted from Tracey’s Culinary Adventures. Original recipe from King Arthur’s Cookbook.
Yield: ~64 crackers
- 1 1/4 cups (5 oz) 100% whole wheat flour
- 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus extra for sprinkling on
- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- 4 tablespoons Earth Balance (I used soy-free) or butter
- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp water (or a tiny bit more if dough is too dry)
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or a non-stick mat.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, paprika, salt).
3. With a pastry blender (or two forks), cut in the Earth Balance or butter into the flour mixture until crumbly. See image below. Now mix together the water and vanilla and then pour into the flour and Earth balance mixture. Stir this mixture until it comes together. I got in there with my hands and really squeezed the dough to help it come together. If it appears dry add a touch of water, but you don’t want it sticky.
4. Split the dough in half. On a floured surface or on a non-stick mat, roll out one half of the dough very thin (1/16th inch). Using a pizza cutter, cut into whatever shape you desire. Using a splatula, place the crackers on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat as necessary. Sprinkle with more salt and sesame seeds if desired.
5. Bake for 8-10 minutes, watching closely. Half way through baking rotate the pan to ensure even baking. My crackers took 10 minutes, but if you do not use a baking mat it will likely take less time for you. Be careful because they burn quickly. Cool completely. Makes about 64 crackers for this full recipe. Store in an air-tight container.
Note: This recipe made enough crackers for two baking sheets. I baked them separately, but I am sure you could bake them at the same time as long as you rotate the pans half way through.
It is amazing how GOOD these crackers are with just a few basic ingredients!

I love recipes that exceed my expectations.
All you do is whisk the dry ingredients, cut in the Earth Balance or butter, add water + stir, and then roll out the dough + slice.
Do not be afraid of rolling out the dough either. It was very user-friendly! And it doesn’t have to be perfect, so not to worry. I went for the rustic look. ;)
I made traditional rectangles (with rustic edges!), but you can make any shape you want! Triangles might be fun, especially if you used them in dips like guacamole or salsa. A wheat thin tortilla, perhaps?

Sprinkle with kosher salt before baking. This step is key! Place on the baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes at 400F. I rotated the baking sheet half way through baking.

In just over 30 minutes, I had delicious homemade crackers.
Allow to cool if you have the restraint.

I did not. The crackers sizzled on my tongue. ;)
These vegan wheat thins taste a lot like the boxed version, but we think they taste even better!

Eric and I both agreed that they are our favourite homemade crackers to date. You just can’t beat how short the ingredient list is and how easy they are to throw together.

Try them spread with:
- Peanut butter,
- Hummus,
- Earth Balance,
- guacamole,
- cashew cheese sauce,
- salsa,
- Pico de Gallo,
- jam,
- Dark Chocolate Almond Butter,
- I had to throw it out there,
- The sky is the limit!

Growing up, what were your favourite boxed crackers? What are your favourite crackers today?
I think my all-time favourite boxed crackers were the Swiss Cheese Crackers (lol), followed by Sour Cream & Chives and Wheat Thins.
Oh and I LOVED Ritz Cheese Bits!
(But, after looking at the ingredient label, I think I will try to make my own version at home!)
I have been on a homemade cracker kick lately so I cant wait to try these out! Fav crackers when I was little were probably wheat thins now I love crackers with lots of seeds and herbs!
I totally ate the reduced fat wheat thins as part of my breakfast today… and was thinking about how gross they are for me. I can’t wait to go home and make a batch of these… perfect for my road trip tomorrow! woooooo! yumm
I’m going to try and switch applesauce for the butter, to make it a little fruity, and a lot-less calorie filled..
i hope it turns out as good as yours does!
I’m going to pass this recipe on to my mom. My parents are wheat-thins addicts ;)
Growing up I loved: Ritz, and What-Thins. At University I moved to Stoned Wheat-Thins.
When I went gluten free I was off crackers until Mary’s Crackers came out. Yum!
Triscuits! TRISCUITS! They are like crack to me.
I love the new Balsamic Basil ones too… they taste like pizza. But I don’t let myself have them because of the long ingredient list. Maybe you could veganize them for us?
My boyfriend is going to FLIP when I make these, Wheat Thins are his favourite cracker!
Mine was actually Vegetable Thins, I could eat a whole box! Yummy!
YUM! making these so they’re ready once our detox is done! Do you think I could make them with rice flour or something to get the gluten out? and how maple syrup instead of the sugar (or would the liquid just mess it up?)
Im not sure…it would be an experiment!
I’m definitely making these this weekend. Do you know the nutritional profile for these (total fat, carbs, protein and fiber) for WW purposes? Thanks!
I don’t, sorry!
Ohh – these look ridiculously good! I should make these for my mom.
I’m not a big fan of crackers, I would usually just eat whatever was in the cupboard.
But I am like you and have zero restraint. I can’t wait for things to cool down! My tongue is never happy with me ;)
Love crackers! Ritz and Pepperidge Farm goldfish crackers were my favorites!
Wow, these look delicious! I can’t wait to try them out! I am always looking for ways to make favorite grocery store items homemade!
Will definitely be making these this weekend. So excited! =)
Yumm!! Wheat Thins were always my favorite. I liked the crunchy multi-grain flavor. Do you think you can use this recipe and add nutritional yeast to recreate a vegan cheez-it?! You’d be my hero :)
haha not sure…Ive tried a nooch cracker before and it was a bit off. I’ll have to see what I can do!
Oh, growing up I definitely was a Wheat Thin fanatic. I would have it with cheddar cheese as an after school snack ;)
Now I enjoy heartier or seedier crackers. Still eat it with cheese though! Somethings never change
I am surprised how simple the ingredient list is. Like you said, I don’t like eating too many foods with all the mystery ingredients/preservatives. I find it so satisfying when I can make something like this at home, knowing exactly what went in it, and recognizing all of it as food!
i love kashi crackers.
i wish we were having better weather in Sask. we are getting dumped on by snow. Not sure how Alberta is doing where your mom is tho! hopefully they dont get too snowed in either. Although i wouldn’t mind a snow day :P
Sorry about your snow..what a bummer. Is it spring yet? Sadly our cold weather is supposed to return Friday afternoon. I better enjoy it while I can! lol
Crackers are my FAVORITE thing in the world!! I used to eat wheat thins like they were going out of style! That is, until I realized why my Grandma calls them “Wheat Fats” ;)
Thanks for the recipe Ang! I’m going to gluten-free these up!
I LOVE wheat thins! Want to make these soon :)
These look great! Although I might spice mine up with a bit of parmesan and cayenne.
Mmm, those do look easy. As soon as I saw sugar it did make sense…guess that’s one of the reasons I love Wheat Thins. Will definitely have to try them! (wonder how they would do in a dehydrator?!)
I think they would definitely work in a dehydrator too! Not sure how long though, but Im guessing not too long since these only took 10 mins!