Today has been a busy one getting ready for the market tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last market day and then we are taking some time off from the market so we can have some free weekends this summer. We are looking forward to it!
I also snuck in a quick run today. I had a little run in with a scary animal…a coyote! It was only about 15 feet ahead of me and it stopped and looked at me for the longest time. Then it just left and disappeared into the woods. Never know what you are going to see out here!
The run:
- Distance: 4 miles
- Time: 33:56
- Avg pace: 8:29
Mile splits:
- Mile 1: 8:45 (started off way too fast!)
- Mile 2: 8:36
- Mile 3: 8:39
- Mile 4: 7:56 (rocked it!)
I have the race bug in a big way lately…specifically the 5k race bug! I have never run a 5k before and I am dying to run one soon. I’d like to find one for the 3rd or 4th week of August.
Dinner blew my mind. That Martha did it again!

Homemade Salt & Vinegar Chips (and S & V green beans!)
Salt & Vinegar fans rejoice! These S & V chips are a delicious and healthier alternative to the S & V potato chips I used to love as a kid. I also recommend trying the S & V green beans that I added to the recipe- they were hands down the best tasting green beans I have ever had! If you don’t want to bake these, you can grill them on the BBQ too.
Adapted from Martha Stewart and 101 Cookbooks.
- Approx 4 cups (or more) white vinegar
- 4-5 medium potatoes, sliced into 1/4 inch rounds
- 1-1.5 tsp coarse sea salt
- Very small sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper
- 2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil
- 3 handfuls fresh green beans, trimmed
Directions: Wash and slice up the potatoes into 1/4 inch rounds. Place in a medium sized pot. Wash and trim green beans and place in the same pot. Pour vinegar into pot until all the potatoes and green beans are covered by the vinegar. Bring to a boil and then reduce to medium heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit in pot for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, take a greased baking sheet and lay the potato rounds (not green beans yet!) flat on the sheet. Drizzle oil and mix with hands. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 425F. After 30 minutes of baking, flip carefully and then take the green beans and place on the baking sheet. Drizzle oil and sprinkle more salt. Bake for another 10-15 minutes, watching carefully not to burn the potatoes or beans. Serve with ketchup and more sea salt if preferred. Enjoy!
The cooking process…
Slice the taters!

I used a mixture of red and new potatoes.

Into the pot ‘o vinegar!!!

I thought it was worth a shot to see if the green beans would work as well so I tossed them in too.

Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over medium. Remove from heat and let sit for 30 minutes.
I could not stop eating the green beans straight from the pot of vinegar…they are so addicting!!
After baking for 35 minutes at 425F:

Flip and add green beans and cook for another 10-15 mins:

Oh dear me.

Words cannot describe my joy.

I had it with a side of tomato paste.

This S & V idea is genius. Thank you Martha!
Eric is not a S & V fan and he loved these chips.

Of course all kinds of ideas are flooding my mind now. I wonder what other veggies could be made like this? The possibilities are endless!

The beans were so good.

I can’t wait to try these on the BBQ next time…yum!

Well, I guess I better hit the hay as it is late, late, late. My goal is to get up and do 5 minutes of smiling meditation when my alarm goes off tomorrow morning. I’m sure that will go over swimmingly. lol.
Sleep tight!
The chips look amazing! I am definitely going to make these. Thanks for sharing.
WOWZA. seriously this sounds SO GOOD i can’t even stand it! delicious!
Have a great final farmer’s market day!!! That is good you are taking some weekends off :-)
I just love Martha!
I made these last night for along with “in a jiffy spelt veggie burger”. They turned out perfectly! Both myself and my husband love him of course he ate his with a big beef hamburger. I am trying to convert him. Ha ha!
I made a dip yesterday for my snack that you might want to check out. When I was making it I thought of you.
I’ve learned my lesson. I have to write down the recipe right when I read on your posts! I’ve been looking for your balsamic vinegar green been recipe. Can’t find it. Could you please send it to me? So sorry. Lesson learned!
Hey it is now updated on my recipes page under dinner :)
Made the chips & green beans to have with Perch for dinner tonight. SO GOOD! My husband is British, and a big fan of salt & vinegar chips. He loved these! Thanks for posting the recipe. :)
happy to hear that!
The green beans were amazing and addictive. My husband said they tasted delicious and wishes I had made more. What a win! Thanks for the great recipe!
Funny I baked sliced potatoes and made green beans tonight too! Sans the vinegar though… something was missing – will try these the salt and vinegar way next time! – Bita